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Those who dont believe in God go to hell
Those who do believe in God go to heaven?

Those who dont believe in God and:
have the most beautiful hearts and minds, who are always trying to look at the good in people...

go to hell?
and those who believe and think of murder, rape will go to
heaven just because they believed in god?

How can god who is so compassionate, send such beautiful people to hell?
Why wont he let them into heaven?

Do they deserve to be in hell for not believeing in him- seeing that there is nothing that prooves of his existence?

isnt God being judgemental?

2007-03-11 19:16:16 · 24 answers · asked by Kimberly R 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

isnt believing in god- in fact a religion?

If the people have the right to deceide their paths- then what about the paths the god has choosen? And if god does give you the path how are you to know which one is "the" path? is it a feeling? and instinct?

Do these questions make you feel nervous? I love making people feel uneasy :)

2007-03-11 19:30:27 · update #1

24 answers

No one will go to hell. There is a saying in paganism..."As above, so below". Which simply means that we are a mirror image of the creators, that our world is a mirror of their world. As we act, so too do the creators. If I tell my little daughter that there is no monster in her closet.....will I put her in the oven if she doesn't believe me? NO. It is blasphemous to think that "god" would be less loving than me. We will not be infinitely punished for finite actions. In fact there is no punishment needed. Consequence is built into the universe. We create our own punishments and hells. The creator simply waits, watches and loves.

2007-03-11 19:28:29 · answer #1 · answered by Medusa 5 · 0 0

Many people profess to believe in God. The God of the Bible says that if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was crucified, died and was resurrected and you confess it with your mouth, you will be saved or spiritually born again. Jesus said that if you commit adultery with a woman in your heart, you've committed the sin, even though you didn't physically touch her. The same goes for rape , murder, greed , lust and all other sins. 1 Cor. 6:9-10 talks about the unrighteous deeds and those who won't go to heaven.
No one can get into heaven by their own works. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father. There is no other way. You can be the nicest and most humanitarian person on the earth but if you don't have Jesus as your savior it won't buy you a ticket into heaven. God did this so we couldn't boast about what we ourselves accomplished in pride. As far as hell goes, God had originally created hell for Satan and his demons. And then along came fallen man and either chose or rejected Jesus. If anyone goes to hell, they make the choice to go there. God didn't send them there. They rejected Jesus, the only way to God, for whatever reason. Some people think they have more time to get right with God and then they're killed before they get the chance.
God is Holy. Holy means to be set apart for a special purpose. Because God is Holy, which is a part of His divine nature, He requires us to be the same. Of course, we can only be Holy through the Blood of Jesus. God can't let sinful men into heaven for the same reason He kicked Satan and the fallen angels out of heaven. They were in pride and disobedience and sin is absolutely repulsive to God. God is awesome love and righteous judgement. You cannot have one without the other.
If you look at everything around you, it testifies of God's awesome creative power and His artistic expression. Take a look at yourself...you are one of a kind. God made you unique and special. There is no one else like you on the planet with the same mix of gifts and abilities. Look at all the different types of trees and plants and animals and people.
The wind isn't seen but we know it exists. We can feel it and measure the speed of it. The Bible has endured and survived all these years and there are more copies in print than any other book in the world. The Bible is the only book I know of that has the power to change a person's heart and life when applied. Why? Because truth always outlives a lie and the Bible exposes the lies and intents of our hearts.

2007-03-11 19:57:55 · answer #2 · answered by graphitegirl 3 · 0 1

Those who dont believe in God go to hell
I have a right not to believe so why should I be punished for it.
Those who do believe in God go to heaven?
Ok sounds reasonable
Those who dont believe in God and:
have the most beautiful hearts and minds, who are always trying to look at the good in people...
go to hell?
Never, bc God can't affect a non-believer
oil n water apples n oranges
and those who believe and think of murder, rape will go to
heaven just because they believed in god?
Never! because not even the strongest Man can hold back a guilty conscience. He will not feel worthy when he is about to die.
How can god who is so compassionate, send such beautiful people to hell?
ying and yang ?
Why wont he let them into heaven?
Do they deserve to be in hell for not believeing in him- seeing that there is nothing that prooves of his existence?
No Man is fine just the way he is, molded over eons to a current perfection suited to the current environment outside.
Why should a Texan follow the laws of New Mexico?
isnt God being judgemental?
Only for those that worry about judgement day.

2007-03-11 19:32:22 · answer #3 · answered by mark [mjimih] 3 · 0 0

If you are good and believe in God you will go to heaven and if you are bad and dont believe in God you will go to hell and raost in entire hell fire for an enternity. A bit severe really dont you think?

Its not God that is being judgemental Kimberly its the spokespeople of God "PEOPLE" who are being judgemental.

I dont believe in Jesus Christ - Ok? I dont believe that a virgin can give birth and I dont believe a man walked on his earth can descend to heaven in the flesh - nor walked on water not fed 100's of people with bread and fish. I raise my children to be good children and they have access to religions so they can make an informed decision when they are older. I am a good person I help people, I give money to buskers and to charities and people begging. I try to give to my community but according to the die hard christian believers I to am going to hell because I dont believe, simple as that really. Now suppose I was a murder or child rapist and I am in jail and for whatever reason I go to scripture and I accept God and Jesus etc the christians will deem me fit to go to heaven because I am taken God and Jesus into my heart, dispite the terrible things I may have perpertrated. No I am sorry it makes no sense and that is why I dont get involved in the whole christian view point. One is a threat and one is a bribe and there is no in between on grey areas when in fact the world and the people are so complex there has to be margins for grey and in betweens. You ave made a good point but God has never really said any of this (the bible is a bit dubious - its had many revisions over the centuries and looks to me like the original chinese whisper. Its the people who have made these rules and the hell fire and brimstone preachers.

2007-03-11 19:30:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Not at all.You can't buy your way into heaven by dropping a dime in the basket.The only thing that does is make the preacher very wealthy.You have to feel God.It's not about any Religion.Religion doesn't teach you to truly love yourself as much as you love god.Religion teaches "Guilt and Shame".Most child molesters are religious people.If jesus were alive today do you think he'd want anything to do with Religion?I don't.

2007-03-11 19:25:51 · answer #5 · answered by nobodylovesyou 1 · 0 0

Unfortunately we are all sinners.
God is righteous, he does not just wink at sin. He is a Holy and righteous God. Sin is a very serious matter with Him.
We as humans may think it isn't so bad but that is because we live in a sin filled world and to us this is normal.
If God does not judge sin he is not perfectly righteous.
Every single sin ever committed in this entire universe from beginning to end *must* be judged and payment *must* be made. That's why God sent Jesus to pay that penalty for us that we might be free from the justice of God. Jesus died for my sins on the cross and suffered God's wrath in hell equivelent to what I would have had to suffer for all the sins I have committed and will ever commit in my life.

God cannot let anyone into heaven unless they are spotless and blameless. Which means either one of two things:

1. You perfectly obey God's entire law and live perfectly without sin. This is impossible. If we even have one sin in our life, that sin must be judged and paid for.

2. Jesus paid for my sins so it is as if I have already crossed through eternal death.

2007-03-11 19:30:29 · answer #6 · answered by Archangel 4 · 0 0

As a Buddhist who believes in a higher power (God) :

I would say that heaven and hell are created by us right now... there is no clear time of death... we don't have to wait to suffer the karma of our lives... we can experience heaven and hell on this very plane!

There is this idea that some people die long before their bodies actually stop moving... these walking dead are referred to as "hungry ghosts".... they are experiencing "hell" even though they have not yet died... this is because of the terrible way that they have been taught to live their life... it is sad and they must be enlightened to get out of this rut... but it is not easy.

2007-03-11 19:19:58 · answer #7 · answered by rabble rouser 6 · 2 0

By accusing God of being judgemental, aren't you being judgemental too?

Anyway, EVERYONE deserves Hell. NOBODY deserves heaven. Why? Because all us have have moral failures and sinful deeds to our credit, or rather discredit. Those who finally end up in heaven are not there because they made it through any merit of their own. They are there because they acknowledged that they cannot make it and needed someone to place them there.

2007-03-11 19:31:45 · answer #8 · answered by Seraph 4 · 0 1

I agree with you. God is all powerful. It is his choice, no one else's, to send people to hell. Think about it this way. Who would be held responsibile in this situation?
A woman is walking home with her purse. A guy steps out and demands her purse. When she refuses, he says he has a gun and will kill her if she doesn't hand it over. She doesn't and he kills her.
Who's responsible? In Christianity, the woman with the purse is responsible, because she was informed of the consequences of her actions and refused to comply with the demands.
The christian god is the same way. He says, give me your soul or you will go to hell. It is extortion, plain and simple. Here on earth, we put people in jail for doing things like that, but for some reason it is okay for god to do it.
And people wonder what is wrong with society....even god refuses to take responsibility for his own actions.

2007-03-11 19:23:46 · answer #9 · answered by Jensenfan 5 · 2 1

Just because you don't believe in GOD it don't mean you are going to HELL and people who go around saying that are the ones who are judging.

2007-03-11 19:22:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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