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i have very big tummy after 2nd babyi'm not able to reduce what i have to dopl. help me.i'll do all things friends pl help me my target is 7 months.thanks

2007-03-11 18:48:06 · 14 answers · asked by kirti251 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

14 answers

There is no magic weight-loss pill, supplement, fad diet, or juice. The ONLY way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn. Brad Pitt didn’t get buff for Fight Club by drinking green tea, and you won’t either.

The only “fat burning” supplement that actually works is the Ephedrine/Caffeine/ Aspirin (ECA) cocktail favored by serious athletes. I don’t recommend it for the casual dieter. I used when I was an active duty Marine, in my twenties, preparing for a bodybuilding contest. Obviously I was in excellent shape already. Ephedrine has been known to cause serious heart problems.

Hoodia, on the other hand, has been scientifically proven to reduce hunger. The problem with hoodia is that it is not regulated by the FDA, and studies have indicated that most products claiming to contain hoodia actually have little, if any, pure African hoodia. Those products that did contain hoodia were inconsistent from one capsule to the next. I have found two brands that seem to be consistent and effective, Relacore and PowerNutra.

Exercise doesn’t mean you have to join a gym or go to an aerobics class, although I would highly recommend it. To burn fat, you should exercise at a moderate pace for at least thirty minutes. A moderate pace is one in which your heart rate is elevated but you’re not so winded that you can’t carry on a normal conversation. That is the mode in which your body burns fat stores. High heart-rate cardio work tells your body to burn glycogen and store the fat for later—you don’t want that.

Walk for 30 minutes every day including weekends, Mondays, and Fridays. Do at least 30 minutes of weight training each week. Do 60 minutes of additional, higher intensity cardio each week. You don’t need additional equipment—infomercial products like the Ab Lounger, Sauna Belt, etc. are all worthless gimmicks so don’t waste your money.

Eat breakfast, and eat five small meals per day instead of three big meals. Don’t starve yourself during the day—many low-calorie diets fail because when you go hungry, your body switches to “famine mode” and stores fat for the coming drought. On the other hand, if you don't wake up ravenous, then you ate too much the day before. Stop eating at least two hours before you go to bed.

Cut back on the foods you eat with high fat and high sugar content. Eat only single servings (read the label) with less than 3 grams trans fat and 3 grams sugars. As a vegetarian, can you eat fish? If so, eat canned tuna (in water, not oil). No dairy (except low fat cottage cheese occasionally); no processed meats; no heavy sauces; no chips, cookies, sodas, breads, etc.

Don't consume alcohol—alcohol is nothing more than empty calories with no nutritional value. Some people will argue that alcohol has some health benefits when consumed in moderation—I’m not debating that—but we’re talking about weight loss here. Lay off the booze if you want to lose the belly.

Drink lots of water, then drink more. Not tea, not Gatorade, not milk. Water. If your urine isn’t almost clear, you need to drink more water.

2007-03-11 19:04:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To remain healthy while losing weight, you should only plan on losing 1 kg every week, So your 7 months should reduce about 28 kgs if you do everything right. Do not plan for 40 kgs loss, that will be a big mistake. Take a high fibre high nutrient diet, with a larger breakfast, medium lunch and very light dinner. Do not go more than 4 hours without eating. Exercise, walking and with weights for about 30-40 minutes, preferable twice in the day. Count total calorific intake. Make sure you consume about 1000 calories daily. Best of Luck

2007-03-11 18:55:26 · answer #2 · answered by Abhijeet Mhaskar 2 · 0 0


2016-10-13 10:02:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Exercise everyday like jogging around the block
Skip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per day
Dont eat until you're full
Eat fruits at night if your hungry.
Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.
I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.
there's a video on success fitness too.

2007-03-12 02:15:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do not eat potatoes, banana fruits. Do morning or evening - walk a mile and have honey with milk during night Do Suryanamaskaram that is for women. That is Navasan with help your tummy to be smaller. Daily do Pranayama. Start today the pranayama / inhale, exhale and stop eating oil and sweets made with ghee. Hope you go with eating leafy vegetables and eat pulkas made up of wheet flour and eat less rice. To some extent this helps to go with your plan of 6 months

2007-03-14 01:00:10 · answer #5 · answered by sr50kandala 3 · 0 0

Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals
Realistic weight loss ambitions can help you stay on track—and reach your diet goals.

Turns out, it's not the occasional piece of Death by Chocolate Cake that does in our weight loss efforts. It's the universal wish to lose a lot of weight ASAP and the expectation that we can simply diet it away easily.

Weight control experts call it the false-hope syndrome -- when dieters have unrealistic expectations about exactly how long it will take to shed excess pounds.

Unfortunately, research shows that unrealistic expectations boost the risk of dropping out of a weight loss program. And though at least one study has found that dieters may temporarily eat less if their expectations are too high, that undereating may be replaced by overeating at the very next temptation.

Overall, experts concur, unrealistic weight loss objectives are not productive, and can trigger failure. The best way to go: smaller, realistic goals, says Janet Polivy, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, Canada.

The question is: How do you set realistic weight loss goals?
5 Ways to Set Sensible Weight Loss Goals

When WebMD asked the experts for their tips on setting realistic weight loss goals, their recommendations came down to a few simple strategies. But before you put these to use, remember to talk your weight loss plans over with your doctor.

* Resolve to lose slowly

"Medically, most clinicians would say goals of losing five to 10 percent [of your start weight] are achievable," says Jennifer A. Linde, PhD, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

So if you weigh 200 pounds, a reachable target would be to lose 10 to 20 pounds.
* Do the math.

"A realistic goal is losing 1 to 2 pounds a week to stay healthy," says Linde.

That means being realistic about your time frame. If you need to lose 25 pounds, figure you are embarking on at least a three-month program. Fifty pounds? Assume a time frame of at least six months. Aim to burn 500 to 1000 calories a day either by eating less, exercising more, or both.
* Set short term goals.

Reach for minimilestones. Instead of focusing on just losing 25 pounds, go for -- and celebrate -- that first 5-pound loss.
* Track your progress.

Record your successes in a way that works for you. Take advantage of online programs, use a notebook, or keep a journal. Whatever keeps you on track.
* Think about long-term goals.

"It's OK to think big, Linde says, "but it may mean starting small and working towards a big goal."

So if your long-term goal is losing 50 pounds in a year, for example, maybe your short-term goal is getting through the day without eating too much.

There's an old saying: Lose it slowly, keep it off. This adage makes sense for at least one reason: Losing weight slowly means you've had time to adopt new behaviors, like eating less and exercising more.

And when you focus on the process of changing your habits --- not just on losing weight -- those new and healthier habits will be a big boost in helping you attain your weight loss goals.

2007-03-12 02:46:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

cut your wine calories in half by opting for chardonnay the lightest option as a wine spritzer equal parts wine and soda water

2016-07-04 08:41:49 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

identify the emotional triggers that lead you to seek unhealthy comfort food picture your goal weight the next time a trigger strikes to help you resist temptation

2016-08-12 19:02:31 · answer #8 · answered by Michelle 3 · 0 0

dirt devil your car mats for 5 minutes then wax your ride for 20

2016-08-13 19:11:07 · answer #9 · answered by Candice 3 · 0 0

love a peanut butter smoothie try two tablespoons of powdered peanut butter instead

2015-12-22 03:09:49 · answer #10 · answered by Keri 3 · 0 0

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