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1. you said that jesus is a son of God. But why jesus mother is just a human?
2. you said that jesus is a son of God, Does God has a father?
3. If jesus is a son of God, how can he die. doesn't it means that jesus is just human?
4.if you said that bible is the word of God, why there is more than one version of bible. why bible changes with times? as i know, bible is created by human. doesn't it's mean that bible is just a word of human?
5.what do you mean by holy spirit.
6. where can you find holy water. every water has a source.
7. why all of you drink alcoholic drink, do sex before marriage, although it's clearly stated forbidden in your bible?
8. why is it crimes statistic in christians country is much higher than other country?
9. what married really mean in christian although you can have sex and children before married?

please answer these but i didn't want any quote from bible because some of you didn't believe in bible.

2007-03-11 18:06:39 · 30 answers · asked by Tia 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Mr Scneb, what do you mean by a real question? or you can't answer these questions?

2007-03-11 18:12:31 · update #1

why do you need an articles from the internet? you can't answer what you own believe?

2007-03-11 18:14:12 · update #2

if all sin can be forgiven just after you make a confession, so all christian can do anything they want because it will be forgiven. lol.

2007-03-11 18:17:09 · update #3

if all sin can be forgiven without any punishment, so christians can do whatever they want? lol. that's why the crime statistic in christians country is so high.

2007-03-11 18:19:59 · update #4

Islam didn't believe in jesus. we just believe that Isa is just a messenger of God. we didn't believe at all that jesus or Isa is the son of god.

2007-03-11 18:33:40 · update #5

30 answers

1. because He is 100% human and 100% God.
2. Yes, God the Father
3. Because He dying was the only way to save us....He willingly gave up His life
4. The Bible is the same....the translations and the versions of English, or German, or Swedish are different but the Bible is the Same.
5. The 3 part of God, is the Holy Spirit, There is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Sprit.
6. Catholic churches have priests bless the water (making it holy)
7. Because we're human and screw up just like everyone else, but when we fall we go back to our Heavenly Father and ask for His forgiveness and help not to do that again.
8. 49 % of all statistics are made up on the spot.
9. For me it means to wait until I'm married for sex and kids.

2007-03-11 18:15:07 · answer #1 · answered by Jan P 6 · 3 0

1. Jesus is THE Son of God, not "a" son of God. Jesus' mother was human because Jesus had to be human as well as God.
2. God said "I AM". He simply is, He does not have a father.
3. Jesus' human nature can die, not His God nature.
4. Bible versions are interpretations based on the same earlier transcripts and writings. Some versions also use the Dead Sea Scrolls as reference material which earlier versions did not. All Bible versions say essentially the exact same thing. I have a multitude of versions.
5. The doctrine of the Trinity states that is three-in-one, Father, Son, Holy Ghost (Spirit). Think water, ice, and steam.
6. Holy water is water which has been blessed by a priest. I think any water can be "holy". I am not Catholic though so I'm just guessing. Not all Christian denominations use holy water.
7. Only drunkeness is a sin. Jesus Himself turned water into wine. Perhaps He even downed a few. Any extra-marital sex is sinful. Anyone commiting such an act is a sinner. good thing Christ died for things like that, huh? All we have to do is put our faith in Him.
8. If you mean America then you are mistaken in thinking this is a Christian country. It is a secular humanist country. We can't pray in school, put up the Ten Commandments in courtrooms, or mention God in the public square. We can't even display a nativity scene at the local courthouse.
9. Sex before marriage is a sin. Marriage in this country is a legal contract and has nothing to do with religion. Even atheists get married.

2007-03-12 01:21:53 · answer #2 · answered by Cybeq 5 · 1 1

1. Because God chose her to bear his son.
2. No, he is the creator of all.
3. Because he was in human form.
4. The words do not change. There are men that have made up their own bible. You have to be really careful what you read. New King James Version is the best to go by.
5. Holy spirit is God inside of us spiritually. Like a ghost so to speak.
6. There is no such thing as holy water. Man made that up.
7. Because, you have top remember that the devil tempts us to do those things. We are human beings and sin but we should have self control. Some just don't care what God wants us to do because thay want to do what they want to do. It doesn't make it right though.
8. I don't really understand this question and where you got it from. There is no christian country. Also the crimes are probably coming from those who are not christians and/or don't care what God wants.
9. The love of two people who come together as one. You are married not only by law but in Gods' eyes. Yes you can have sex without sinning. God says a man is to leave his mother and father and become one with a woman in marriage. When you love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them then you marry them, right?
I hope this helps you. I do believe in the bible but I didn't quote because you asked not to. If you have anymore questions you can also read the bible. Do you believe in God or the bible? All sin is forgiven but you still have to follow Gods' word and try to stay away from sin. Purposely sinning is not forgiven by God. He knows your heart and if your truthful when you repent. Drinking is a sin. God says that you are NOT to be drunk, even a little bit. Some of these people are telling you what they think and do and not what's from the bible. THe best thing for you to do is read the bible and not internet sites or listening to human beings.

2007-03-12 01:20:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Ok good questions! first and most important is the Holy spirit, you ask what is it, it is Gods spirit and he manifest it into our hearts and changes our minds, you can find it only after believing Jesus was raised from the dead by Gods Holy spirit and he will send it into you and give you a new nature. Now the problem here is that most Christians have not got this spirit, they have a knowledge of Jesus and they think that is enough, that's why you see all the sin, they are not regenerate Christians. When a person excepts Christ he gets baptized and the Holy spirit comes to you act 2 and john 3, but now he (the Holy spirit) wants to do a work from God and clean you up and get the sin out of your life and teach you Gods word and will, and live by his spirit and not your flesh. So yes we should not be having all this sex your right, it is an outward expression of the flesh not the spirit, plain and simple most Christians do not read there bible or have a working knowledge of Gods word! So they need Jesus and his forgiveness worse ..........

2007-03-12 01:17:15 · answer #4 · answered by bungyow 5 · 3 0

1. Mary was chosen by God to carry his son.
2. God is the father, he is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
3. He was both fully God and fully human at the same time.
4. As language changed over the years the Bible was translated into them. Ive read several different translations and they all say the same thing just using different words. (Like a thesaurus)
5. The spirit of God
6. I don't believe in Holy water ask the Catholics about that one.
7. Because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
8. Prove that one. Define crime? Muslims murder each other all the time.
9. Once again all have sinned.

2007-03-12 01:15:53 · answer #5 · answered by Jayson Kane 7 · 3 0

1. Mary was used to bring Jesus into the world as every other human. Part of Jesus' ministry was to experience everything that we humans did. Mary, like all of us, was a chosen vessel for God's work to be done. And was used to be a sign as to the coming of the Messiah that a VIRGIN would give birth. - Isaiah 7:14
2. Jesus IS THE Son of God, not a. God is without beginning or end.- Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13
3. Jesus was fully God and fully human, through the birth of a human again He experienced the same things that we do, pain, bleeding, and death.
4. Different versions were produced to make the scripture easier to understand. Even though their are several versions they all say the same things, but with different words. It's like using a thesaurus to find another word to explain to others people your point. God is the author of the bible, man is just the on to put it on paper. If you doubt the bible please proove to me how 44 different people who over a 1,000 year time period, most of who never met, were clever enough to center it around 1 peron? Christ Jesus.
5. God is Spirit and Truth, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. - John 4:24
6. Water that is blessed. That is more of a Catholic thing.
7. Why do you? All man has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. -Romans 3:23 Not all Christian have taken part of these acts. You also have to remember that many like me have not always been Christians.
8. Crime statistics have nothing to do with Christianity. Crime exists everywhere, this is not even a biblical question. I could ask you why crimes against Chrisitans never reported.
9. Marriage is an institution between man and woman, the 2 become 1 flesh, Genesis. Again not every Christian was always a Christian some of us were hethens before we found Christ. Many Christians I know saved themselves for marriage, and never sired children until they were wed.

I know you did not want biblical reference, but I gave it anyway. I strongly bellieve in the scripture and I believe that you did not want them because you would not look them up anyway. The fear of hearing the Word of God is why you do not want to have references.

2007-03-12 01:29:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1. God put Jesus through every thing man goes through on earth, including birth. Remember, it was a virgin birth.
2. No.
3. Again, God sacrificed Jesus, his fate was to die and then rise again. Without the death of Jesus we are all subject to judgement because of our sin.
4. The Bible was written in Hebrew (old testament) and Greek (new testament), they don't translate word for word into our language. The greeks especially could use one word which had several meanings. Plus, our own lexicon has changed over the years, no one talks like the transcribers of the King James Version, so there are more updated translations. The Bible is inspired by God who chose humans to do the writing.
5. Think of the Holy Spirit as a spirit of truth, left on Earth after Jesus ascended back to heaven to guide us. Think of it like your conscience, that little voice in the back of your head that tells the difference between right and wrong. The Holy Spirit is the living part of God still with us.
6. A catholic could better answer this, but in the catholic church holy water means any water blessed by a priest.
7. Many Christians neither drink or engage in premarital sex, but even if they do, no Christian should ever claim to be without sin, all sin... Christians learn that they are to be accountable for the sins they committ, but all of us sin... that's why Jesus died, to be the sacrifice for us who should die for our sins.
8. I question your statistics there, some countries don't consider similar acts to be crimes. Some countries don't record the crimes of criminals... but I would bet that third world countries and countries with radical Muslims have much higher murder rates.
9. Again, no one Christian or other believes having sex with a child is appropiate. People are falliable, even Christians, but a sin is a sin. No one is free from sin.

2007-03-12 01:21:44 · answer #7 · answered by Scott B 7 · 1 1

1. Because Mary was human not a God.
2. No God said that before him there were no other Gods formed.
3. Jesus died and then was resurrected, he is alive and well sitting at the right hand of God.
4.Men keep messing with it but you can go to the originals, but they are in Greek and Hebrew , I think.
5. The Holy Spirit is a entity that along with Jesus achieved perfect oneness with God.
6. Catholics have Holy Water, It is water blessed by their priests.
7. I don't drink, I didn't have sex before marriage.
8. Because we have courts of law we don't just take people out and pump bullets in their heads.
9.It is a Holy Union before God.

I believe in the bible.

2007-03-12 01:20:48 · answer #8 · answered by Angelz 5 · 1 0

1. you said that jesus is a son of God. But why jesus mother is just a human?

Because God chose for him to have a human mother.

2. you said that jesus is a son of God, Does God has a father?

Yes, he often referred to his father.

3. If jesus is a son of God, how can he die. doesn't it means that jesus is just human?

The human body he was living in died, the spirit never did.

4.if you said that bible is the word of God, why there is more than one version of bible. why bible changes with times?
as i know, bible is created by human. doesn't it's mean that bible is just a word of human?

The Bible hasn't changed, there have been contemporary translations though. God inspired told the humans who write it what to say which is more obvious in prophetic books like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel..

5.what do you mean by holy spirit.

God the holy spirit, the divine paraclete whom Jesus promised would come after he left.

6. where can you find holy water. every water has a source.

You'll have to ask a catholic that one.

7. why all of you drink alcoholic drink, do sex before marriage, although it's clearly stated forbidden in your bible?

I don't drink and my first time having sex was with my wife. What made you think every christian drinks and has premarital sex?

8. why is it crimes statistic in christians country is much higher than other country?

The only truly christian country is pitcairn island and they have little if any crime. Muslims have a difficult time understanding that secular post modern countries are not christian, but they aren't.

9. what married really mean in christian although you can have sex and children before married?

Again, I didn't have sex or children before I got married.

Anything else? Want to answer some questions about islam? Why do you call Jesus a prophet when he equated himself with God? You believe he was only a man, doesn't that mean you really believe he was a lying blasphemer?

2007-03-12 01:17:03 · answer #9 · answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7 · 2 1

1. you said that jesus is a son of God. But why jesus mother is just a human?
***because God had to find a way to have Jesus be born into this world, and He chose Mary, from the begining, she was called to be blessed, "conceived without original sin". She was not like any of us, she was the chosen one to carry Jesus.
You asked about Mary being human, but then you also have to think of the father, Joseph, Jesus was conceived with the Holy Spirit sent to stay in Mary's womb, not by coitus.

2. you said that jesus is a son of God, Does God has a father?
***No. Because God is the Creator Himself.

3. If jesus is a son of God, how can he die. doesn't it means that jesus is just human?
***Because He has to, to save man from sin. And to fulfill the Word of God. To be able to be resurrected. In dying will we see, new life, eternal life.

4.if you said that bible is the word of God, why there is more than one version of bible. why bible changes with times? as i know, bible is created by human. doesn't it's mean that bible is just a word of human?
***The Bible is the collection of Books, Books written by those who lay claim to be witnesses of the works and words of God and Jesus. Through their experiences we are able to experience and learn more about God. If there are no translation of the Bible made, then i guess we wouldn't be able to understand it. Different versions were made because the Bible contains idioms and concepts that are difficult to undertand, leading to differing opinions of faith, thus, denominations [religion]. It is an ongoing process.

5.what do you mean by holy spirit.
***Holy Spirit is the third Person in the Holy Trinity. He is the breath of life, present everywhere everytime.

6. where can you find holy water. every water has a source.
***It is water that has been blessed.

7. why all of you drink alcoholic drink, do sex before marriage, although it's clearly stated forbidden in your bible?
***you can drink alcoholic drink to moderation. Drunkenness if stated in the Bible.

8. why is it crimes statistic in christians country is much higher than other country?
***We are aware which countries have problems. Do you think they are still able to keep count of the countless crimes being done? That's the least of their worries. If they don't have figures, then it would seem that they have less crimes in some random survey based on numbers. But then we would value life more, then just statistics, right?

9. what married really mean in christian although you can have sex and children before married?
***i didn't get your question,.. LOL;-)
anyway, marriage is a promise between a man and a woman in front of God (God being the witness) to be husband and wife. and to do God's will.
You can have sex and bore children outside of/before marriage, that is your choice.
It is taught amongst Christians the value and the importance of this sacrament that we wait. And also, because we are not animals, that we do not just go hump anytime/anyone we want, we are made humans, according to His likeness, to have a mind of our own, to have control of ourselves.

2007-03-12 01:56:19 · answer #10 · answered by coco_loco 3 · 1 0

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