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Ok, so I claim myself to be athesit because I used to be a huge supporter of Evolution theory. But my friend has an excellent theory on why evolution is incorrect, and it makes perfect sense to me. She says, if the theory that we evolved from monkeys, why would there still be monkies existant?

2007-03-11 18:02:50 · 25 answers · asked by Violin2 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Many apes or monkeys have a range species some evolved while others became extinct. Evolution is real , species change as does the world we live in and we and other species evolve according to the way the world evolves. people also did not evolve from monkeys we evolved from Neanderthals which was another species all together. BY THE WAY LEARN TO USE THE SPELLING CHECKER

2007-03-11 18:18:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Hi Amy L,

You kids never read the reolved questions. If you had, you would have seen that "still monkeys" comes up 1 - 4 times a day in the Yahoo Questions. It comes up so much that some of the regulars have made a game of it, which is why you see answers to your questions that involve drinking.

I am not chastising you. I am trying to explain why "swig gulp" is a reasonable answer.

There was an episode of "Frasier" in which all three Crane men watched "Antiques Road Show". Every time someone on the show said "veneer", they all took a swig - Fraser and Niles of fine red wine, Martin of beer. There are sports bars in which everyone takes a drink whenever the announcer on the TV says "Base" or "ball control", depending on the sport.

In Religion and Spirituality, the regulars got so tired of "still monkeys" that they made it a drinking game; every time someone asks it, they take a drink.

You can click on "Advanced" there next to the search box and look search for "still monkeys" or "still monkies". You will get 400 - 500 questions, mostly in R&S, some in biology, some in really stupid categories.

Ask your friend why 99.5% of all biologists today believe evolution is the best expanation, and if there are other places in the world where science and religion clash. Does she believe the earth goes around the sun, or vice versa? That was a BIG clash between scientists and religion, 500 years ago.

2007-03-12 10:52:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

OK the process of evolution is a simple concept but I believe that you have fallen prey to the common misconception of evolution. Evolution does not say that anyone came from anything. Neither does it say "Survival of the Fittest".

It says that mutations take place in every species. To prove this look at your neighbor. Does he/she look exactly the same as you? I think not. Now these mutations are called adaptations if they are beneficial to the animals survival. If the mutation is a hindrance than the animal is more likely to die thus ending the that mutation's gene and vice versa. Now some mutations are neutral. Meaning that they don't help or hurt the animal. These type of mutations provide diversity among the species.

Back to adaptations. These are what cause the development of new species.

To illustrate this I will use a made-up example.
(Sorry if it looks bad but bear with me)
Lets say there is a colony of monkeys which cover a small island. They can mingle and breed with each other and live in a similar climate. (Species A)


Now some event splits this species up such as a separation of the continent or mountain building occurs.


Now the species can't mingle for millions of years and the climate changes differently in both areas. This will cause different adaptations in the species so a new species is born. (species B)


Now that was overly simplified but its just a brief overview. A real world example of this is the prokaryotes (simplest organism on earth). They were the first living organism on earth and all animals evolved from them but they are still alive today.

Also there used to be several different species of hominid. (Neanderthals in particular) They are now extinct and they are a strain of humans which appeared the same time that modern humans ancestors appeared. They weren't able to cope with climate changes and died off.

OK in conclusion humans are believed to have evolved from a strain of monkeys which are not alive today.

Now evolution doesn't say the earth is millions of years old. It only describes what is happening. Evolution does in no way explain the creation of earth. All it explains is why there is diversity. So you can be Christian and believe in evolution.

Evolution does not say survival of the fittest. It only says that the FIT will survive. You don't have to be the best species that is adapted to envirnment to survive. You only need to be fairly well adapted.

Now this is only scratching the surface if you have any questions e-mail me or read his book. It's quite good and he is very humble which surprised me. He is arrogant. You'll know what I mean if you read it.

2007-03-12 01:45:06 · answer #3 · answered by Bob 2 · 1 0

Thats kind a silly argument - to be able to dispute Darwin's "On the Orgin of Species", you have to become familiar with it.

Darwin's hypothesis was that 'nature' did not create anything unless there was a purpose for it.

SO - with more complex mechanisms like the very cells in your body:

How did nature create them?? Since one part will not fullfill its purpose without another???

Or did "nature" just think up the whole thing and then make it??

Whatever way you wish to look at it, evolution implies an underlying intelligence - else how would 'nature' know which changes to make???

Where is that intelligence?? I don't think modern day science has explained THAT part.

Science has come so far since Darwin and proves that he was wrong in many areas.

Then, he didn't have the benefit of an electron-scanning microscope, did he?? Didn't know about RNA and DNA and the internal 'machines' in every cell in this world.

AND - why is our body temperature the same as some rhinos???

2007-03-12 01:16:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

We didn't evolve from monkeys. We're actually closer to chimpanzees than monkeys, but that's besides the point. We evolved from a common ancestor. Humans evolved from an animal that came before us, chimps and monkeys. This evolution process brought us to the many distinct types of similar mammals we see today.

It's obvious that you don't know as much about evolution as you may think.

2007-03-12 02:19:22 · answer #5 · answered by drummerofaband 3 · 1 0

Good qustion Amy

Evolution makes many claims but fails to provide any proof.

Some say Christianity clashes with science. It only clashes with atheist scientists. For an extensive list of credible, well qualified scientists who determined from the scientific evidence that the universe was created by God, see: http://www.creationinfo.com/list.htm

We also find some interesting things in the earth such as human and dinosaur tracks found together, and human artifacts such as tools and jewelry in coal seams.

The evolutionist will have a hard time explain the presence of polystrate trees. These are found vertically, standing through several strata which is supposed to span "millions" of years of geologic time. If it took millions of years to deposit these layers, then how can these trees fossilize?

It's intersting how some say we didn't evolve from monkeys or apes, but that we all evolved from a common ancestor, - but they can't seem to tell us what exactly this thing was. Another example of claims without proof. The missing link is still missing.

Never stop being inquisitive in all things, Amy. Look at the evidence put forth by both sides, and draw your conclusions based on careful and thoughtful examination.

2007-03-12 01:23:03 · answer #6 · answered by MythBuster 2 · 1 2

Anyone who claims we "evolved from monkeys" is mis-representing evolution.

The evolutionary picture is as follows.

There existed some ancient/more generic primate A.

Over time A evolved in B1, B2, B3 (current primates) and C (current humans, yes, I'm making humans special, it has no bearing on the argument).

In a schematic

A --- > B1, B2, B3, C

To claim that we evolved from monkeys is to say that C came from B1, when they in fact both developed simultaneously from A.

According to evolution we did not 'evolve from monkeys,'we just have a common ancestor with present-day primates.

That is, if you're into that whole evolution thing.

2007-03-12 01:14:09 · answer #7 · answered by soulinverse 4 · 4 0

If you were a huge supporter of the Evolution theory, I would think you would know the basics of it, including that we did not evolve from monkeys, are more closely related to apes, but did not evolve from apes either.

Both apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor which is now extinct.

How, exactly did you "support" evolution? Just by saying, "It's true! It's true!"?

2007-03-12 01:07:03 · answer #8 · answered by Snark 7 · 3 0

recently there is a cow in the news that touts that it loves chicken meat. now how much do you know about evolution? Do you think it happens over a generation, or 10 generations. Just how many generations do you think it takes for a seawater being to turn into a mammal? If you think even 10,000 years, you are wrong. Lets talk 100,000 to 500,000 years for a trait to become the norm for a species. I guess you didn't hear the latest news feed where a chimp, not a close species as an orangutan, but a more distant species recently used a spear.

Our dna more is closer to other species, yet these chimps are showing humanistic cognition:

2007-03-12 01:13:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The same reason that there are still lizards. As an example the Boa has reminents of where their hind legs once were, and in fact they still use these limbs so to speak during their mating ritual. Remember that there are all different types of Monkeys, they are not all the same....Perhaps our breed of animal (I won't say that we were monkeys) simply evolved and the other breeds have not, just like the breed of lizard that is now a Boa evoloved. Oh and BTW for those reading this that may want to argue, yes I believe in both God, Jesus, and evolution................OH NO! What is happening here?

2007-03-12 01:10:38 · answer #10 · answered by Barbo 2 · 3 1

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