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It is an issue that concerns every one on our earth. What are you doing to help prevent it from getting worse?

2007-03-11 18:01:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment

19 answers

yes. i saw some show where it showed how low elevation places like the bay area and florida will be drowned in water. And the glaciers are already melting. Scary shiit i tell you! I try not to use so much electricity in the house and i have a small car, i don't plan on getting a gas hog!

2007-03-11 18:10:37 · answer #1 · answered by Sexxiii 5 · 0 1

With a little research, you'll find we can't do much, for a few reasons.
1)CO2 IS NOT a major greenhouse gas, it is only a small percent of the atmosphere.
2)IF CO2 is causing global warming, the amount emitted by cars and everything we "common folk" have control over is under 5% of the total amount that human produced. (Most CO2 is produced naturally... and most is taken care of by green plants- including mostly ocean algae)
3)The sun is getting hotter, it's proven... and like any other star it's going through it's normal stages.
4) Recent research has shown that even Mars is warming up despite it's (lack of an) atmosphere. Clearly Humans are not effecting this change.

Despite these facts, we should be doing things to make life better for ourselves anyway by conserving our resources and respecting the only earth we have. We can still get sick and basically poison ourselves from all the crap we do inefficiently and incorrectly. I think there does need to be change and really soon, but not based on the fact that the earth is heating up.

2007-03-12 01:19:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We are so puny and insignificant compared to the size of the Earth and especially the atmosphere. Fly over the US and all you see is unpopulated, empty or forested land with a few cities here and there.
Some scientists say that the eruption of Krakatoa in the late 1800's spewed more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than man has from his appearance on Earth to the present.
And, what is up with the UN scientists downward revising the estimated rise in sea height from 20 - 30 feet to a whopping 17 inches. Sounds like Chicken Little has been making millions studying the sky because he cried that it is falling.
I do not believe we can affect the rate of temperature changes. Blame the giant furnace in the sky that fluctuates in temperature for the fluctuations here on Earth.

2007-03-12 02:21:22 · answer #3 · answered by wjhguy 1 · 0 0

Yes I am worried a lot. However in the past the earth had its cycles of ice ages and warmings. Our efforts alone won't prevent it but we can slow it down by reducing emisions. By slowing it down we may buy enough time to live longer. The more we pollute, we just speed it up.

I'm doing my part and not eating much meat and not drinking a lot of milk. I am just worried about the consumption rate of things. People just buy and use things using the cradle to grave thinking. I don't buy shoes until I know I can recycle my old pair or use it for something else.

2007-03-12 03:53:54 · answer #4 · answered by Harry 4 · 0 0

NO. Because I have A/C. They leak alot and I'm always buying freon and stuff about 1 or 6 times a week but if it wasn't for the freon industry the earth would still be in the Ice Age!............(deep thoughts)............

I think Al Gore's crib might be making the earth warmer and he want's to tax us for it.

What angers me is seeing fast food cups and bags on the side of the road. There everywhere.
And I wish people would stop putting used tire's and fridges etc. into or near the river's....geez!

2007-03-12 01:19:56 · answer #5 · answered by Frankie Coletta 5 · 0 0

Not at all. All global warming is, is carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere trapping in heat, and the more co2 the more plants grow which in turn drops the co2 levels causing a cycle of irregular heat patterns.

2007-03-12 01:15:12 · answer #6 · answered by lumpy90610 1 · 0 0

Global warming, the french scientist who first porposed the Theory had went back on his findngs and said that there isnt enough evidance to support it...

The earth has warmed and cooled for a melinia it's a normal cycle

2007-03-12 01:08:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i stopped littering. and trying to recycle. even the smallest things can be of help. im not worried about global warming in my lifetime but it would probably be a problem in the far future.

2007-03-12 01:09:21 · answer #8 · answered by anonymiss. 3 · 0 0

Nope! Not one little iota of thought or energy is wasted of such useless mindless blather of crackpots and loony kooks. The paranoid delusions of worry worts don't bother, threaten, or concern me a bit.

2007-03-12 03:28:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

life has adapted to every change that has ever happened to the world. its gonna do it again, we'll have another ice age and it'll start over again. its all the same process over and over, no worries, theres no stopping it!
your not going to get everyone to stop driving, smoking, burning plastic, garbage, etc... we're just speeding up a natural process a bit, no harm done ;)

2007-03-12 01:11:35 · answer #10 · answered by JustinFordJones 3 · 1 0

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