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In a previous post, I proved that when the pro life crowd "saves" 100,000 unwanted fetuses, it is sacrificing 1.3 million loved and wanted third world kids. So if the Pro Life crowd stoped 1 million abortions would the number of loved children killed by the pro life movement be just be 13 million or would the pro life movement be responsible for more deaths? I think that if you add in the 6 million dollars they raised by deceiving the public and used that money to help kids ---they would be responsible for at least 6 million more kids suffering at least another day. But it could be more. Go to my 360 page to see my questions and answers that prove the murder of these kids by the pro life movement. Then let me know what you think.

2007-03-11 17:50:23 · 20 answers · asked by Give me Liberty 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

We all make our choices. By choosing to "save" an unwanted fetus, you also choose to omit the option of saving a living child. It is you and not me that has made the choice to ignore the living and breathing third world children. It is you that claim to be pro life, yet actually kill 10 time more children than you save in fetuses. And it is you that makes snide remarks rather than resolving the problem. There is no way to "Save Face and Save Fetus" at the same time. You may only choose who you want to save. Every dollar spent on a fetus could be better spent on a child. I challenge you to show your true colors. If you love the fetus so much, why not sacrifice one of your own kids and not the kids of the poor.

2007-03-11 18:04:42 · update #1

The hate you folks have for me, and everyone associated with doing Gods work is amazing. It is God that invented and uses abortion every day and it is God that uses abortion for the same reason I outline in this posting. By saving fetuses you are making an expenditure of resouces that simply kills living and breathing children. God knows this and I am sure that is why he does not support you in the Bible. It is simple, spend on fetuses or spend on poor kids. The Bible is abundantly clear. We are to help the poor. There is not a word in the Bible that says we are to help the fetuses. God knows what he is doing and he knows that what you do goes against his word. You should stop your sinful transgressions and ask for forgiveness. Then you should do as God requires and help the poor and stop wasting his resources on your own selfish obsession.

2007-03-11 18:13:36 · update #2

cheryl s
you are simply making a choice to kill 10 fully developed children to "save" a fetus that may or may not live. If there are so many people that want to adopt, there are plenty of hungry kids they can adopt. Why make a factory to squirt out fetuses when there are plenty of kids that can be adopted already alive and available.

--What if my mother aborted me?--
What makes you think I am not the soul of an aborted fetus that was re-used by God. When he aborts, he gives the aborted soul to people such as me that are then born. To think that killing a fetus kills its soul is a sick thought. But then people such as yourself are sick.

2007-03-11 18:21:22 · update #3

David said --do you think it matters to the fetus if ----

Well David, do you think it matters to the 10 loved and living fully developed humans that a fetus, that is not a child, gets to live to make you feel important and for them to die. You are a cruel and evil person to kill 10 to save a fetus that is not even a child.

2007-03-15 01:54:29 · update #4

20 answers

It is certainly arrogant to believe that an abortion will prevent the birth of a soul that God wants born.

I will fight until the day I die to protect a woman's right to choose to terminate her pregnancy if she so desires. Her decision is a personal one and none of my business.

2007-03-12 15:11:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

What a complete load of crap. You "proved" nothing. You merely side-step around the central issue. Abortion isn't about killing 1 fetus to save a number of children already born. Your justification is sickening. Do you really think it matters to a fetus, that if it dies, it's helping others? Does that somehow change the fact that a human life has been prematurely terminated? Call it murder, call it abortion; the end result is the same. By the way, I'm neither attacking nor defending abortion here... I'm merely "proving" that the person who initiated this question is a moron.

2007-03-15 02:47:47 · answer #2 · answered by David J 2 · 0 1

You have got to be kidding. Now I heard everything. We have NO right to take the life of an unborn child. Just because it is unborn does not mean it is not living. I agree that there are many children in third world countries that are starving- that is why there are many organizations like WORLD VISION who help those with the donations of many prolife people. You say that the pro life movement raises so much money- have you looked at the proof that organizations like Planned Parenthood is funded with millions of dollars to abort- that money goes to killing. So I guess I should not be thankful to God for saving me and my 2 children from abortion. We are all 3 adopted. If we were not here, more children in the 3rd world countries would be saved- That is ludicrous.

2007-03-12 03:25:22 · answer #3 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 2

I think that the reason there are so many third world children starving is because of the attitudes of the rich. The children would be feed if the rich in these countries wouldn't steal their food and resources. Same with abortion. When we stop being so greedy and only think of ourselves every child would be a wanted child and never be hungry.

2007-03-12 00:56:38 · answer #4 · answered by Peggy Pirate 6 · 3 1

I deal with woman everyday that are pregnant and afraid, they consider abortion because today's society. You know what, They go to "Pro-Choice" Places, and they CONVINCE these woman that they are not ready, the child is unwanted and they should get rid of it..you know why...for a lousy 400 bucks.
Some of them are strong enough and LUCKY to walk into my doors and I TRULY help them.

If woman understood the truth and the real options that they have, then abortions would stop.

Unwaned Fetuses??? There are millions of couples that want children but can't have them. So those 100,000 fetuses are doing ok...

Pro-Choice movements are responisble for not only the murder of babies, but do you know the suicide rate of woman who have an abortion?

By the way, How many countries to you see flying over here to help our homeless and poverty stricken?

Abortion is Murder. Point Blank. End of Story.

These woman should CHOOSE to use condoms or not to have sex and be responisble, if they get pregnant, then someone needs to stop slapping them on the wrist and explain to them that when they HAD SEX in the first place, it was their CHOICE Now they have to learn to deal with those consequences... The only choice they have is to say yes or no.

and abortions were legalized for money...Its sick

and many babies are miscarried...because people like you don't know a clue about getting the right prenatal care.

anf you claim to only spend 4700 dollars a year raising his 4 children.
rent: 500 times 12 is 6000
Food 50 times 52 weeks in a year 2600
Electricty 100 times 12 is 1200

You either starve your own children or your lieing

and once again...do doctors that abort babies donate that money to starving children?
Nope! They spend it on their expensive car payments...

So what the hell does pro-life have to do with the death of starving kids?

By the way, are your kids adopted or born from birth?
They can't be adopted because from the way you explain your money issues, they wouldn't let you adopt in the first place and if you did someone needs to report you.

By the way, If your a true Christian, why do you believe you could be an aborted baby who came back to earth? Since we believe that we go to HEAVEN.

Sylvia browne is not a religion

2007-03-12 01:06:51 · answer #5 · answered by chersa 4 · 3 4

It's truly sad. If the pro-forced birth crowd spent all their funds on actual living children, what a wonderful world this could be.

2007-03-18 11:37:07 · answer #6 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 0 0

I still wonder why you are OBSESSED with this subject and this position. I think pro-choice should mean INFORMED CHOICE...that is...the woman gets all the counseling she needs and information about the consequences of her decision. She should hear from woman who have decided both ways. Have you ever talked to a woman who was haunted by having made the wrong choice for her?

2007-03-12 03:44:28 · answer #7 · answered by Over The Rainbow 5 · 1 0

I may be the only one here but I actually found your point of view refreshing, interesting, intelligent and original, especially coming from a christian (which i am assuming u are?). Now, Im not ness. saying that i agree with all of it, but for the sake of the abortion argument , that goes around and around constantly without actually getting anywhere, u have put a very interesting spin on the whole debate and provoked a deeper train of thought on the issue. for these reasons, I want to thank you for sharing your opinions on this matter. it is quite refreshing to have someone with an IQ higher than 10 debating such a delicate area. Usually we just get the "u are a murderer" pro-lifers on here who shout a lot but cannot justify their ignorant opinions. That is why u are getting so much abuse, they do not understand what u are saying and they just cannot argue with u at the level of intelligence your question deserves. I am not stating my stance on this subject either way , but I welcome this other side to the argument. i especially welcomed your comments on the attitude towards the children that are already here on this earth, that need help and who are ignored by people on some sort of crusade to actually add to their numbers. Very interesting!! Thanks.

2007-03-12 06:27:10 · answer #8 · answered by Serry's mum 5 · 1 3

i am pro choice, although i am not pro abortion. i am just pro choice. i appreciate the research you have obviously done, and the standpoint you have taken. i do not think this is point of numbers or over population, however. i do believe this is the right of every mother, to walk in to a safe clinic and have their decision acted upon in a safe medical environment.

i do not think it is a moral, or religious issue. this is the issue of free choice in a free society. i do feel for the unborn, and i feel strongly against abortion. however, we cannot inforce our moral beliefs on others, nor can we legislate morality. and if we are to stand for freedom, we must also stand for freedom of choice. i will never hope to go back to the "coat hanger abortions" of america's past.

i give kudos to you, for at least making a stand against the pro life movement (what an awful oxymoron that is).

the truth is out there, we have but to open our minds and our souls to accept those other possibilities.

sign me-
a pagan who gives a ****.

2007-03-12 01:03:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

You have proved nothing. Where is your reference? How, specifically, do children die when the "prolifers" save fetuses? How do the "prolifers" deceive the public? You make no sense, you didn't before and you don't now.

So what do I think? I think you should lay off the left-handed tobacco.

BTW, please don't clutter my inbox with your poison again..I don't really care about your twisted, Alzheimer's induced POV. Just shut up and take your meds.

EDIT: "What if my mother had aborted me?" I guess you need to feel guilty that 10 children are dead because you are alive.

2007-03-12 00:59:26 · answer #10 · answered by Fotomama 5 · 2 2

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