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I'm just curious as to why wherever Pres Bush goes, there are protests not just against Bush, but everyone holds up signs protesting against the Iraq war. Why do all these countries care? The Iraq war doesn't even concern them, and has nothing to do with them whatsoever. It seems totally illogical to me, or maybe I'm missing something. Please tell me.

2007-03-11 17:34:17 · 16 answers · asked by godiva 2 in Environment

16 answers

Because we are doing what they are afraid to do; confront the terrorists in their own land so we won't have to do it here. It was the WORLD Trade Center, not the American trade center. The terrorists want to disrupt the world finances and force everybody to be ruled by their cruel and backward religion by force, not choice. And that is totally illogical, as Mr. Spock would say.

2007-03-11 20:43:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm from Latin America and visit the US frequently. No offense, but really, not EVERYONE cares that much. However, those of us who do are concerned about the suffering many innocent people have to go through... why? because we're all human, even if we're not Americans. The war has an economic and political impact in many countries, and many think that the war is stupid and unfair, and that Bush just wants to get control over the world (believe it or not, many people believe that, for good reasons) and that their countries could be the next on the list. You are missing a lot, so much that it can't all be written in here. If you are that interested, try doing some research on your own and get on the shoes of other people.

2007-03-11 17:51:52 · answer #2 · answered by iL m 2 · 0 0

You are, in fact, missing something, and what you are missing is the fact that this is a world community, and the misbehavior of the Bush government in Iraq is a crime against all civilized nations.

We had no business attacking Iraq, and the government acted in a lawless fashion that displays a total lack of concern for the good of the native people and the surrounding countries. And as far as anyone can tell, the only purpose for the attack on Iraq was to make money for Dick Cheney's business interests and to attempt to get cheap/free oil for George Bush's golf buddies to sell at obscene profits.

It is difficult for an intelligent person to see how anyone can miss all this, but a lot of Americans have been taught not to be too bright about such matters, and to assume that the occupant of the White House is right, without searching for the truth.

Indeed the fiasco in Iraq concerns all nations. It has been a huge waste of billions of American dollars, which is unsettling to the world economy, and it has de-stabilized the entire Middle Eastern region, which has driven up oil prices (or had you noticed how much gasoline costs these days, compared to five years ago?) and placed the world oil supply at risk.

All this is not to mention needless death and destruction on an international scale, and a huge cause and justification for the spread of terrorist groups and murderous religious fundamentalism in many countries!

So yes, it has something to do with the nations of the world, and it DOES concern them. We are all in the same world, and we all stand to lose from the folly of the conservative attempt at government 1994-2006. Thank God Almighty, the people are beginning to wake up, and it will be over after a couple more good elections.

2007-03-11 17:57:49 · answer #3 · answered by aviophage 7 · 1 2

I think there are terrorists planted all over the world. They aren't only Muslims or of Arab decent. These might be some of the protestors. Also, this war is different from all others. Pres. Bush went in for those non-existing WMD and when he found they weren't there, he made us stay there. After we caught Saddam, he made we stay there. There has been so much contraversy on this was and even his own cabinet has agreed with him on some of his decisions. And the media has even showed some soliders talk against the president. It's the media's fault.

I've always wanted to know where all those protestors get those signs in such a fast amount of time. Not the hand made sign with cardboard and marker. The company made ones. They must have a bunch of different ones made a year ahead of time and in stock in case something happens.

2007-03-11 17:46:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The left in this country really needs to get a grip. We are trying to free a country from the grips of tyranny to plant a seed of freedom in a very hostile and important region. Most of the world is ruled by tyranny and America is a beacon of freedom, to use a corny analogy that has real truth. I visited East Berlin before the wall was torn down and their love for Americans astonished me. The Russians were viewed as tyrants by the normal people. Most Americans do not seem to understand things like this. Most of the people in the world really do love America I think but the world media is dominated by the socialists even more than in America and they wish to score political points by bashing Bush. They care more about their acquisition of power than they do about the suffering of people in Iraq. The $%^&* avi who answered previous to mine seems to suggest that other countries such as Saddam's Iraq were equal to the US even though they are ruled by a sadistic dictator and two maniacal sons. They really have no idea of the difference and it is people like that that lost Vietnam and they are trying very hard to lose Iraq and for what. The tinhorn dictators in other countries often try to blame the poverty which they cause on the US and suggest we are imperialist and steal their money. Unfortunately ignorance if rampant abroad and as demonstrated by the previous poster avi, domestically as well.

2007-03-11 18:15:00 · answer #5 · answered by JimZ 7 · 1 0

22 or more countries are fighting in Iraq alongside the US. as we speak.. alot more have already withdrawn..

United Kingdom
South Korea
3 Australia
4 Poland
5 Romania
6 Denmark
7 El Salvador
8 Georgia
9 Azerbaijan
10 Bulgaria
11 Latvia
12 Albania
13 Czech Republic
14 Mongolia
15 Lithuania
16 Armenia
17 Bosnia & Herzegovina
18 Estonia
19 Macedonia
20 Kazakhstan
21 Moldova*
22 Fiji

Have withdrawn from iraq in the last few years

Hungary *** Withdrew troops: Mar. 2005
Nicaragua Withdrew troops: Feb. 2004
Spain Withdrew troops: Late-Apr. 2004
Dominican Republic Withdrew troops: Early-May. 2004
Honduras Withdrew troops: Late-May. 2004
Philippines Withdrew troops: mid-Jul. 2004
Thailand Withdrew troops: Late-Aug. 2004
New Zealand Withdrew troops: Late-Sep. 2004
Tonga Withdrew troops: mid-Dec. 2004
Portugal Withdrew troops: mid-Feb. 2005
Singapore**** Withdrew troops: Mar. 2005
Norway Withdrew troops: Oct. 2005
Ukraine Withdrew troops: Dec. 2005
The Netherlands Withdrew troops: Mar. 2005
Japan Withdrew troops: Jul. 2006
Italy Withdrawal troops: End of Nov. 2006
Slovakia Withdrew troops: End of January 2007

2007-03-11 17:47:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People care because one event can set off a huge chain reaction. The current situation has spurred a hate that will last for hundreds of years. The people setting off bombs just aren't Iraqis now. They are from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on.

Why would someone in Africa, half a century ago, care about the assassination of a guy named Franz Ferdinand? It's all about chain reaction.

2007-03-11 18:26:54 · answer #7 · answered by VoirDire 3 · 0 0

The whole world does not care; only a small group of self-important people who want to hold onto the power they wield.

Remember, this war had more countries allied to fight against Saddam than any other in history, including the Gulf War.

The main countries that were vehemently against it were quite embarrassed when it was discovered that they were flagrantly violating the UN sanctions for profit by undermining the Oil for Food program.

2007-03-11 17:41:28 · answer #8 · answered by danny_boy_jones 5 · 1 1

Becasue it has *always* been popular to bash the top dog. It's just human nature at its very worst.

Actually......... I'm just hoping that, after the recent and very unpopular illegalization of traditional Islamic head coverings for women in public schools in France, some terrorist group 'protests by taking out the Eiffel tower or the Arc de Triomphe. I kinda 'spect we just might get a bit more backing from a few places ☺


2007-03-11 17:45:35 · answer #9 · answered by doug_donaghue 7 · 1 1

Partly because the US tries to police the world.
And the Iraq war is going badly. We defeated Nazi
Germany and Japan in less time than it's took to
secure the road from Bagdad to the airport.
And we still haven't done that. Well, don't get me started.
I wrot a blog on it all...

2007-03-11 17:41:51 · answer #10 · answered by redman 5 · 2 0

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