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I am already on meds but I don't want to increase side effects by taking more.....What natural means do I have to fight this??? How can I change my thought patterns so I will feel better??

2007-03-11 17:30:14 · 10 answers · asked by Catcanscratch 5 in Health Mental Health

10 answers

First off, you should probably go to the dr. who prescribed your present medication and discuss with him/her your anxiety. Some medications are designed specifically to target "anxious depressions", and some a/ds can actually make you feel more anxious. If you can afford to see a psychotherapist, find one that specializes in C-BT (cognitive-behavioral therapy), a method to help you realize that your thoughts, behaviors, and environment all contribute to each other. It helps you to learn how to change your "automatic thoughts" about yourself and others, how to schedule your day, and so on. It does NOT deal with issues that you've grown up with (etc. etc) as people usually think about psychotherapy. It is a very present-focused kind of treatment, developed to alleviate your mood problems as soon as possible by helping you to learn to change your thoughts as well as your behaviors.
There is an excellent book that includes worksheets, schedules, etc, titled "Mind Over Mood" by Dennis Greenberger and Christine Padesky. I did post-grad training with Padesky after I developed depression and got through it with C-BT--I had been a Family Systems therapist previously. I have seen really remarkable results with C-BT, including with myself, and I highly recommend it.
Good luck with it--and I hope this helps some.

2007-03-11 17:55:02 · answer #1 · answered by Megumi D 3 · 0 0

I know you are asking for natural relaxation suggestions but there are also specific anti-depressants that deal with anxiety also. As a sufferer same as your symptoms I have had to focus on strengthening my coping mechanisms, I achieved much of this by putting myself first (don't mean get selfish) and taking every single day even hour as a blessing of life, I am not a religious fanatic but the power of prayer is amazing, asking for the strength and courage to get you through the day. Only ever do what you feel good about. Try Yoga, its great, sitting by the water and letting all negative thoughts go, read a inspirational book, write a poem expressing your thoughts.

2007-03-11 17:57:43 · answer #2 · answered by judles 4 · 0 0

You know, it seems to me that the prozac I take actually creates some of the anxiety problem for me. You may want to talk to the doc about that, or look that up. I am kinda weird, how I respond to meds, so I dunno about you.

Here are my anxiety tips:

Try turning the heat up in the house or dressing much more warmly. It is hard to feel anxiety when you are too warm. I was able to cut out ativan use altogether by using this trick. Saved me big $$ too, because pills cost way more than heat. Hot baths work too, and in a pinch, like at work/school, you can try running hot water over your hands.

Avoid caffeine like the plague. Also, some cold remedies can cause anxiety. Look for the "agitation in children" warning on the box. Adults can get problems too. And like I said before, seems like the antidepressants could make it worse. Dunno if you can do anything about that side effect, if you need the pills. Follow more of the tips (that's what I do)

Try meditation tapes like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery. They may seem silly at first, but they work!! They help reduce stress, which makes depression worse. You can get The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, a really good book, maybe the library has it. There are some guided imageries in there, you could read them aloud and make a tape/cd, or get a friend to do it if you can't stand your own voice. I read mine into the computer using a program called Audacity (free) and digitally altered my voice to a man's.

Go out with friends, and if you don't have any, find a club to join and MAKE yourself go until you actually look forward to it. Isolation makes depression worse. A little laughing helps reduce anxiety.

Exercise at least 1/2 hour a day, and anytime you feel really hyper or depressed. Exercise is a great mood stabilizer and cuts down on anxiety a lot.

If your depression/anxiety makes it hard for you to sleep, here are some good "sleep hygeine" tips so you can sleep better. Like go to bed and get up about the same time each day, even weekends. Don't use your bedroom to watch TV and read and use the computer and all that-just use the room as a bedroom normally would be used. Don't do stuff that pumps you up right before bed, like exercising and using the computer. You want to use that last hour to wind down-Take a bath ? Make the bedroom really dark, cover up the clock radio, even so the light doesn't shine at you. If you live in the rackety city, use a noise generator (makes wave sounds and the like) to cover up the city sounds. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.

Put a lot of colorful things around the house, happy type things, and keep the blinds open and let the sun in. Get yourself some flowers. Put on some pretty clothes. Make a list of things that make you happy. Here's some things on my list: A basket full of fluffy kittens, bread fresh from the oven, Fireworks popping on a warm summer evening, The first fireflies of the season, the scent of Jergen's cherry almond lotion, The crisp sound of a saltine cracker breaking, fresh sheets on the bed, etc. Use all your senses and read that list when you are breaking down. It's kind of like comfort food, but without the calories!! I also break things up by using familiar scents, like the aforementioned jergens lotion, or vanilla or cloves. Scent can be very comforting.

Work on time management if being overwhelmed and late for things and too much to do is getting to you. Cut back on other responsibilities temporarily so you can spend more restorative time with friends and family. If there are people who stress you out, or situations, identify them and reduce them as much as possible.

You got a husband/boyfriend? Extra physical touch is very helpful. Most people in the US or UK are touch deprived, so hold hands more, hug more, give shoulder rubs, etc. A pet is good to cuddle with, too, if your home situation allows you to get one. (I'm an animal lover, don't get one if you can't commit to it for 15 years)

I'm taking a stress management class right now, and these suggestions are mostly in there.

All the best!!

2007-03-11 17:42:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You need cognitive Behaviour Therapy, it will change how you think about htings including you, other people and the world in general. I'm having it too for similar reason to you. Techniques include:

Focussing on what is good in your life
Being rational with your beliefs - are they logical, helpful etc
Abdominal breathing
Deep relaxation - Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation etc
New hobbies to absorb yourself

Meds can help but they are not a cure, this was a mistake I made htinking they would be the wonder cure. you need to address the source of your problem and for many with anxiety it is how they think.

Wishing you well :)

2007-03-12 01:01:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two things......first of all, exercise is essential to good mental health. Take a brisk 20 minute walk a day.

Next, the way to change your thought patterns is to change your internal dialog,

We all have programed negative things that we rehash over and over again in our brains. We also talk trash about ourselves. Time to make changes in what you tell yourself. Choose positive reinforcment statments.
Stop when negative energy goes through your head. Change what you say to yourself.

Instead of...'i am stupid and ugly"
Say....."I am wonderful and learning well"

Reprogram your brain

2007-03-11 17:39:37 · answer #5 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

any sort of depression can be tide over by faith in GOD and sincere prayer.

Your prayer is from your heart. Further You must have to understood the fact that God is present in our heart. This can be realised in meditation. Further we are the creation of our own destiny. As per Hindu sacred religion, we carry all good and bad deeds life after life. There is no end unless we pray for unification of self with the divineliness.
Hence there is always a possible way to complete mergence with God in this life by a simple and wonderful meditation

2007-03-11 23:26:21 · answer #6 · answered by Master 4 · 0 1

Hi Cat,
I have the perfect solution to your question, but it requires a little work on your part as does anything that is worth something!! You have to watch a movie called "the secret"!! It will provide some answers directly related to your question here. Its phenominal!! Please please please give it a try. What do you have to lose?
God Bless~~

2007-03-11 19:50:12 · answer #7 · answered by Elias 5 · 0 0

start doing for others,......simple as that every time you go inward,..reach out and help someone.

2007-03-11 17:53:04 · answer #8 · answered by iroc 7 · 0 0

Go here and read Truthteller:


2007-03-11 17:36:22 · answer #9 · answered by jaded 2 · 0 1

i do too.
find other stuff to do and work at that.help other people.
it works

2007-03-11 17:33:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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