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I really need some advice, I recently found out that my 7 yr old has a boyfriend. She is a great student and I do discipline her but I want to handle this correctly so that she is honest with me in the future.. Any suggestions.. And yes I hate the idea of her even wanting a boyfriend at this age,

2007-03-11 17:19:58 · 25 answers · asked by not2smarttoday 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

25 answers

Well, since she is only 7, this isn't a "boyfriend" but a boy that she likes. It's not like she's going on dates with him. The best thing to do is sit her down and say something like, "Hun, I understand that at your age you start getting interested and boys and maybe finding one that you really like, but you cannot have a boyfriend at this age. Having a boyfriend is for when you get old enough to understand what that means. Right now, he just needs to be your friend, and that's okay." And be sure she understands that it is inappropriate for her to kiss/hold hands with a boy. It's good that you are monitoring this kind of thing, because some moms just think it's cute or that it's a phase and just ignore it. I think it'll work out if you take care of it now, sounds like you are trying to be the best parent possible. Good luck!

2007-03-11 17:27:34 · answer #1 · answered by Lindsay M 5 · 0 3

if the boy is a similar age to her then i really wouldn't worry about it as having a bf/gf is very innocent at that age and usually very short lived

kids do develop early 'romances' around the age of 6 or so which can help them in working out how the other half live. but unless either child has been abused already it is very innocent - holding hands and a peck on the cheek kinda thing but nothing else as kids don't naturally think of 'something else' beyond that. these children are copying what they perceive as grown up behaviour - it doesn't mean the same as it would do an adult so care is needed in putting an adult interpretation on this event

after about the age of 8 or so kids then enter an age of 'latency' where boys and girls have as little as possible to do with each other where boys only want to play with boys and girls only want to play with girls. this tends to last until puberty which these-days can occur from age 11 onwards depending on the child.

2007-03-11 22:25:58 · answer #2 · answered by Aslan 6 · 1 0

well this is a hard one, considering her age, when I think about it though, how severe can it be? It is not like they are thinking about sex at that age.....are they? He could just be a boy that she finds cute or that her friends find cute. A possible "puppy dog crush" per say. I think it is completely normal for her at that age to be attracted to the opposit sex. Though it must be hard for you. I think society also dictates to these children that this is how it should be. I mean, as a parent you can only use your judgement in this, but it sounds harmless and as if it is something she may just grow out of. Perhaps a supervised visit at your house with them might just show your daughter that you trust her and it will also let you observe the childrens behavior. I mean at that age they really don't know what a boyfriend is. It is just someone they find attractive.

2007-03-11 17:33:43 · answer #3 · answered by J B 1 · 2 0

Look 7 year olds dont have boyfriends like teens do. They say so and so is my boyfriend but the boy doesnt know they say that or if he does its just a girlfriend not a romantic thing. This is play dating or pretend dating at this age. Dont be too concerned.

2007-03-12 00:27:28 · answer #4 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 1 0

Let's be intelligent about this for one moment. Seven year olds don't have the same kind of boy friends that 17 year olds do! So quit worrying. It's not like she thinks of this as a sexual relationship it's more like she has a friend that's a boy. What is wrong with that? You need to calm down. It's no big deal. Don't blow this into something it's not.

2007-03-12 05:33:56 · answer #5 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 2 0

Many kids that age like to show and say the have a boyfriend, it really means they are just good friends. Nothing to be afraid of unless the boy is older than her by 2 years

2007-03-11 17:26:05 · answer #6 · answered by pthc69 3 · 3 0

The key is to understand what she thinks a boyfriend is.At one age the child may think that a boyfriend is just to play with,to have fun with and to hold your hand.At other age a boyfriend is already your best friend.Later(after 13) the boyfriend is what you are sooo scared of.

2007-03-11 20:15:27 · answer #7 · answered by Livia 4 · 1 0

my 9 yo told she had a boyfriend when she was 7 8 and 9 and the most thery do is chace eachpther on the playground at school, he might be just a lil boy that she likes to play with at school

2007-03-11 18:02:06 · answer #8 · answered by sckenpo 2 · 0 0

you are overreacting BIG TIME. At 7 a boyfriend is exactly what it says. A boy that is a friend. What do you think? that she is going to be french kissing and having sex. For goodness sake. Leave her be and wait till she is 14 and has a boyfriend to use all your worrying on. Then you can worry for a good reason

2007-03-11 18:22:30 · answer #9 · answered by Rachel 7 · 3 1

So????????? ............ My 7 year old has a boyfriend all the time too ......... I think she changes them on a fortnightly basis !! If you delve a bit further you'll find that when 7 year olds these days have boyfriends they don't do handholding or kissing or cuddling or anything really at all !! My little 7 year old informed me also that the special thing they do is send each other telepathic messages with their minds !!! She said, very conspiratorially, that it only works with people that are your boyfriend !! Now you tell me, do you seriously think they'd be up to no good ??? She's just growing up and trying to identify with her peers/society and working out her place and whether or not she fits into a particular mould or not. Don't you think ??? I mean let's face it, all we can do is our very best and simply deal with each situation on face value. Just have faith in your little "mini me" and I think we'll both find that mostly they are really just testing their boundaries.


........... :0)

2007-03-11 17:27:25 · answer #10 · answered by Minx 7 · 3 2

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