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how much calories should i eat to loose weight as quick as possible

2007-03-11 17:17:36 · 8 answers · asked by mirna 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

8 answers

The average calorie need for an adult is 2000 calories a day.

Honestly, if you're looking to seriously lose weight, I'd look into Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers is essentially a diet in which it's really easy to maintain and watch your calorie intake. When I was on Weight Watchers, I found it so much easier to diet than just counting calories and I did lose quite a bit of weight relatively quickly. If you do start Weight Watchers, I recommend the Points plan.

I found that when I just counted calories alone, it put me in a really dark place psychologically where food was really the enemy and it honestly put me in a mind set where an eating disorder developed. I didn't experience that with Weight Watchers.

2007-03-11 17:25:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't do the calorie count diet..have your 2000 calorie diet but you can make other adjustments listed below:

First and Best Way: Excersize!!!!!!!!!!! You need to excersize atleast 1 hour a day and I would say Running/Jogging is the best way to go about it. But personally, I hate that so I do jumping jacks, skip rope, rollerskate, and run up-and-down my stairs. Any type of rigorous, systematic movement can be considered excersize

Second Way: Reduce your intake of highly saturated fats! Stop eating those artery-clogging french fries, chicken wings, etc. It's okay to eat them once a week but don't pig out on them. If you normally order a Large Fries, then order Medium one next time.

Third Way: Reduce your intake of Meat Products. That way, you save animals and help benefit your health. It's true that meat has protein and iron, but you can get iron supplements and protein from vegeterian food. I'm not saying you should have a vegeterian diet from now on (even tho I am a vegeterian); I'm just saying you should reduce your intake of meat. So if you eat meat everyday, cut it down to three days a week.

Fourth Way: Eat your fruits and vegetables. I eat three fruits and three vegetables everyday and I think that has worked for me pretty well (I'm 100 pounds ..n no I'm not anoerexic (did I spell that right?)) Anyways, urge your parents to buy more fruit and veggies and include them in your dinner. Even if you don't want to eat as many fruits and veggies as I do, you should atleast have two fruits and two veggies in your diet EACH day. There is good vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water, and other stuff in there that helps you lose weight.

Fifth Way: Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so developing a good water drinking habit can be a long-term aid in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Doctor F. Batmanghelidj MD, author of "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" says most times your “hunger” is your body asking for water – not food. It's also important to remember that when the body is dehydrated, fat cells get "rubbery" and cannot be easily metabolized. This means that it's harder to lose when you don't drink your water.

Sixth Way: Drink lukewarm water with two table spoons of honey daily

Seventh Way: One-Two table spoons of vinegar

Anyways, those were a few options that you can try simultaneously (which is what I recommend) or one-by-one. You take care of urself and good luck with that!

2007-03-12 00:27:38 · answer #2 · answered by 3.14159265358979323846 6 · 0 0

I am not the most fit person ever, I had weight to lose also. But I really did not want to starve my self or so. But before, I joined my high school swim team for just the heck of it. At our school it was a really hard sport and we had tough coaches. The first days I hated it, but it got better and started being fun. But the coolest part was I was eating the same and even a little more and still losing weight. Swimming for 2 hours really fast helps you lose the calories, since it works out your whole body. I am not saying to join a high school swim team, but go to the closest pool and just start swimming laps. It might be hard at first, but at the end it is worth it. But you should also eat healthy, and dont give swimming as an excuse to eat junk food. And finally individual results vary, I am not 100% sure this will work for everyone but it is a great sport to stay fit.

2007-03-12 00:27:20 · answer #3 · answered by Bob 1 · 0 0

You don't want to lose more than 2 pounds a week. Eat 2000 calories a day, about 30Gms of fiber (this makes you feel full) and balanced CHO and Proteins with diet and exercise.. There is no healthy way to lose it all quick.

2007-03-12 00:21:32 · answer #4 · answered by alberthastings3 4 · 0 0

Go on a liquid diet / Juice fast ...look it up on Google ... You'll drop pounds real quick. Average a pound every 2 days .
A 10 day water fast is even better ...Some have reported losses of upto 20 lbs. But you have to stay on a clean diet later else you'll put it back on. Exercise along with it & you'll double your losses.
Best of luck!

2007-03-12 00:30:01 · answer #5 · answered by Niki 5 · 0 0

There is a lot to take into account, like how many calories do you burn and to figure that you will need to know how active you are. There is a good book called" 6 weeks to a Hollywood Body" It gives you a formula to figure this and other helpful information on the subject.

2007-03-12 00:23:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Calories dont make you fat. Its trans fat that makes you fat. just eat healthy food, and NOT "diet" food because even though they say "diet" on them,. they still have a ton of fattening ingredients in them. Its a fact. If you dont believe me, go look it up yourself.

2007-03-12 00:25:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im 215 and bulit cant spell but im strong ...mabye just work out

2007-03-12 00:20:22 · answer #8 · answered by jumanjisapikey 3 · 0 0

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