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i feel very confused now. i no longer enjoy the things i used to about life. my best friend said i changed a lot in the last year for the worse. my question is, if i commit suicide, by Catholic belief will i be allowed into Heaven, or will the suicide hold me back. i am a very religious person, i go to Church every sunday, i follow the Commandments and i tell others to follow the Bible and Jesus. now you may ask, well if i do all this why do i want to commit suicide, thats where my situation becomes very tough. i usually feel very antisocial and feel that life isnt worth it if i cant feel the best i can. and i believe so greatly in the goodness of God and Heaven, thats where i want to be, instead of always sad and depressed here on earth. ive tried very much having a good attitude and getting busy with stuff, but i just cant shake the thought that i will always go back to being sad and depressed. any positive opinions, especially from Catholics are greatly appreciated.

2007-03-11 16:42:57 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

45 answers

I'm an atheist, but perhaps I can answer your question better than a Catholic. First, there is no God, so there is no Heaven or Hell either. The Commandments are really outdated and not relavent to today. For a good discussion of why this is so, read Sam Harris' new book, "Letter to a Christian Nation".

So, what have you got to live for? That's a good question. None of it will really matter in the long run because everything goes away eventually. Right? Well, that's true. But personally, I have never really measured the value of something by how long it lasts. For example, I really like ice cream, but once I put it in the cone, it melts fairly quickly. But if it is good ice cream, it doesn't even last that long when I get a hold of it. To me, the value of the ice cream is not in its endurance, but in my experience of it.

The same holds true for life. I find that all experiences in life, good or bad, really add to my life. Think of the alternative to life, not experiencing anything.

There is no grand purpose to life. It is something that just happened. The only purpose to life is that which you give yours yourself. So, look around you and figure out what you want to do with your life. You really do have options. Life is too short already. You might as well live life well while you have it.

Another possibility is that you have clinical depression. That means that your suicidal feeling is treatable. Try talking to a professional that knows something about depression and they might be able to help you get back on your feet and find a purpose in life that brings you more happiness.

2007-03-11 16:47:26 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 1 4

The letter of the Catholic law says that you cannot be accepted into Heaven if you commit suicide - you are destroying one of God's children (yourself). As we were made in God's image, you are rejecting God. Suicide is a mortal sin.

I'm a lifelong (lapsed) Catholic and have entertained suicidal thoughts many times over the years. The thought of denying myself entry to the Kingdom of Heaven was one barrier to doing it though.

I'd say you might have a chemical imbalance and anti-depressants may fix things for you. They've certainly done wonders for me.

You don't have to do this all on your own, things can get better, and if you already have the headstart in believing that God put you here for a reason, and that God loves you, I think you owe it to Him to sort things out here on earth.

Talk to your doctor about trialing meds, and think about therapy. It works for so many people, it's worth a try before you go that ultimate, irreversible step.

Feeling anti-social is not a bad thing - just because you like your own company does not mean there's something wrong. Maybe it would help to look at how you can turn that anti-social feeling into something more healthy and positive... can you dedicate some time to a charity by doing computer work? Are you good at design/desktop publishing? Programming? Writing? There are lots of solitary pursuits that could give you focus without stretching your social limits too much.

And 'feeling the best you can' - are you setting unreasonably high expectations on how you should feel every day? Happiness may be a desirable target, but one cannot expect it every minute of every day. To feel useful, loved, capable... these are more worthy (and reasonable) pursuits that you can action yourself.

Good luck, and I hope you explore all options available to you.

2007-03-11 16:55:57 · answer #2 · answered by Deborah C 5 · 0 0

I've been where you are. In my case it was guilt and a hopelessness of ever being forgiven. I had let my family, friends and Heavenly Father down. Let me tell you the only things that kept me from commiting suicide was knowing the pain and anguish I would cause those I loved.

So what I did was face up to my sins. I went out in the woods and prayed for a long time. For forgiveness, for direction and help. I talked with God as if He were there in person. Heavenly Father is Merciful. You have to take life an inch at a time.

That was less than two years ago. Today I'm a happy older brother, a great son, a friend and support to many people. two years ago i thought I was worthless. I see God's plan for me now.

I'm not Catholic, but I know Heavenly Father loves you. I know if you'll stick it out, comfront your probloms and seek His forgiveness through the atonement of Jesus Christ you will find happiness. That's why were here on earth to find true happiness and bring it to others. And that only comes when we really want to know and accept the real truth as to why we're here.

Talk to your family, friends, and anyone you can. If you feel the best decision would be talking to a professional or priest than do it.

Right down some goals, small goals and achieve them.
Ask Heavenly Father,with real intentions of obeying the answer you get, and He will guide you to His perfect love and truth.

I love you as a brother and fellow son of Heavenly Father and as someone who has been in your situation. Life won't ever be perfect but you can find true joy, peace, hope, love, and light in your life.

2007-03-11 17:19:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not catholic but I am a Christian and the bible says that the JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!! And I was were you are not but a few months ago...I would cry every night when I went to bed and I am not nor have I ever been a depressed person...I had some other issues as far as my health also and I knew it just wasn't me. I went to a wellness doctor and found out that I had a thyroid problem. I know it may seem weird but you might have the same sort of issues. Drink ONLY water that has been purified (Reverse osmosis is the best)...NO CHLORINE OR FLUORIDE!!!!!! also try to get away from all household cleaning chemicals (most are considered toxic) if you want to e-mail me directly please do and when you feel like committing suicide just know that that is NOT what God has planned for your life. He loves you very much and does NOT want you to hurt yourself...get into a good Bible based church where they will love on you!!!

2007-03-11 16:58:24 · answer #4 · answered by cbmultiplechoice 5 · 0 0

Religious people can feel depressed too, but, usually they are against the idea of suicide. If u are suicidal talk to a priest or a friend, mother, sister or any relative. Or you can call your local medical clinic and say you'd like to talk to someone.

God has a plan for everyone's life. And it's up to God when it's your time to go (die). If you do it yourself then your chances of going to heaven are very slim, it's one of the biggest sin that you can commit.

I've been depressed many times, but suicide is not the answer cuz you won't really feel that the pain is gone cuz ur dead. Keep trying to have a good attitude even if it's hard, but at the same time talk to someone, suicide is a very serious matter and you should not be alone when you are feelnig like this.

I suggest also you can get a video called "Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames". It's a very powerful play/movie about life after death.

Please talk to someone, if you are unsure what to do, call 911.

Good luck and take care.

2007-03-11 16:52:07 · answer #5 · answered by sasf41 2 · 0 0

I hope you don't mind an answer by an ex-Catholic who taught the faith. I'll answer it from a Catholic position. :)

Suicide is a mortal sin. It is the one sin you can never be forgiven for. You are saying to God that you know better, and that your life ends when you say - not when God says.

Life on earth is still a gift from God. It may suck at times - but God granted us a life, a soul. The gift of being able to love and experience Divine Love. Catholics are taught to concentrate on this life. Yes, being with God would be great - but that will not happen until God decides to call us home. Instead, we need to concentrate on making the most out of this life.

Trying to busy yourself, or forcing a positive attitude is just masking the underlying problem - that you don't think that this life is worth living. It will not solve anything in the long run. And it may even push you down further - thinking that you are failing as a person.

If you feel that you are going to hurt yourself - call someone. Anyone you trust. You need to have someone with you - to help you get through this. Everyone expereinces depression at one time in their life, and there are many people who have been were you are at now. Asking for help is not shameful.

You have not failed! You have not failed in believing, in having faith. Never think you have failed.

Try to trust in yourself. Not forcing yourself to get the most, happiest things out of life. Instead trust yourself to make the right desicions. That you are worthwhile - otherwise God wouldn't have created you.

And trust in God. Trust that he wants you here for a reason. That you are living a life for a reason, and that he has plans for you. Talk to God - and most importantly - turn over your pain and suffering to God. Allow God to help you carry your burdens. You are not alone.

Allow God to be your strength. Your peace. To fill you with love. Allow yourself to accept these thing.

Take babysteps. It wont happen overnight. But it will happen.

2007-03-11 16:55:37 · answer #6 · answered by noncrazed 4 · 1 0

Honey, no one can say it's a sin. Only God can answer that. Please don't commit suicide. My sister did it when I was 15 years old and she left a husband, a 5 year old daughter, and a 3 year old son. My parents were devistated. It's awful to lose a child especially at their own hands. Talk to a professional. A counselor or psychiatrist. Please get help. Everyone goes through something like this in their lifetime. I did, but then I saw what it did to my parents when my sister died. Remember that you probably mean the world to someone or several people out there and they would be going through the feelings of loss and grief just like my folks did. I wish the best for you. Hang in there!

2007-03-11 16:56:05 · answer #7 · answered by vik 3 · 0 0

Catholics believe suicide when committed in full knowledge and deliberate consent is a complete turning away from God (a mortal sin) and will send a person to hell.

There are 3 conditions of a mortal sin: grave matter, full knowledge, and deliberate consent.

While suicide (or any kind of murder) is always a grave matter, people who commit suicide may not always have full knowledge of what they're doing. Drugs can definitely impair ones thinking, as can other things, such as diseases, intense pain, or anguish.

Therefore, suicide is not automatically treated as a mortal sin.

We are commanded by Christ not to judge others so we leave final judgment to God who alone knows each person's heart.

2007-03-11 16:51:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing is worth ending your own existence. Whatever the situation that is before you, think of it on terms such as this.. Will it be here 6 months from now? Not likely, and the only source that can change that situation is you. Pray to Jehovah on a constant basis for a new perspective on life. A change of viewpoint could also be a change in attitude as well. Just look for the answers beyond the ones that have you in the mind state you are in now.

2007-03-11 16:48:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Apparently your catholic faith is not satifying your spiritual needs. According to catholic faith, suicide is not acceptable. You are taking alife. That is against God's laws. You need some spiritual guidance and a new sense of fulfillment. Your sense of sadness is depression and depression is curable. There are causes for it. It could be medical, physical, spiritual or psycological. You need to seek help. Don't think you can handle this by yourself. There are folks who can help you with this. You do not have to suffer in silence and bring pain to your family and friends. If you did it, have you thought who would be the one to find you, make arrangements for your funeral and clean up the mess afterwards? Is that the kind of legacy you want to leave behind? You have worth and value. You may feel confused, but you can find hope in a new faith in God. You need to discover that Jesus wants to be your friend. You have gone through the motions of faith and religion, but now you need a relationship with God. He will give you feelings of purpose and direction and hope and a future beyond your current confusion. If your priest does not help you to your satisfaction, I suggest you try a pastor instead. They both serve the same God. Remember there are no denominations in heaven.

2007-03-11 16:55:56 · answer #10 · answered by rejoiceinthelord 5 · 1 0

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