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The atheists I know seem to be good,almost perfect folks.
Where are they getting their self-righteousness from if they don't believe in God's revelation?
Will the Atheist be saved in the afterlife ?

Whereas most Christians I know, seem to lead more dramatic lives, and I must admit that sometimes their actions is shameful to their faith? I don't understand, anybody can give logical explaination?

2007-03-11 16:03:16 · 21 answers · asked by She-whom-shall-not-be-named 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I've been thinking if the Átheists will be saved for having good morality on their own, then whyare the other Christians wasting time worshipping and get the same reward in the Afterlife ?

2007-03-11 16:18:03 · update #1

21 answers

I am sorry that you have ran into some Christians who have been offensive to you. There are good and bad,intelligent and ignorant,arrogant and humble,loud and quiet people in all sects of life. Keeping in mind that 76.5 % of all Americans are Christian and only 0.4% of Americans are atheist. The probability of seeing more of these offensive personalities in the Christian faith is higher. It shouldn't be that way because we are called to live to a higher standard but we are all human. But since your question asked for logic I think that you can logically agree that the probabilty of running into bad behaviors in a group go up as the group increase in size and there is a BIG difference between 76% and 0.4%.

Answering your second question - You do not earn your way into Heaven. So no-- being a moral atheist will not get you into heaven. God wants to spend eternity with those who love Him and accept His grace. As a Christian I believe that the only way in to heaven is through Jesus Christ. Atheists do not believe in heaven so I am not sure why it would matter to an atheist if they "get into" heaven. To me there is no logic in an atheist asking if they can earn their way into a place that they do not believe in.

2007-03-18 08:49:15 · answer #1 · answered by kairos 3 · 0 0

I would only change the self righteousness to virtuous because righteousness suggests a relativity to a deity and there is non nor an after life for most atheist even in the eyes of many christian beliefs have chosen As I have chosen to reject the ideology of a belief in a god. also most atheists seem far from narrow minded which is also reflected in the choice of wording .to redirect myself back again to the question some of Christianity does make sense but it is also flawed....

2007-03-19 16:04:13 · answer #2 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 0 0

To some it makes sense. I guess it's all in how you perceive it. As for Atheists being saved in the afterlife, they don't believe in the afterlife. Christians seem to be held to a higher standard, and their actions are scrutinized a little closer than a non believer.

2007-03-19 15:17:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its called Humanism. For example if it feels good, do it! If Morality teaches us restraint in life. There are many good moral people. But what purpose in life? If we have purpose to our eternal being then that is a start. Being a christian is a commitment to our belief in Christ. Being a christian is harder to act because our faith in God teaches us to Love Thy Neighbor as Our self. When we are put under the microscope and "mess" up people are "quick to judge us. If you see a moral friend make a mistake unmoral you may first judged them, but still support them. As Christ showed His love on the cross for us, As a christian we must show Gods love to all no matter the circumstances. As for Atheist, according to the BIBLE those who don't believe will be cast in the" Lake of Fire"

2007-03-11 16:33:08 · answer #4 · answered by Lena H 1 · 2 0

well that's in your opinion if it makes sense or not
I'm an atheist i wouldn't call me or you perfect cause no one is perfect
and as for Christians being more immoral it's probably because they are frustrated with what's going to happen in the afterlife that they slowly start losing the "Christ" in them
that's my opinion
an atheist who takes life lightly
edit- and where i get my self-righteousness i try to live life to the fullest make friends and travel try it
i guarantee you'll be a better person peace to you

2007-03-11 16:27:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes it does. Christianity makes sense. One example is the teaching of do not pay evil for evil. One dominant religion in our world today does not practice this. Look what happened to them. The horrible beheading murder and ruthless killing will never end. Another reason why Christianity makes sense, is the teachings of Jesus about not to worry but to pray and ask for wisdom. Scientists today linked cancer and myriads of diseases to stress and worries. So Jesus really cared for us. The teaching of Paul in 1 Cor 10:23 says that everything is permitted but not everything is good for us. Very true, you are free to hate somebody and kill him. But will it do good for you. The consequence could be disastrous as you will end up in prison and maybe some of your family members are harmed or killed while you are not with them. And about materialism. Paul in his 1st letter to Timothy chapter 6 verse 10, he said that he love of money is the root of all evil. Money is for everybody;s use but look at those who desire for more. They corrupt, rob, steal and make deceptions in order to have more. In addition, Paul said in 1 Tim 6:7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. Did anyone carry anything into this world and take anything out of it when he dies? Of course not. There are lot of things that Christianity makes sense so as there are lot of things the bible and Christianity taught that we still have some doubts. This is because our knowledge is very limited. As what Sir Isaac Newton said, "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.” Though we could not have all the answers to all our questions but we could live to what is biblical and practical. Christianity does make sense..

2014-10-23 07:24:55 · answer #6 · answered by Kim Kang Kong 1 · 0 0

People are just different like that. Most "Christians" wouldn't know Christ if He walked up and introduced Himself. They don't read the Bible or pray. It is "hip" to call yourself a "Christian" so they do. --Until God asks something of them! God like qualities are given to everybody. some tend to show those qualities better than others. It is a shame that all "Christians" aren't Christ-like. it gives real "Christians" a bad name. I am sorry for the times I have not been as Christ-like as I should be.

2007-03-11 16:10:55 · answer #7 · answered by I-o-d-tiger 6 · 2 0

I've heard a lot of Christians say that we can't be moral because we have no higher power to judge our actions (or some rehash of that form).

...but that's just the thing that makes us MORE moral. We act according to consequence. We don't answer to a higher power... we answer to guilt, consequence, the law, and suffering. That's punishment enough. Eternal punishment for finite crimes? It doesn't make sense.

IMO, Christianity doesn't make a lick of sense anymore.
It used to.
...back when I was part of the fan club.

2007-03-11 16:07:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Read Jonah. He had the same complaint. He was sent to a city, Nineveh to tell them that God was about to open a can of whoopass on them, and they at the end repented. Jonah sat up on a hill to watch the destruction, but when it didn't come, he was indignant.
Atheists will be saved if they die before Judgement day. Anyone who dies (except in a judgement of God like Sodom or Gomorrah) will be ressurected for the "greatest price of sin, is in fact Death". That's it. You die, you pay in full. No place of eternal torment etc.
But I am speculating here, for at the end of the day, it all comes down to God, who will judge each and every one of us fairly.

2007-03-19 12:47:16 · answer #9 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 0 0

Hello. I will be honest with you on your question. Does Christianity make sense? To the carnal, unbelieving mind NO... it does not. It does not make sense that we would need a savior to die for us, to redeem us from spiritual death and hell, and give us grace for the issues of life. So many are trying to work their way to Heaven (i.e. man working to reach God) whilst the Bible tells of God working to reach man. God made the first move to redeem fallen humanity and restore them into His favor. It was God's Son who shed His blood to secure salvation. To the spiritually naive, it is senseless to have God take on flesh and die on a Cross! The Bible says the WEAKNESS of God is STRONGER than men. That's His weakness now! Yes, Christians (that is those who've accepted Jesus Christ God's Son as their Savior) do need to live a better more holy life... but that is not to say such still don't know the TRUTH! So should a less than perfect Christian tell you the truth, you are responsible for it whether you believe it or not... you've had your opportunity. God is gracious and sends those to reach them, to bring them to Him upon death to live in Heaven with Him. I don't mean to be preachy, but I wanted to tell you honestly. God is still working to change hearts... both the less than perfect continuing Christians and the unbelieving. Hope this helps.

2007-03-11 17:18:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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