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If GOD knew that we were going to be sinners and kill jesus in the first place why did he send jesus down??? i know if he didn't come we wouldn't be saved but still his one and only son to die like this..???

2007-03-11 15:52:43 · 10 answers · asked by Andeeeeee 1 in Society & Culture Community Service

10 answers

That is how much God loves us.

2007-03-11 15:57:31 · answer #1 · answered by Laura H 5 · 3 1

God had The Word with Him from before time. Man messed up, but the exact timing of when AND WHETHER Jesus would come depended not only upon God, but the good/bad decisions of men. Adam let Eve deceive him, so that was mistake #1; then Cain killed Abel, so the path to sin and disobedience was established. Then move up many years to Abraham - who, just like God did later when He sacrificed His Son Jesus, ALSO was asked to sacrifice his first-born son by God as a test of faith - "on Earth as it is in Heaven"- Yet Abraham disobeyed God and had a son by his Concubine rather than by Sarah as God had commanded him to. Abraham COULD have obeyed God, but chose not to, partly because he did not have faith in God that Sarah could conceive as she was definitely past menopause.

So God did not just decide to send Jesus down in a pre-conceived rigid timing, but had to have the input of real men making good and bad decisions to determine just when that time might be. So finally, when things got so out of hand that there was no delaying it further, he let John the Baptist proclaim the imminent coming of the Lord, and then Jesus took over, but only when his time had truly come, and only because mankind had made so many more bad decisions than good that it was no longer possible for God to do anything else; and as he so loved the world and promised never again to flood it, He let His Light shine on the world thru his Son Jesus Christ - the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen.

2007-03-12 07:26:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know, I know. It almost seems like a real shame for God to give us his son and die for our sins. But you have to remember too that God is constantly in a battle of winning over the evils of satan so that goodness and purity of his type can only exist. For me, perfection seems unrealistic in this life of ours. But in God's kingdom, I really do believe that there really is such a thing as perfection. So, what if Satan sent down his own son to show us that all is good and true that you can get away with doing bad things and being totally immoral, you'll still see that heavenly place, where in your right mind, you would think that it seems unrealistic because Jesus said so and so in the Bible so it must not be true. Let me make this even more clearer. do you ever heard of the phrase that Goes something like,"If it looks or sounds too good to be true, than it's not true." I'm sure you've heard this many times in your life. Have you ever notice that being good is or seems the hardest thing to be. That's exactly how god works. If you believe and have faith, having to go through hardship to achieve goodness would be the final end to God. Like wise even Jesus our Lord the son of God has to die for our sins. Good enough, yes?

2007-03-11 23:17:52 · answer #3 · answered by FILO 6 · 0 0

I answered this question once before.Because Adam&Eve sinned
they caused the human race to be
born with a nature that was cursed
because of their sin.God being a
Holy God,could not over look sin,
so,He made Jesus to be our sin
barrer on calvarys cross to pay a
sin debt we could not pay ourselves because we are sinners.
Jesus,being sinless,was the only
acceptable sacrifice that could
satisfly a Holy God,it took sinless
blood to atone for our sin.
I hope this helps clear up any
confusion you may have had.
Your Friend for GOD'S Glory
John Ephesians 3:20&21.

2007-03-11 23:13:54 · answer #4 · answered by LOJM58 1 · 1 0

An Omniscient GOD is "all knowing"--yet chose to give the GIFT of "free-will" to allow Choice-- and GOD didn't "kill" Jesus; Jesus laid His own life down and chose to offer Himself as an atoning sacrifice for sin---He endured the Cross "for the Glory that was set before Him"--His vision was beyond the grave to the assurance of His Resurrection and subsequent ascension into Heaven...the Cross wasn't the "end" for Jesus....He lives Forevermore making intercession to God on behalf of those who believe in Him. Remember the Bible says--God is God of the Living, not the dead.....God's knowledge was that man wasn't GOD, that man wouldn't be God-perfect, but a Perfect God designed a Perfect plan to redeem man from his own sinful choices--that plan --motivated by the fact that God so Loved...that He gave...Jesus, His only begotten son---to fulfill the cost of sin ="wages of sin is death"...Jesus died in our stead...that He might be the first-born among many bretheren--when He rose a victor over death and the grave, as believers shall be one day when we are caught up to meet Him in the air--....God has an understanding of death that is incomprehensible to us---an understanding of eternity that our finite minds don't have the capacity to comprehend...Some things are grasped by Revelation and some won't be understood until we stand before Him in glory--that's why: Without FAITH it is impossible to please God. When the son of man returns, will He find Faith on earth? Let's hope so!

2007-03-12 13:37:48 · answer #5 · answered by Jain D' Vine 2 · 1 0

He said He would send the Messiah and He did. Jesus knew coming down what his role would be and He could have changed His mind at any time. He didn't and that is why it is so much more then just a sacrifice.

2007-03-11 22:57:18 · answer #6 · answered by Pantherempress 7 · 2 0

There are a bunch of great answers already...but I just thought I'd add this. And at times, I've wondered this same question myself...

I think of it this way - If God were to control our every single action, as a master might control to slave, then we could not *choose* to love and obey Him. He gives us this choice, this free will, so that we can choose to follow Him or reject Him - it's up to us to decide what to do with that option.

God loves us as His children, as our Father. In loving us this way, he wants us to come to Him (even though none of us is perfect) and ask for forgiveness and love Him back with our lives. To me, it's much like a parent loving and guiding his/her kid, hoping that the kid will make grow up to make the right choices in life, knowing that there's a big chance that kid will go astray at times on their own.

In a perfect world, we would have followed, obeyed, and loved God without flaw. But just like that straying kid, we haven't always lived as God wants, and sin came into the human race.

So, the reason he sent his son to die for us in our place, to offer us eternal life, was because we had messed things up on our own (through sin.) Out of love, he gave us a second chance through grace - through Jesus' sacrifice and our repentance.

So each of us in our lives faces the potential for eternal life through God's grace. If we make the choice He hopes we will make - choosing Jesus - we receive that "happy ending." (:

2007-03-12 20:46:55 · answer #7 · answered by el repollo rojo 2 · 0 0

God sent Jesus down to live on earth to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven. It was intended for Jesus to suffer ridicule from those who didn't believe He was the Son of God and it was intended for him to suffer the physical and mental anguish and pain of dying on the cross. The very best part is that after 3 days in the burial tomb, God rolled the stone away from the entrance to the tomb where Jesus was buried and raised Jesus up from the grave. There were those who saw Him in his spirit form and even talked about touching the holes in His hands where the nails were and the gash in His side where the guard speared Him. God planned this because He loves us all so very much that He wanted to make a sacrifice of something so special it would get out attention. So He sent His son Jesus . If you believe in this and pray to Jesus to come in to your heart and life and forgive you for all you have ever done wrong, then you will receive His gift of eternal life so that when you die, you will go to Heaven and live with God and Jesus for all eternity. Atheists say that there is no proof of this being a true story, but they have never felt the spiritual uplift that happens when you do ask Jesus to come in to your heart. They doubt what they cannot see. No greater love has ever been known than that of God. And what He asks in return is faith in Him and in His son Jesus. We are to try and learn as much of the Bible as we can because it is like a book of directions on how to live life and get through bad times with His help. It really changes the way you think and feel inside. It is a wonderful experience. I saw a comment here in Answers from a former Atheist who had accepted Jesus and this person told about the spiritual change he had felt inside and how great a feeling it was. I was so glad to read about his salvation.(That's what we call it when a person asks Jesus into his heart.) It is a saving from death and from the bonds that sin ties a person up with, ending in eternity in Hell with those who reject God. It is very simple to accept Jesus. First you must believe that He is the son of God and was sent to die on the cross to save you from sin and death. Then believe that God has raised Him from the grave and He sits in Heaven at the right hand of God, His Father. Together, they forgive you of your sins if you ask and give you a new life, eternal in the Heavens. If you want to do that, all you do is ask Jesus to come in to your heart and forgive you for your sins and lead you to a better understanding of God and His Word, the Bible. You don't have to pray any wordy, eloquent prayer and have any special way of doing that. You just believe and ask. You will know He is real by the time you are through and you will feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders. If you pray that prayer, please email me and share your experience with me. And if you have any other questions about these things, don't hesitate to ask. Yahoo will put you in touch with me via email and I'll be glad to help wherever i can. I want you to know my Jesus as your personal friend and savior. God bless this person and give them your guidance and your mighty wisdom. I pray for them to come to know You. Amen.

2007-03-11 23:45:10 · answer #8 · answered by froggsfriend 5 · 1 0

you have to go back to adam and eve. if she never ate the apple then there wouldnt be any sin. when she did he needed a way to bring his people back to him or he would lose us to satan. he promised that he would send his son to save us by our beliefs. it isnt for us to understand why just to have faith that he was doing what he felt was showing his never ending love. when times get hard ( i have learned recently) that if you think about the love and sacrifice he made it is easier to deal with what is happening cause we have never been asked to make that sacrifice only to believe and trust

2007-03-11 23:08:06 · answer #9 · answered by wlfbelcher 3 · 1 1

it makes you think,was their really a god almighty.im damn sure i would not send my son on a mission like that would you?

2007-03-11 22:59:21 · answer #10 · answered by fatdadslim 6 · 0 1

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