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Do you church people ever wonder about the Neanderthals?

I asked a question about that recently, and one of the church people came on and quoted a Bible verse about giants.

The Neanderthals weren't giants. Any church people around who have an education, and care to answer my question?

Anybody, what really goes through your private mind when you learn about proto-humans, near-humans, and the ever-expanding fossil record?

If you study biology and you learn that rudimentary hind limbs appear briefly in the embryos of whales and dolphins, do you ever, even for an instant, wonder what the Lord was thinking?

Do you dismiss such thoughts? And where do you draw the line between the thoughts you dismiss and the thoughts you allow?

You're in a losing situation -- does that realization ever pop into your heads?

2007-03-11 15:30:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Hey Laptop, even better, beer was invented in Mesopotamia between eight and ten thousand years ago, BEFORE the world was created. Cool, eh?

2007-03-11 15:45:26 · answer #1 · answered by sngcanary 5 · 2 0

Did the realization that not all Christians interpret a sacred record literally ever pop into your head?
I'm a devout Christian, and also consider myself a scientist (perhaps a bit too generously, after all, I've only got a bachelor's and I'm working towards a doctorate). Since scientists do not "believe" anything, they simply observe facts and propose hypothesis, then test them until those hypothesis can be accepted as a general theory, I'm not sure where the threat to Christianity comes from. Could you explain it a little better?
I have very little doubt that humans evolved from other life forms. I also have no doubt that Christ died for our sins and created the world. He is a lot more brilliant (in my humble opinion) than Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Darwin, and (fill in your own genius here), put together! Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he did it through evolution?
To be honest, there is much more we don't know than we do know about the creation of the world. What is interesting is that the Bible gets it in the right order. First the light, then the continents arising, then plants, then animals. That Adam was created of the dust of the Earth. (Interestingly, people who say that religion places too much emphasis on man's place in the universe and that we try too separate ourselves too much from the animals, ought to go back and actually read Genesis; Adam was created from dust! How's that for a humbling thought?). If you were God, and were explaining all this to a man (Moses, if you accept the general theories about who wrote Genesis) who had no concept of bacteria, plate tectonics, the solar system, or DNA mutations and the process of natural selection, how would you explain it?
Go ahead, I'm waiting.
As for me, I think God did a pretty good job explaining it. Has it ever occurred to you that the concept of symbolism hasn't escaped God the omniscient?
Hope I haven't come across as too confrontational. It just bugs me to no end when people start trying to prove that God doesn't exist. Everyone repeat after me: Science cannot prove the nonexistence of anything, unless you limit it to a very small and well-defined sphere.
God lives. You don't figure that out through studying the fossil record (although I think it helps). And to me, the wonder of a God who conceived all this (evolution, plate tectonics, a chaotic yet orderly universe) is far more amazing and awe-inspiring than the cop-out that some people have imagined, that he just snapped his fingers and there it was.
We are but children picking up seashells along the shore (to paraphrase Stevens). There is so much more to this vast universe, and so much more about the glory of God to discover that we have only begun to scratch the surface. We should elevate our thoughts a little bit to the beauty and wonder of all that surrounds it.
To quote a favorite song: "If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel (on your knees boy)"

2007-03-11 15:53:12 · answer #2 · answered by Ivan 3 · 1 0

They have been trying really, really, really hard to debunk the Bible and still have not done it yet -- even today, where they go out with the results already in their heads even without the evidence. They go out to find not proof of human origins, but proof of what they want to tell everyone. After all this time, they should have so much more than they have now. So far nothing, absolutely nothing suggests evolution might be true.

However we do find evidence of DNA working like it was originally designed to work. Adaption programs inside of the DNA seem to kick in as designed, within expected design perimeters.

Evoluation is a theory of failure, the system must fail in order to go forward. In fact, it must fail millions of times, way past the point of total system failure before one, tiny, itty, bitty, progress is said to be made. Each tiny step has not been found. Why is that?

If I saw a Neanderthal walking down the street today, dressed like anyone else, I would be hard pressed to point him out. A close physical examination would be necessary. Sure you could contrast all the physical characteristics and stuff them all into a hypothetical individual and see a difference, but you could see more of a difference between modern man and a dwarf, or a Pygmy. Using evolution, one could do a real good job of showing how ape-like one of them ought to be, yet they are man, not ape.

How much science is flushed away for the sake of this so-called theory? Why can't we look at the evidence and go with what it says?

Concerning the 6000 years, there is nothing in the Bible about that. Some people might believe that, but it is not in the Bible. At the same time, there is nothing in science proving that the earth is old. All known scientific "clocks" point to a young earth. Hypothesis and error point to an older earth. The earth seems to get older and older as they need it to fit their theories, yet new evidence of an older earth never came up with each and every adjustment they made.

I think there is science, and there is the contrasting science religion, a religion where man tries to squeeze out God in any way he can.

2007-03-11 15:50:33 · answer #3 · answered by Shawn D 3 · 0 1

Did you ever think that Adam and Eve might not have been 5'6" or even only 6'1" They were created "in God's image" I figure Adam at about 15' and Eve around 12' Adam lived for over 900 years. They were the smartest people who have EVER lived. They probably had gene splicing down to an art form. They "created" dinosaurs. And when they tried human cloning God destroyed the Earth with a flood. Thus dinosaurs and humans walked side by side. They told the people of that day that it was physically impossible for it to rain water from the sky so that the earth would be completely covered. They were wrong.

2007-03-11 15:57:43 · answer #4 · answered by I-o-d-tiger 6 · 0 2

Do you ever wander about The Bacterial Flagellum, stem cells, quarks that make up the nucleus of atom?!

I think there is a missing link between the Neanderthals and who we are today.

What we have found until now doesn't prove evolution at all. OK, we have the Neanderthals, but we don't have that younger link to connect us with them. OK we do have the Dinosaurs, but what does that prove also?

What if "messages" from above gave us timings from God's dimension, not ours (24h per day....)

What if we are not supposed to know what was before... As much as we don't know what comes after... What if someone just knew...But he/se didn't knew to write... :)

Be open minded...And keep asking questions without prejudices...

2007-03-11 16:08:21 · answer #5 · answered by stoika 2 · 0 1

The translation is probably wrong. The orighinal word where we use "days" (as in saying that the Earth was created in 7 days) could also have ment "long periods of time". Also, at the time when the bible was originally written or told, there were not the calendars we use today. Either way, I don't take the Bible literally.

2007-03-11 15:39:10 · answer #6 · answered by jefftechcrew2006 2 · 0 0

There is no date given for Adam. From Adam to Noah was 1656 years (according to scripture). Then there is a gap, Abraham leaves Ur in 2000BC, bunch of stuff happens, Joseph dies in Egypt. Another gap, Moses lead the Exodus around 1250BC.

Anyone who tries to speculate the exact timelines of those gaps, really doesn't have any credable historical background. The 1656 years from Adam to Flood really isn't provable, but it is given if you read the geneologies-same year that Methusalah died. Regardless of the accuracy of the number given, there is a giant flood, and then no mention of exact dating is given until after the Exodus. We only have a date for Abraham from historical records (he left Ur in 2000BC, had dealings with Pheonicians AKA "Canaanites" and Egyptians under the name "Habru" or "Haburi", as did his children for about 150) Then after the Exodus, in Joshua there are some battles fought by the "Haburi" peoples under "Yoshah" in Phoenicia in the 12th Century BC.

2007-03-11 16:27:01 · answer #7 · answered by kmsbean 3 · 0 1

Before Adam.according to the holy Qur'an,there were humans but their physical form were different than the human like today .THe humans before Adam had been abolished by our God the greatest creator.So Adam was the first human like now created by Allah the only one God.

2007-03-11 15:56:33 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I am not a "church people" , my theory of adam and eve is that it was the first recorded history of mankind. No more , no less, but I think it was elaborated/fabricated upon throughout the centuries.

2007-03-11 15:38:54 · answer #9 · answered by vivib 6 · 0 0

As I recall, Sumarians invented glue about 5500 years ago. So there was a pretty quick learning curve between Garden of Eden to glue in their world.

2007-03-11 15:36:07 · answer #10 · answered by Laptop Jesus 2.0 5 · 2 0

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