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25 answers

I dont think so. Its not the breed. Its the owner. Its all in how you raise the dog.

2007-03-11 15:20:28 · answer #1 · answered by melindah83 2 · 4 2

How does one train an APBT to fight and not quit . IT IS NOT POSSIBLE !!! you do`nt train a dog of any kind to fight. Any breed of dog or mutt will fight whether as a defensive reaction or an offensive action. Ever heard of "gameness" ? You people act as though every APBT is a fighting dog and every stray was abandoned as a used up fighting dog. Maybe one out of every ten thousand dogs born through BYB`s will show gameness and even that ONE may not prove to be game. On the professional level the odds are a lot better because of the high caliber of the sire - dam and all the generations before, but that is still no guarantee. To produce a GD/CH the odds go even higher. The dog fighting that is ruining these dogs is done by people that have no clue as to what they are doing. They don`t follow any rules and know nothing about a keep. They match dogs with as much as a 7-10 weight difference and probably ever higher. If two dogs were evenly matched with 1lb. being the difference, that 1lb. of muscle would MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. In thirty years , I`ve never heard of a game dog ever biting or attacking a person even after provocation. It`s the novice owner , irresponsible owner and wannabe dog fighters that are the cause of what you read and hear about. I`ve never seen an APBT that was just flat out born "mean" or human aggressive.
Back in the day, one NEVER heard of an APBT attacking a person, it just did`nt happen. So all you people wanted to be (wannabe) a breeder because you thought you knew more about the dogs than men that spent their entire lives breeding the ultimate fighting dog. Colby dogs were started in 1896 and are still going strong in the Colby family to this day and all morons think they can improve on that? Colby is just one line of game Apbt`s there are a handful more that are widely known and respected. The old timers sold, traded and bred their dogs to create other lines in the quest to improve their dogs as well as the APBT as a whole. Today it is all about ignorance and a dollar . Quit the myth that there is a correlation between dog bites,attacks and the dog matches. You don`t know what you`re talking about so why show your ignorance? When did you last see a professional match?
Do I think APBT`s should be outlawed? LMAO.

2007-03-12 10:45:46 · answer #2 · answered by Fightingpit 5 · 1 0

No they should not. They are like any other dog, they were made for a purpose and like any other dog they can and will bite if need be. The problem with pit bulls is the owners, people need to know and understand the breed BEFORE they get them. If they are given proper training a good home and are cared for they are very loyal dogs who like any other dog love their family. There are people who get the breed because it is cool or because they want a fighting dog, but that again is the fault of the owner who trains them to be this way, the dog only knows what it is taught. We had a pit and he was very smart he is now with a friend of the families and is the best thing to happen to the family that has him. Not once has he shown agression why because he was trained well. Like any animal they have their instinct that they were born with, but with some training and control they are wonderful creatures and if RESPONSIBLE, LOVING, people want them who are we to say no!

2007-03-11 23:10:02 · answer #3 · answered by surfjax32 6 · 1 0

If you outlaw pits then you should outlaw all dogs. It doesn't matter if it's a tiny little poodle or a giant Bull Mastif. If they are treated with respect and love and are truely a member of your family they are a good dog. But, if you disrespect them and treat them badly then you can make a monster out of any living thing. Just remember that if you want a pit bull then you need to research the laws in your area and call your insurance company. like here in Ohio you have to have them in a kennel with a concrete floor with a roof and chained in there. If you bring them out they have to be on a leash with a muzzle. Also you have to have a $100,000.00 life insurance policy on them, if they are 100% pitbull. So what kind of life could you live if you had to go through life like that??
People should think before they bring a new life into their family and make sure their families are educated and well prepared for the mistakes it may make and to give it plenty of love and understanding.

2007-03-11 23:02:33 · answer #4 · answered by fastonecah 1 · 1 0

Nope. I think they need a better law on bad pit bull breeders and owners. I am a dog training instructor. There are a lot of them in our area. Most of them are good dogs. I have seen and heard good and bad things on all kinds of breeds. Banning a breed doesn't stop the problem. They'll get a Cane Corso,a Rottie, a Staffie, a German Shepard. So, do we keep banning all the breeds that the bad people mess up or do we go after the people causing the problem? Hmmm.........The second answer makes more sense to me.

If only every city would check this out and do the same thing...............


2007-03-11 22:30:02 · answer #5 · answered by freedove06 3 · 1 0

Absoultely not! It's all in how a dog is trained. People who raise these dogs to be aggressive should be thrown in prison. It's ridiculous that a whole breed of dogs should be punished for what PEOPLE are doing to them.

If you don't take the time to teach a dog, they aren't going to learn. They aren't any worse than any other breed - they were somehow made popular for humans to train as fighting machines. My favorite dog ever is my dad's pit. I absolutely love her. I hope my little puppy has a personality like that (even though she's not a pit).

2007-03-12 01:35:35 · answer #6 · answered by Ashley M 2 · 0 0

I personally do not believe in outlawing a breed. But it would be hard to institute regulations on owners of pit bulls as they are a popular, common breed. If i owned a dog then someone tried to tell me i had to have him destroyed or move, i would probably explode. I know a lot of states have made it illegal to own them, but there are still pitbulls in those states. They just arent registered or arent taken to the vet or the owners just say they are boxer crosses. It just makes for poor treatment of the ones that already exist, and it makes it harder for people who are responsible dog owners, because its the responsilbe dog owners who get hit first, not the ones who have unregistered, undesexed, unhealthy dogs.

It would be hard to screen prospective owners, because the ones that need screening are buying from unregistered, backyard breeders. How do you police what you dont know about. There is a law making pitbulls illegal to import into australia, but i have seen them and my husband has owned one. It was registered as a boxer cross and that was what the vet was told. You dont need any proof as to what a dogs breed is to register it, only whether it is desexed or not. These dogs just become an underground breed owned by unscrupulous people.

Destroying or euthanasing a perfectly healthy, possibly well trained safe dog just because of its breed is wrong and i liken it to genocide.

2007-03-11 22:28:50 · answer #7 · answered by Big red 5 · 4 0

Not at all. In the wrong hands, pit bulls can be dangerous dogs, but so can any dog. Pitbulls are a great breed, very loving companions, i have seen alot of awesome pitbulls. If you every watch the Dog Whisperer on the national geographic channel, you should check out his special on "The Power of the Pack". In it he shows about 6 different pitbulls that he rescued, who were once fighting dogs, and he rehabilitated them into really really awesome dogs. He would actually use them to teach other dogs also.

2007-03-11 22:23:39 · answer #8 · answered by moose 2 · 4 0

Yes. Along with labs, Yorkies, Westies, Rottweilers, Chiuhauhas, German Shepherds, etc. etc. *Please note my sarcasm...*

Honestly, no dog should be outlawed just because they're a certain breed. A dog's temperment is mainly influenced by its owners. People think that pits are an aggressive breed by nature; however, I've met incredibly mean cocker spaniels, boston terriers, beagles, and weimeriners in various training classes. If we were to outlaw a breed of dog, we'd have to justify it by outlawing all breeds of dogs, and I, for one, don't want to see that happen.

2007-03-11 23:36:00 · answer #9 · answered by hockey_gal9 *Biggest Stars fan!* 7 · 0 0

Pit Bulls are a lovely breed. Its how they are raised. I personally know of a pit bull breeder and his dogs are wonderful and beautiful. They are companions and not used for fighting. So its the owners of the dogs and not the dogs.

2007-03-11 23:07:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No! Please do all you can to fight BSL, punish the deed not the breed!

There is no such thing as a dangerous breed of dog, only stupid owners who do not take the time to socialize and or train their dogs. Then regardless of breed they become nuisances and in worse case scenarios even threats.

Please don't be ignorant towards the Pit bull, they are amazing dogs. Don't let the media influence you. These are wonderful, family oriented, loving dogs, who just need the proper home and care.

2007-03-11 22:56:52 · answer #11 · answered by kristy_dehaven2001 3 · 2 0

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