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Okay. So, heres the deal. I am a 14 yr old kid, and I admit I am overwieght. I would like to loose some weight, and gain muscle mass, in a 3 months period (or before June 16). I want to do this w/out letting my parents know...as last time I went to them for weight loss, they did nothing to help me. I would like to really focus on my torso area (my stomach especially), and above all...loose facial fat. I have an annoying double chin I would like to get rid of. SOO....I am asking the people of Yahoo...can u give me advice, and tips to loose wieght and gain muscle by June 16??? Please. It would be much appreiciated!


2007-03-11 15:15:48 · 15 answers · asked by Zachary G 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

15 answers

Hey Zach. Good for you that you are trying to get in shape. First and foremost try to change your eating habits. Try not to eat food from fast food restaurants, no sweets. Try drinking lots of water, eat fruit and veggies. If you have access to weights there are many sites on the web where you can find workout routines. You also need aerobic exercise....walking, swimming, biking, etc. Start out slow with the exercising if you are not used to it.

2007-03-11 15:24:50 · answer #1 · answered by harri_pitts 3 · 0 0

You want to lose some weight and gain muscle mass within the 3 month period. Bad news, Zach... you can not lose weight that fast. The most you would lose would be the water weight. The fat mass, well, does take a while to lose.

If you really want to lose weight, you got to work at it. No more eating out at McDonald's or any fast food restaurants and not even any restaurant due to them serving large portions.

You have to exercise by walking, jogging, running etc...

Some people might suggest that you go join a gym but the thing is that you have to sign a contact that usually is an annual (year) one. It also costs quite a bit.

So the best thing to do in order to lose weight is cut the fat out of your daily diet and reduce the calories.

If you think that you're going to lose weight while still going out to McDonald's or any restaurant and not do anything, no. It's not going to work that way.

I hope you have success at losing weight but do not have a high expectation of what will happen in that short of the time because you just might find yourself very disappointed by June 16.

2007-03-11 22:28:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey. There are 3 main things you need to focus on when you want to lose weight. Exercise, diet and sleep.

For your exercise, head to a gym nearby to lift some weights. Focus on your whole body. Do exercises for your 8 major muscle groups, Chest, Hamstrings,Quadriceps, biceps,triceps,shoulder, back and abs. This way you wont missout a bodypart and chances are higher for you to achieve your target. 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Its very IMPORTANT to make sure you have enough weight stacked up so that the maximum number of reps is 15.

Cardiovascular exercise is also crucial. Have about 30-45 mins set aside for this. Jogging is a good choice.

On your eating habits. Have 5-6 small meals/snacks daily if you are not already doing it. This will stabilize your blood sugar levels and maintain a steady metabolism for weight loss. Cut down on Junk food and carbonated/sweet drinks. stick to plain water and you should notice the difference within a week. Do some research on healthy foods if your parents arent helping you out.

You can start off with a program like this . Monday-weights tuseday-cardio,wed-weights , thurs-cardio ,fri-weights, sat-cardio and sunday rest. Make sure theres one day of rest in your week.

Hope it all goes well

2007-03-11 22:31:24 · answer #3 · answered by Joel M 2 · 0 0

Cut out any food with trans fat, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, and anything else with high amounts of sugar. You have to stick with fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains. No fatty meats, especially pork. Try to eat some meats like lean turkey and salmon. The diet change will probably be the hardest part for you since your parents probably buy all the food, but it is a very important step.
For exercise you really have to get out and do it everyday whether you like it or not. Start with some basic exercises like jogging for at least 45 mins each day,or start with a light full body workout, a good way to burn fat is to build muscle, and rotating between a light full body workout and cardio exercises is a good start. I'll include a link to all sorts of different weightlifting exercises and stretches to get you started.
I am assuming that you have access to some sort of weightlifting equipment but if not, then just start with the jogging for 45 mins each day, then start a cardio exercise plan, with pushups, situps, crunches, squats,etc. I will include a link to some cardio circuit training plans too.
Your success will depend on how hard you try, good luck!

2007-03-11 22:34:47 · answer #4 · answered by Naruto #1 4 · 0 0

yo dude, thats great that you want this. the first thing is don't be too hard on yourself. if you stick with it it will happen..

#1 education. learn about the body and how it works. its easy, once you know you can make the right choices to do things for your body..
#2 food,,,sorry but the sugar has to stop now!
candy bars, sodas, and everything else. you need real food. meat, veggies and so on..
#3 exersice... walking is great to start with. then running. you don't have to kill yourself doing it. find a friend to do it with your. weight lifting is good also and your at the right age to start. again get a friend to doing it with you...
#4 whats up with the parents????? don't worry you can do it without them..
start out with the basics. walking, running and playing.. base ball? football? what ever gets you moving. sit ups, push ups, chin ups.... has to be everyday.
eat a good breakfast, don't skip it, it really is the most important meal of the day..don't forget lunch and dinner. but no meals after 7-8 at night. if your hungry at night have a salad or some cottege cheese..

2007-03-11 22:34:36 · answer #5 · answered by gonzosc1 2 · 1 0

Here's what I did - I went totally vegetarian. It was hard, especially with temptation. Salads (no dressing - except ginger dressing which is all natural) and occasionally a bagel, and then for one meal a week I'd go nuts and eat whatever I wanted so I wouldn't go insane. A little cardio exercise will raise your metabolism - jog for forty minutes in the MORNING - your metabolism will reset once you go to sleep.

Now, muscle weighs more than fat, so measure yourself by belt-loops.

Good luck. But if you stick to it, you won't need it.

2007-03-11 22:26:31 · answer #6 · answered by thedavecorp 6 · 0 0

my advise to you is:
stop eating junk food.
stop sitting in front of your computer and/or games.
put your shoes on, go outside and walk, ride your bike if you have one. there is so much you can do to lose weight, at your age there should not be a problem, unless it is medical. swimming is another way to shed those pounds too. your fibre intake is important. which is: apples, grab a bowl of bran or fibre cereal. drink alot of water. not them power drinks, there just loaded with sugar. the fibre makes you full and so does the water, besides they are both very good for you. oop's should not have said that! sorry. sitting around doing nothing wont get you to lose weight. ya gotta get out and do things that you will enjoy and lose wait at the time.
hope that helps. bye.

2007-03-11 22:45:14 · answer #7 · answered by babybug 1 · 0 0

Buy the Atkins book. It gives you a formula for a high protein, low carb diet.. Depending on your weight. You can lose 45 pounds in three month. The more you weight. The faster you'll lose weight. You have to stick with it. and be dedicated. Good luck on what ever path you choose.

2007-03-11 22:31:12 · answer #8 · answered by araw207 2 · 0 0

Well you need to exercise and eat right. See your Physical instructor at your school to find the best exercises tips that you need. Aerobic exercises like walking,jogging are the best .And by the way, losing weight and eating healthy should be on your long term list not a temporary one. Think about your health.

2007-03-11 22:25:17 · answer #9 · answered by blue 1 · 0 0

Since you can't join a gym without your parents knowing, I suggest you get as active as you can, doing fun things outdoors: play with your dog, ride a bike, etc. I lost a lot of weight when I was 13 just riding my bike everyday. Also get slow on candy and especially soft drinks!!! Water and fruit are much better.

2007-03-11 22:29:46 · answer #10 · answered by Celi 1 · 0 0

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