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ok, please help me, has any one had these symptoms before? because im so tired of suffering. I have the symptoms of a fever sometimes. I get hot flashe, and sometimes im cold, in the morning my face swells to the point where it hurts, and my lip as well, its aweful. i get major migranes for hours at a time, to the poin where i cry. my nose is constantly stuffed, and i get to caughing where as my throught feels like someone is scaraping it with a razor. im constantly suffering from loss of breath. I hvae been to 6 different doctors, each taking blood samples, but in the end no one knows the problem! i swear if i have another needle in me ill die. one doctor suspects Lupus (if thats how you spell it). It copies other symptoms of viruses. But no one knows for sure. If you have suffered through this, and know the cure and the cause, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH ME...my friend thinks it was cause through and infection traveling through the air, which i cought through my eyes...?? can this happen?

2007-03-11 14:57:16 · 13 answers · asked by Dragonfly :) 4 in Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases

13 answers

Hi Cheese Lover

THis situation I hear all the time. Ignore or surpress one issue and it turns into another issue in the future. Here are the 5 vital things that cause illness and disease. Blockage causes all health issues and here they are.

1. stress = most of it self induced. Even thinking and actually talking about negative means you attact negative energy. Visualize and "Feel" a healthy beautiful body (end result) and you'll have it before you know it.

2. Lack of water. I could write a book about that (actually will write one this year). Must have a gallon of distilled water (room temperture) with lemon every day to flush out the toxins and poisons in the body. This also helps with weight by creating more bile for the liver, which helps flush more waste.

3. Nutrition = this helps heal the body and will gives it energy to work on the internal issues. Mainly organic fruit and vegetables. If you only ate those for 7-10 days and drank water you would see a change in your energy and be on your way to better health. Letting the body rest from digesting meats, dairy, and processed foods will do wonders for you.

4. clogged colon = Not eliminating the processed food and chemicals we eat every day will give anyone an illness and/or disease. If doctors we're actually taught this, our society would be much improved. DO a colon cleanse First, then do a liver cleanse to improve your organs functions to help fix the issues. Good program on herbdoc.com

5. Blockage of energy = Our body has a flow of certain energy and it can get blocked from negative thoughts, words, and actions. This is where a Pranic or Reiki healer can make a difference in releasing or freeing these energy blocks.

Go ahead now and take the action steps you know you need to do! Make decisions and take control of your health. Who else will? Leave it to drugs and you'll be another statistic. The body is a wonderful temple and will heal itself if you give it some assistance.

Best of health to you

2007-03-11 15:04:58 · answer #1 · answered by Natural Healer 6 · 1 3

According to doctor house, its never lupus, so it must be something else.

The fever, headache/migrane, stuffed up feeling and sore throat are indicative of an infection, most likely viral. What you haven't told us, and you really need to, is how long you have had these symptoms.

The problem here is that the swelling of the face doesn't fit the usual pattern of an infection, so unless there is a bacterial/parasite toxin in your blood I can only explain it by an allergy. A couple of days before the first symptoms, did you do anything different, change anything about you life? New carpet, new shampoo, new anything?

Did any of the doctors give you any medication and if so what? I'll check back on this question often and await this information so I can be more helpful.

2007-03-12 03:47:15 · answer #2 · answered by Bacteria Boy 4 · 0 0

Stop, think, and write. Write down all your symptons, how often, how bad,when they started, etc.
And any other health history.The dates you saw each of these doctors. WHO were the doctors, and where did you have blood work done. And what did the doctors suggest or prescribe. Dig out their receipts, which should have a dignosis on it..
Often, when you go to a dr, you tense up and forget somethig. That "something " may be the key to the problem.
When you saw the last doctor, did you tell him all this??
Which of these doctors impressed you the most.??
I'd call him, tell him you've seen 6 doctors and got nowhere. What does he suggest?
Tell them where you had lab work, ask if you should have them send records to him, or would they do it.?
Might save being stuck again and some money.
Good luck!
PS. I hope I don't offend you, but you should see Dr,. House.

2007-03-12 01:18:58 · answer #3 · answered by TedEx 7 · 1 0

Been to a tropical country lately?

If so, the hot flashes/ cold cycle and periodic fever and migraines might indicate malaria, if these symptoms cycle every 2-5 days. Otherwise, I don't know, maybe it's multiple problems happening all at once. I would suggest getting blood tests for every possible disease with any of these symptoms, because you never know, it might be some really rare disease that the doctors don't consider.

People don't usually catch infections from the air in their eyes, because eyes have enzymes that eat up foreign material

2007-03-11 22:08:32 · answer #4 · answered by jellybeanchick 7 · 1 1

It could be anything, it could even be a condition so rare that many doctors dont know anything about it...what i would do is a google search on each of your symtoms, maybe a few together and see if any common themes come up for them...It does sound like lupus, but who knows...6 doctors and they all pushed you back out the door? have you seen any specialists?? I have attached the link to a site with links to various RARE diseases and disorders, you could maybe have a look through them and see if any of your symtoms match up...

good luck and I really hope you figure out what it is, nothing is worse than not knowing what is going on...

2007-03-11 22:20:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to the emergency room and let the er physician do a work up on you. Give him or her an accurate history. How many Dr's you have seen. What you were told it may be. How long you have suffered from this etc. They have resources and machines in the hospital to utilize as deemed necessary. Good luck to you.

2007-03-11 22:06:50 · answer #6 · answered by bountyhunter101 7 · 1 0

You sound like you might have lupis, it runs in my family and it makes life pretty painful & difficult, unfortunately, if you do have it. It's a very serious disease. But where are u going to doctor's offices at? Does everyone keep sending you home? you need to check into a hospital and stay there and have them monitor you, so they can hopefully get you diagnosed correctly. it sounds terrible what you're going through and I really wish you the best.

2007-03-11 22:06:58 · answer #7 · answered by L-Boogie 3 · 1 1

It does sound like Lupus. Also it could be an auto immune disease. I'm sorry sweetie there will be more needles.Are you taking any vitamins? Vitamin E, Honey to coat your throat,And a general flush may help.

2007-03-11 22:04:59 · answer #8 · answered by tastyflow 3 · 1 0

I don't think it is an infection that you caught thru the air.Maybe you are allergic to something in your environment..Or you sound like you have an auto immune system problem. Your body is trying to fight something that is attacking it, keep going back to the Dr...don't give up!!

2007-03-11 22:16:10 · answer #9 · answered by oXMaGGieXo 2 · 0 0

Take alfalfa tablets 3 with each large meal 2 with smaller meals., take comfey herb tea and golden seal tea.and a 100 mg b vitamin complex,& a good vitaman & mineral complex. eat no white flour products or sweets.eat ONLY whole foods.no junk, no sodas, no fryed foods.
That will do it
I am a Shamon
I wish you well.

2007-03-11 22:14:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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