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1. How many Muslims are in the world today?

2. What are the five pillars of Islam?

3. Why is Islam growing so rapidly?

2007-03-11 14:52:32 · 8 answers · asked by lexie 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

There are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world

With any system of belief there must be a foundation in which it is built upon. The five pillars of Islam is that foundation for Muslims. The pillars are profession of faith, prayer, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca.
The profession of faith is the first pillar of Islam. One must profess There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Prophet of God. It is the first “because it is foundational; all else—the rest of the pillars, ethics, the Muslim’s entire life—depends on this declaration of faith. By doing so the Muslim is committing to absolute monotheism, an unshakable and uncompromising faith I the oneness or unity. It is also to affirmation of Muhammad as the messenger of God, the last and final prophet, who serves as a model for the Muslim community. A Muslim must also believe in one God, who alone is worthy of worship; belief in angels, spiritual beings who do the will of God; belief in scared books, including the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels; belief in the prophets, as examples to follow and as spokesmen of God, with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus primary among others; and belief in the Day of Judgment and resurrection. This is to be done each time a person prays.
Prayer or salat is the profession of the faith through prayer, 5 times a day. This will begin at seven. The prayer is to be performed at sunrise, noon, afternoon, evening and night while facing Makkah, the holy city and center of Islam, Muslims, individually or in a group, can perform their prayers. The prayer can be as long or short as needed from 2 to 30 minutes. Before prayer one must be clean, therefore the ceremonial bathing or Wudu must be performed. Here the hands are washed the right first three times, then the mouth three times, the nose three times, the arms wrist to elbows beginning with the right, the face three times, the head and ears one time each, ending with the feet right then left to the ankle. Without this ritual washing, a symbolic restoration of the believer to original purity and balance, the salat is not valid. If there is no water one may use sand. When praying one may pray in the mosque or alone, if a mosque is unavailable, a prayer rug may serve as a mosque. if the prayer does not have a rug the Muslim can pray anywhere that is clean. One should be focused facing Makkah and Ka'abah. The prayer is a process of several bows before and placing the head on the floor, during which one will recite the Takbir, “Allaha Akbar” or “God is greatest.” By placing the head on floor you are as low as you can be to God, showing submission to God. On Friday there is a communal prayer. Only men are required to attend the Friday congregational prayer. If woman attend, for reasons of modesty due to the prostrations, they stand at the back, often separated by a curtain, or in a side room.
Almsgiving or zakat is another way to help with the poorer people in our world. This is a form of social security system and organized welfare program which helps a Muslim society share its wealth and maintain an equitable society. Zakat is not regarded as charity since it is not really voluntary but instead it is owed, by those who have received their wealth as a trust from God’s bounty, to the poor. This is a personal tax made on the individual beyond personal and business expenses, donations to charity, and state taxes. Zakat is seen as “an act of worship, very much like prayer and fasting, and the money donated is earmarked for the poor, needy, disabled, and other deprived people. Although this collection began as a collection by the government it was late and still in most cases applied to the individual. In recent years a number of governments (Pakistan, the Sudan, Libya) have asserted the government’s right to a zakat tax.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is the forth pillar. The month of Ramadan was chosen for the annual period of personal spiritual renewal because it was in the last ten days of Ramadan that Muhammad experienced his ‘Night of Power’ and first received revelations from Allah which were to become the Quran. During this month all Muslims are to fast from sunrise to sunset, they are to fast from food, drink, gambling, sexual activity, and all sensuous pleasures. One must maintain a clean mind and body by purifying oneself, the age requirement same as for prayer. It is a time when the spiritual values of love, honesty, devotion, generosity, and social concern are deepened. Ramadan is seen as a time for reflection and spiritual discipline, for expressing gratitude for God’s guidance and atoning for past sins, for awareness of human frailty and dependence on God, as for remembering and responding to the needs of the poor and hungry. At the end of the month Muslims is a time of celebration. It is a “time for family reunions and gift giving and a holiday. There is usually a sacrifice of a lamb or other animal that is given to the poor. Many in today’s world have a hard time with fasting because of temptation.
The fifth pillar is pilgrimage or Hajj to Makkah. After Muhammad destroyed the idols in Ka'abah and Makkah became a place for Muslims to come together as so many had done since Abraham built the Ka’abah. Once in a lifetime, if health and material means permit, a Muslim is expected to make a religious journey to Makkah. This journey, two months after Ramadan in the month of Dhu al-Hijja, requires for one to save sometimes for a lifetime, the pilgrim cannot borrow and go into debt to make the pilgrimage. A Hajj is invalid if one has to go into debt to make the trip. As people enter Mecca they must go threw the same routes that early Muslims did. The Hajj provides an opportunity to reenact the founding of Islam and renew link with Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael, and of course, Muhammad. It is a return to origins, to roots, to the prestige of the beginnings. As you enter Ka'abah everyone is equal; encouraging atonement. Clothing is removed and a white shroud, such as a burial cloth, is put on to remind us that we are all mortal. This shroud is often used to bury the person later. Muslims from around the world—of all classes, colors, nationality, and races—are there in the same dress, performing the same rituals. There is also no rank or privilege in this holy place because we are without rank before Allah. As pilgrims enter the Ka’abah they move in a counterclockwise direction, they circle the Ka’abah seven times. A major part of the pilgrimage is to visit the Plain of Arafat, from noon to sunset, the pilgrims stand before God in repentance, seeking His forgiveness for themselves and all Muslims throughout the world. It was there on the Mount of Mercy the Prophet gave last message. Once again, the preacher repeats Muhammad’s call for peace and harmony among the believers. On the tenth day of the month the feast of Id al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, occurs. The feast consists of ceremony and prayer, if the family or person can afford it, sacrifice of an animal. The sacrifice is in remembrance of the sheep sent in place of Ishmael. Part of this sacrifice is to be given to the poor.
These are the Pillars of Islam; they are the basis of a Muslims way of life. All else is built upon these principles. A Muslim must have a profession of faith, prayer, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca.

According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.

In a recent poll in the (US), 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam, Why?

It is Clear why Christians are converting.

1. Christian Scientists are declaring the Koran is from God. Visit Here for Christian and atheist Scientists who convert to Islam and why: http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch13.html

2. The Christian Bishops and Priests are admitting the Bible has tensions. http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch2.1.html

3. Jesus is a Muslim: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4229/jam.html

The question still remains, why are more women converting than men to Islam ?
Perhaps they realize their Soul is worth the Factual Research.

1. The Bible Convicts Women as the original
Sinners, (ie. Eve picking from the forbidden
tree){Genesis 2:4-3:24}. The Koran Clarifies it
was Adam Not Eve {Qur'an 7:19-25}

2. The Bible says "The Birth of a Daughter is a
loss" {Ecclesiasticus 22:3}. The Qur'an says both
are an Equal Blessing { Qur'an 42:49}

3. The Bible Forbids Women from Speaking in
church {I Corinthians 14:34-35}. The Qur'an says
Women Can argue with the Prophet {58:1}

4. In the Bible, divorced Women are Labeled as
an Adulteress, while men are not {Matthew 5:31-32}. The
Koran does Not have Biblical double standards
{ Qur'an 30:21}

5. In The Bible, Widows and Sisters do Not
Inherit Any Property or Wealth, Only men
do{Numbers 27:1-11}The Koran Abolished this
male greediness { Qur'an 4:22} and God Protects

6. The Bible Allows Multiple Wives{I Kings 11:3}
In The Koran, God limits the number to 4 only
under certain situations (with the Wife's
permission)and Prefers you Marry Only One
Wife{ Qur'an 4:3} The Koran gives the Woman
the Right to Choose who to Marry.

7. "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not
pledged to be married and rapes her and they are
discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty
shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he
has violated her. He can never divorce her as long
as he lives" {Deuteronomy 22:28-30}

One must ask a simple question here, who is
really punished, the man who raped the woman or
the woman who was raped? According to the
Bible, you have to spend the Rest of Your Life
with the man who Raped You.

The Prophet Muhammad Says {Volume 9, Book
86, Number 101} Narrated by Aisha:" It is
essential to have the consent of a virgin (for the

Would the Christian men Reading this prefer the
Women they know to Be Christian or Muslim?

8. The Bible also asks Women to wear veils as in
Islam {I Corinthians 11:3-10}, this lowers the
chance of rape, (God Forbid), see statistic link

9. Women were given rights to Vote less than a
100 years ago in the (US), while the Quran (42:38) gave
Women Voting rights almost 1,500 years ago.

10. Islam has unconfined Women and has given them
the human right to reach for the sky. There have been
Muslim Women Presidents through out the centuries,
but to this date, the oppressive mentality of the
men in the Western U.S.A. has stopped any Women from becoming
Presidents in predominately Christian countries,
while the Muslim countries have voted for and
elected Female Presidents.

2007-03-14 12:48:32 · answer #1 · answered by Layla 6 · 1 0

One billion and three hundred thousands, thats 22% of the world's population.
Its the 2nd largest religion, as 33% of world's population are christians, but this percentage remained stable for decades, where islam is growing by 2.9% per year faster than the total world population that increases by 2.3% per year, that means that islam is growing to be the largest religion in the coming decades.

The five pillars of islam are(Testimony that there is no God but Allah, and Mohamed(pbuh) is His prophet, prayers, fasting, charity and pilgrimage)
The 6 beliefs of muslims are(Allah, angels, holy books, prophets, day of judgement and predestination)

Islam is growing rapidly for so many reasons, some reasons have to do with the fact that there are alot of ppl revert to islam, and other reasons have to do with the islamic culture itself.

2007-03-11 15:12:46 · answer #2 · answered by rabab g 3 · 0 0

About 1.4 - 1.6 billion muslims in the world.

5 pillars:

Faith that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is his messenger
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Zakat (giving a portion of earnings to the poor)
Hajj (pilgrammage to Mecca) for those who can afford it

Why is islam growing? Some say because of the birth rates but the conversion rate has also increased lately

2007-03-11 15:04:22 · answer #3 · answered by E.T.01 5 · 0 0


1. In 2006 it was 1.6 billion (http://www.islamicpopulation.com/)

2. the 5 pillars are:
- Shahada (There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Messenger.)
- Salat (prayer)
- Zakat (alms giving)
- Sawm (fasting the month of Ramadan)
- Hajj ( pilgrimmage to Mecca)

3. It's logical.

2007-03-11 15:00:06 · answer #4 · answered by aali_and_harith 5 · 0 0

1- about 1.3 billion

2- (i) To announce that no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. (ii) To pray five times a day. (iii) to fast one month a year in Ramadan. (iv) To pay charity for poor people. (v) to go for pilgrimage in Mecca

3- Many reasons:
(i) Very high birth rate among Muslims.
(ii) Very active schoalrs who are spreading around the world to preach Islam.
(iii) Some of its teachings are wonderful and those are the ones that preachers try to focus on.

2007-03-12 02:21:53 · answer #5 · answered by Bionimetiket 2 · 0 0

Believers Worldwide

There are more than 1 billion Muslims worldwide, fewer than one fifth of whom are Arab. Islam is the principal religion of much of Asia, including Indonesia (which has the world's largest Muslim population), Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, the Arabian Peninsula states, and Turkey. India also has one of the world's largest Muslim populations, although Islam is not the principal religion there. In Africa, Islam is the principal religion in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, and Sudan, with sizable populations also in Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania (where the island of Zanzibar is predominantly Muslim), and Nigeria.

In Europe, Albania is predominantly Muslim, and, historically, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Macedonia, and Georgia have had Muslim populations. Elsewhere in Europe, significant immigrant communities of Muslims from N Africa, Turkey, and Asia exist in France, Germany, Great Britain, and other nations. In the Americas the Islamic population has substantially increased in recent years, both from conversions and the immigration of adherents from other parts of the world. In the United States, the number of Muslims has been variably estimated at 2—6 million; 20% of the population of Suriname is Muslim.

Islamic Beliefs

At the core of Islam is the Qur'an, believed to be the final revelation by a transcendent Allah [Arab.,=the God] to Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam; since the Divine Word was revealed in Arabic, this language is used in Islamic religious practice worldwide. Muslims believe in final reward and punishment, and the unity of the umma, the "nation" of Islam. Muslims submit to Allah through arkan ad-din, the five basic requirements or "pillars" : shahadah, the affirmation that "there is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" ; salah, the five daily ritual prayers (see liturgy, Islamic); zakat, the giving of alms, also known as a religious tax; Sawm, the dawn-to-sunset fast during the lunar month of Ramadan; and hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. The importance of the hajj can hardly be overestimated: this great annual pilgrimage unites Islam and its believers from around the world.

The ethos of Islam is in its attitude toward Allah: to His will Muslims submit; Him they praise and glorify; and in Him alone they hope. However, in popular or folk forms of Islam, Muslims ask intercession of the saints, prophets, and angels, while preserving the distinction between Creator and creature. Islam views the Message of Muhammad as the continuation and the fulfillment of a lineage of Prophecy that includes figures from the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament, notably Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. Islamic law reserves a communal entity status for the ahl al-kitab, People of the Book, i.e., those with revealed religions, including Jews and Christians. Islam also recognizes a number of extra-biblical prophets, such as Hud, Salih, Shuayb, and others of more obscure origin. The chief angels are Gabriel and Michael; devils are the evil jinn.

Other Islamic obligations include the duty to "commend good and reprimand evil," injunctions against usury and gambling, and prohibitions of alcohol and pork. Meat is permitted if the animal was ritually slaughtered; it is then called halal. Jihad, the exertion of efforts for the cause of God, is a duty satisfied at the communal and the individual level. At the individual level, it denotes the personal struggle to be righteous and follow the path ordained by God. Communally, it involves both encouraging what is good and correcting what is not and waging war against enemies of Islam.

In Islam, religion and social membership are inseparable: the ruler of the community (caliph; see caliphate) has both a religious and a political status. The unitary nature of Islam, as a system governing relations between a person and God, and a person and society, has contributed to the appeal and success of Islam.

The evolution of Islamic mysticism into organizational structures in the form of Sufi orders was, from the 13th cent. onwards, one of the driving forces in the spread of Islam (see Sufism; fakir). Sufi orders were instrumental in expanding the realm of Islam to trans-Saharan Africa, stabilizing its commercial and cultural links with the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and to SE Asia.

2007-03-11 15:02:25 · answer #6 · answered by Gone 4 · 1 0

A lot........Swear there is only one God and Mohammed pbuh Is his messenger, Pray, Charity, Fast the month of Ramadan, and go to Mecca if possible, many people are reverting to Islam because Thank God they have seen the light..........

2007-03-11 14:57:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

thou shalt not have any other gods before me.

2007-03-11 15:06:12 · answer #8 · answered by godelectedme 3 · 0 0

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