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I was just wondering that how do you people, with IBS go on with daily basis. Like for example, mine is constipation. it's a very bad bloating and gas..but i REALLY want to know why can't my mom understand me when i tell her i can't go to college like this? Like any of you who have these symptoms..what do you do? isn't soo hard, or don't you really worry about how your gonna go to class the next day. Don't you feel this way every single day?? Why is my mom blaming me i dont get it. I JUST CANT DO IT. I CANT LEARN ANYTHING LIKE THIS, SITTING IN THE CLASSROOM ALL STRESSED UP. What do you think? am i weird to be saying this? I know i got oto take some meds, that will give some relief, but still, im not as happy, as confident as the reast of the people. I WAS NEVER LIKE THIS BEFORE. NEVER. Its been 7 months already. Every day..i had been going with it..thinking, hoping it would pass away, til 2 weeks ago i found out what it is. Just tell me plizz, how do you feel.?? thank you.

2007-03-11 14:43:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

5 answers

I have had IBS for many years. I made it through college and became a nurse.

You will need to learn to mangae your IBS. You need to be drinking more water. Also I eat an apple a day and oatmeal for breakfast every day. Add more vegtables and fruit to your diet. Cut back on spicey foods like pizza and things like that.
The stress level in your life can really set off your IBS. It is good to go for a walk which is good for your bowels and your spirits.

Eat whole grains. Drink a glass of hot water in the morning.
Eat healthy fats like olive oil and avacados.

You will learn to manage your IBS. I learned. I still ocassionally have a bad day or evening. but nothing that I can't deal with.

Get plenty of rest and exercise. Have a health mind and body. Take good care of yourself.

2007-03-11 18:43:19 · answer #1 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

In a fashion, specific I see the place which would be sturdy. yet i'm an in user-friendly terms baby, as is my son. i grew to become into taken to 5 great call eating places, Broadway performs, operas, different extra grownup orientated activities commencing at an somewhat youthful age. My son, an analogous difficulty. i wanted him to experience lifestyle and refinement alongside with enjoying in the airborne dirt and dust. Explaining to him there's a time and place for silliness and relaxing, then there's a time and place to act and act responsibly. i think of it has made the two one among lots extra nicely rounded those with reviews at youthful a while some human beings don't have even at center age. whether, there are various different eating places that do enable below 18. So if this one comes to a decision 18 and over in user-friendly terms, this is wonderful. possibly which would be an incredible decompression date evening for husbands and better halves. once you opt to take your baby, even a 17 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous, out for sushi or regardless of else, there are various different eating places obtainable. So jointly as i do never decide to verify ALL eating places visit this theory, that is wonderful to have some like that.

2016-09-30 13:14:51 · answer #2 · answered by lieser 4 · 0 0

HI Liza

Most illness and disease is caused by toxins and waste in the colon that eventually get in the blood. #3 on the list here is the most important. Learn about colon cleansing and you will be on your way to better health. Take control of your health.

IBS can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor diet and nutrition, food allergies, imbalanced levels of hydrochloric acid, impaired immunity, infections, lack of exercise, pharmaceutical drugs, and stress.

Quick Action Plan for IBS

1. Avoid all sugars, refined flour products, and carbohydrates, milk and dairy products, processed foods that contain preservatives and artificial sweeteners, alcohol, hydrogenated and trans-fatty oils, as well as foods that are common allergens.

2. Emphasize organic, fresh vegetables and non-citrus fruits, organic grains, as well as organic, free-range meats and poultry and wild-caught fish.

3. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water throughout the day.
Cleansing (especially colon) and Detoxification therapy such as short fasts, elimination diets, and colonics.

4. Enteric-coated peppermint oil and aloe vera juice.

5. Soothing baths two to five nights a week, as well as alternating hot and cold water packs placed over the abdomen.

6. Use Probiotics and soil-based organisms.

7. Therapeutic juices include wheatgrass juice; cabbage, papaya, and carrot juice.

8. Stress reduction techniques, such as biofeedback, hypnosis, and meditation.

9. If you are a smoker, stop and refrain from taking aspirin or other NSAIDs.

10. Examine the possibility of withheld emotions as the cause of your symptoms and get support through emotional and physical expression, especially movement therapies such as NIA, Qi gong, Yoga or Total Integration Therapy to name a few options.

Best of health to you

2007-03-11 15:00:11 · answer #3 · answered by Natural Healer 6 · 0 0

Have you had any nutritional advice yet??? Wot you need to do is start feeling good about getting out of bed every day again, get some spark and energy back??? Start out by cutting out dairy, instead of milk drink soy milk or rice milk. Lactose intolerance usually goes hand in hand with IBS. I use soy milk, it has a yummy nutty flavor, rice milk is very sweet. You will find though that you can get your recommended 1200 mg per day of calcium from foods such as :- Soybeans, tofu, sardines, salmon, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, dried beans, kale, broccoli and collard greens. A good trick I use is to chop up 300 g broccoli and 2 apples and (putting the apples first and last to push all the broccoli) stick in the juicer and drink up !! The apples give it a sweet fruit juice flavor and meantime you're getting all the goodness of broccoli as well. Broccoli is high in calcium content.

You should get quite a bit of relief straight up from simply eliminating lactose from your diet. So that means no, yoghurt, icecream, milk, cheese, butter, cakes, biscuits, lollies even have lactose in them. Also increase you water intake to at least 8 - 10 glasses of preferably filtered water per day. You can get yourself a 3 litre water filter jug from most major department stores for around $30.00. Definitely worth it when you consider all the chlorine, copper they put in it to "preserve" it, haha wot a joke !! Filtered water is waaaay better for you and will decrease the chemical load on your body. If you drink coffee/tea (eliminate sodas and soft drinks) make sure you make up with extra 1.5 glasses of water per cup coffee/tea!! Caffeine tricks our bodies into thinking they plenty of water to spare.................

I sooooooooo know how you are feeling right now and all the information I have given you I have had to struggle and research for myself as not one of the myriad of Doctors, Nutritionists, medicos new how to adequately help me!!

To assist in quick elimination get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar and put two tablespoons into a glass with 1 teaspoon of baking soda, stir until fizzing stops. Add cold water and drink up. This will realkalize your tummy and speed up the digestion process. When we eat too much acid foods, mainly the white stuff and junk foods, our digestive system gets a overburdened. The vinegar helps by doing part of the job the hydrochloric acid would normally do. On a regular basis, you can also put 2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar into a glass with cold water and drink 1/2 hour before each meal to assist in digestion.

The vinegar and baking soda remedy should relieve any bloating and gassiness and constipation within an hour or two. This remedy is particularly good, I only stumbled upon it about 4 weeks ago !!! Sometimes I would be bedridden for 3 days with bloating, gas and constipation pains. Not anymore !!! You won't believe the extra energy you'll have once you sort out wot and wot not to do.............. Also go get yourself some multivitamin B complex supplements from the chemist. Just ask the pharmacist for some advice on which brand are a good quality to buy. Avoid synthetic vitamins, way too hard to digest. Its really important you do this cos B12 is vital for increased energy, maintaining a healthy nervous system, relieving irritability, improving concentration, memory and balance. In the human diet, vitamin B12 is supplied primarily by animal products since plant foods usually don't contain it. If you are a vegetarian and have excluded eggs and dairy products from your diet, then you need B12 supplementation.

Geez, I do rat on !!! Sorry, jus wanted to make sure I told you all I can........... I reeeeeeeally do hope my info helps you and gives you tremendous relief. If you do it you'll be a brand new gal !!!


............. :0)

2007-03-11 15:05:07 · answer #4 · answered by Minx 7 · 0 0

It sounds to me like you need to go to school anyhow. I know that it's hard, but it's a fact of life that you have IBS and it's something you're going to have to accept and move on from. You're going to have to face life, bloated or not, and that's that.

2007-03-11 16:26:42 · answer #5 · answered by jhostman 3 · 0 0

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