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My life is a total mess right now.
I have been going to the church I go to with my family for almost eight years now, and I am really attached to it. My three best friends go there as well. I love my youth leaders, they are awesome! The problem is one of my best friend's family is considering leaving the church. My family is too. But I really can't imagine life without my three best friends and my youth leaders! I am closer to my youth leaders than my own parents, and I talk to them about everything! If my family leaves the church, I will hardly see my bffs anymore, maybe once a month.
Another problem of mine is my boyfriend. We have a long distance relationship and see each other about twice a month. I haven't seen him or heard from him in two weeks now! I don't know what to do! I have tried emailing him but he never responds. I also have been getting into fights w/ my parents a lot lately. And my grandpa had a stroke and has pain in his leg. I feel like God hates me!(cont. below)

2007-03-11 14:19:20 · 44 answers · asked by horsesareforever 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What have I done to deserve this?? Before I had a great relationship with God--I prayed a lot, I read the Bible, I trusted him, I loved him--everything was going great. And now my life's a wreck. I might lose my best friends, my boyfriend hasn't been treating me very well, my parents and I fight constantly, my grandpa is hurting, my grades are dropping--I just don't know what to do anymore. Why does God let this happen?
Seriously if i had a gun I wouldn't be typing right now...

2007-03-11 14:21:35 · update #1

44 answers

I will certainly PRAY for you.

I have a suggestion. I have told this suggestion to a few people who have come out of their problems after i told them to do something. I suggest the following for you ---

You must be aware of SRI SATYA SAI BABA. Even if you have not heard about him no problem. Think his name along and write in a paper all your troubles and the solutions you would like to have and keep it in a place, preferable the place you worship. You will see the results in due course. But you should believe and do it whole heatedly. Satya Sai Baba will solve your miseries. Best of luck..

2007-03-13 06:15:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Life has its ups and downs. They say to quit while you are ahead. They never say to quit while you are behind. Think about that.

Being a good person, going to church, and believing in God doesn't mean that things will go perfectly your way. Being a bad person and doing bad things doesn't mean that you can't have a splendid life. Or not. There's no way to guarantee happiness, via religion or otherwise. You've got to come to terms with that.

When you pray for something like Grandpa's health, either God will help Grandpa, God will keep Grandpa the same, or God will kill Grandpa. That's what they teach you in church, anyway. The problem with that is that when God grants your prayer, you feel like he loves you, and when he denies your prayer, you may feel that he hates you. But here's what you have to understand - you could get precisely the same results regarding Grandpa's health by praying to a rock... or not at all. When you don't pray at all, and something bad happens, you realize that that's just life. Nobody hates you. It's not because you didn't pray hard enough. It's just life. And likewise, when you work hard and get a raise, it's not because you prayed for it and God granted it because you go to church, it's because you earned it. And good things are a part of life, too. Some people call them blessings, but by that logic, the bad things would be curses, and that's just silly.

Lose the boyfriend. Date a lot of guys and figure out what you like... you might want to wait until college. Long-distance relationships don't work. That's life, too.

I hope your Grandpa recovers. Mine didn't... died while I was overseas on my honeymoon and was buried on my birthday and I couldn't even make the funeral. That hurt, but that's life.

2007-03-11 14:44:40 · answer #2 · answered by tax_man_cometh 2 · 0 1

Well, its obvious that you are getting into fights with your parents because you are at your wit's end right now...Tell your parents you're sorry - you just have alot on your mind right now, I'm sure they'll understand.
Why is everyone thinking about leaving the church? Sounds fishy - I mean, is there a problem at the church? Why don't you and your friends speak with your parents and tell them that you guys want to continue going, but you guys need rides to get there.
No reason you can't still go if ya want, is
Your boyfriend is another issue. You're gonna have to realize that a long distance relationship will only work just up until one of you meets someone else - how long does a phone call work until you feel lonley and need someone to go out with, ya know?
I wouldn't put all your eggs in the boyfriend basket. In fact, it might be a good idea for you to go on with your life. If he calls, great, but what if he doesn't? Are you gonna spend the next few months waiting by the phone or are you going to live your life? The heck with him - you have enough to deal with in your life, besides sitting and waiting for a call from someone who isn't even man enough to speak to you. He obviously has no backbone whatsoever;
you may be better off without him.

2007-03-11 14:31:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'll pray for you, and have already. Might I suggest you openly and politely ask your parents why they are leaving the church. It's entirely possible that they and your friends parents will allow you all to go to the church youth functions if approached politely. If they have a reason you are unaware of they may also tell you. It's possible they know something you do not.

I suggest you spend less time worrying about your boyfriend as well. You are young enough that it's not the only relationship you will ever have. It's possible he is not the one God chooses for you. If he is, God will work it out for you. Don't let your emotions separate you from a God who loves you deeply and will give you peace and strength if you face one issue at a time.

2007-03-11 14:29:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Girl you don't need prayer you need common sense. Sure, nobody absolutely loves their parents when they are teenagers, but why do you absolute love your church youth leaders? I mean, what? And the saddest thing is about your friends, but I mean come on, just because you don't go to church doesn't mean you can't hang out with them. You said your family was leaving the church, not leaving the country.

And as for your boy friend, well I'm sorry to say this but he's probably ignoring you on purpose. I'd just cool off and relax, try and talk to your parents every now and then but take baby steps.

I'd say your grandpa needs more prayers than you do right now. Offer a prayer for him and see if that helps you calm down.

2007-03-11 14:27:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Stop being so selfish. You think you're the only person who goes through things like that? Maybe that's the true lesson: to not be so engulfed in your own drama. I guess your Youth Leaders have been incapable of teaching you that most vital lesson.

God doesn't hate you. God doesn't hate anything.

You should stop seeing church as a social thing, and try listening to the real messages of Christ.

Take a step back and get a broader perspective. Don't get so caught up in your situation.

If you're worried about your bf, just call him. Spend $5 on a phone card that will give you plenty of time to talk to him.

Everybody fights with their parents sometimes. So what?

Don't be so melodramatic about God. Is that what your church teaches you? Maybe your parents have it right then: that church isn't good for you.

Anyway, why do you even have a bf? You sound young. Why not just focus on school and then you can date in good time.

2007-03-11 14:28:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

remember job...God allowed job to be tested because He knew job would remain faithful....we ALL are tested! this is your time...in matthew jesus said he came to turn mother against daughter etc it's in chapter 10 i believe(sorry bible not near right now but look it up) continue to go to church...it's your family and your support thru this tough time. i know this is cheesy and over said sometimes but truly God will NOT give you more than you can handle! if this is what he gave you to deal with, HE TOTALLY knows you can get thru it! just remember HE wants you to trust in Him and rely on Him during this time. now...about the boy, remember, this point in your life boys are going to come and go...just keep in mind that God will send you the right one at the right time. maybe this guy just isn't the one...it's ok..you'll have a lot of "not the ones" before you find THE ONE...i know it's all soooo hard right now but keep you eyes on Christ! and i'll totally be praying for you. i went thru a tough time too when i was a teen. tried the whole suicide line and you know what? i was so silly. by dying you have taken yourself away from all the people you claimed to love so much. that's an awful thing to do. keep plugging along and i'll keep praying.

2007-03-11 15:04:02 · answer #7 · answered by Dr. Physical Therapy 2 · 0 1

.This is what life is all about, it's just happening too quickly for you.....

About church, you didn't say why your parents decide not to return. You could go with other friends, go with g-ma....or realize that until you can go by yourself(ask your parents if they will let you go) you are under their protection and guidance.Continue with your bible study. read the word and ask the Lord for strength in all things right now.
Your bf.Give him space, you will also fall in love many times before the right guy comes along.Remember that that guy has to have the same beliefs, morals and ethics as your Christian life has.. Give him space , if it's meant to be he;ll be back ,if not just keep believing for the right guy...G-Pa...sorry, pray that he'll be peaceful and comfortable.This is a good time for you to be with him , share the lord , read the bible to him...

God is not in the business of making people miserable ..but he allows things to happen to chasten us , and make us stronger..He wants something from you right now..stay still and wait for His comfort ask Him for wisdom and strength..
Take care of grand pa...Maybe thats what you need to do while waiting on the Lord.

May God Bless and protect You....


2007-03-11 14:50:20 · answer #8 · answered by cesare214 6 · 0 1

Well God surely dosen't hate you, and for you to say that, well it's just that maybe you need to talk to your preacher, because you haven't learned all there is to learn in those eight years you've been in church. God never puts anything on us that he dosen't think we will survive, he is a very loving, forgiving God. I will pray for you, but I think that you need to do some soul searching, as I feel you have some self esteem issues.Who cares about a boy that won't return e-mails, he is obviously missing out, and well friends are hard to part with, you can keep in touch via e-mail, phone/cell phones(get a plan with unlimited weekends or such)pen-pal with each other, start a letter cycle, you write something, send it to one friend, she writes something, sends it to the other friend, she writes something, sends it back to you and keep it going, once the letter reaches five pages that is the day you all will meet, talk it out with your parents, see if they will help you with your meetings. Parents, well you need to sit with them and discuss your worries, don't be afraid to talk to your parents, they love you, if they didn't they wouldn't be taking you to church.
You can also discuss meeting with your youth leaders once a month, see if they will help with your friend meeting. You all could have a youth day meet at the park or mall or pizza place, and they are probably old enough to drive, so I'm sure if you all talk to them they will help out.

Good Luck, never give up on GOD, because HE WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU!

2007-03-11 14:31:50 · answer #9 · answered by hotmama 3 · 1 1

Whoa there Little One! You should not blame God for your situation. He is not responsible for this. We all face difficult situations throughout our lives, especially in our younger years.

God (IMHO) has given us Free Will. The option to choose this or that, to define our own future. The choices you make now will determine that.

Yes, things are difficult now! But you are a smart person and have family who loves you. Don't do something dumb! You are a very fortunate person!

As to your bf - Don't worry - be happy. Guys are a dime a dozen. You will likely have a dozen more bf's before you settle down.

Don't fight with family! Listen to them! They have experience in life and only want what is best for you. Often, they try to protect you from making the same mistakes they did. Learn to listen!

Your 3 Best Friends will always be there for you if they are truely your friends.

You're young, my child
You've Oh so much to learn
And Growing up is hard to do
Take your time
Wait your turn!

Age slowly, my friend!

The Ol' Sasquatch Ü

2007-03-11 14:49:28 · answer #10 · answered by Ol' Sasquatch 5 · 0 1

It may not seem like there is a plan, and everything is closing in around you. Life takes one turn even more painful than the last. I can understand your confusion, hate resentment, all the things that I am sure you may be feeling. TRUST GOD! I lived a life not worth living many years before I met him, and still mess things up from time to time. Know that when this bout is all over God will still be there for you, its up to you to be there for Him. God bless you and I will pray for you!
Job 35:11 KJV
If they obey Him and serve Him,they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.

2007-03-11 16:09:13 · answer #11 · answered by Kurt R 2 · 1 1

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