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But if one existed would he not make his presence known -- not just to Bible people?

Then it would be pointless to deny it?

(As things stand now, we have to refer to an ancient anthology of half-crazed prophets' writings, magical stories, etc. and try to infer the existence of a god? It's kind of like hide-and-seek with an imaginary person. Who's fooling whom?)

2007-03-11 14:13:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

That's funny, because I think most Christians don't really believe in God, and deep down they know it. They just keep going through the motions because they are scared of facing the reality of truth.

2007-03-11 14:18:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I see it this way: If God existed in a physical form, why would we even call him God? Would it be the same, old character of an old man with a beard? If we could imagine God physical, how could he exist - because all that we know as physical has a beginning and an end. But, if God is basically the first uncreated creator, then he cannot be physical. He, then, can't exist, but must 'be' in some other form than 'existence'. That is, God couldn't be physical, he could be only metaphysical. And, if it's like that, then God could not be 'a person', not even an 'imaginary person', because we, as we are, can't imagine metaphysical forms.
So, the only thing that we can refer to are most certainly not stories and writings of prophets (by the way, if you call them 'half crazed', does that mean that you leave a 50% chance they might be right?), but the proofs of mere intellect - philosophy, and within it, metaphysics. And there are tons of that kind of proofs that came from some of the world's most ingenious minds.
Anyway, if we had a proof of the existence of a physical God, then we would most certainly not deny it, but the question is - would we still be talking about it as a 'God'?

2007-03-11 14:45:06 · answer #2 · answered by Uros I 4 · 0 0

Who's fooling whom? You are. A Christian has a relationship that goes beyond the earthly. We live with a knowledge that He lives and that He can show Himself to anyone anyway He wants. To say that God doesn't exist is to say that you have the overwhelming knowledge of God to say it. It begs the question from Ghostbusters: Are you a god? Your not, I'm not, no one save God alone is. You know that deep down inside you want to believe it or otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question in this section. God exists and if you want to know that for sure then ask Him. Seriously, say the simplest prayer one could make. "God, show me who you are." If it takes the next minute or even the next day don't be surprise if you get an answer. As for those "half-crazed" prophets you speak of. In the times we are living in look no further than Israel for fulfilled prophecy from those "half-crazed prophets". The Jewish people are back in their homeland. Nothing is going to move them ever according to those prophets. I'll even give you one to look up that could happen very soon. Ezekiel 38-39. It speaks of a future time where Russia, Iran and other nations called by their ancient names will attempt to destroy Israel. Unfortunately, for them they lose rather spectacularly. As for those magical stories you speak of, here's some food for thought. The Bible in Genesis tells the creation of the world. In Genesis 1:2 it speaks of a watery beginning at creation. Scientists just a few years ago used a particle collider two discover conditions of the early universe.http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/ap_050419_early_universe.html They thought it would be like a fiery scattering of particles based on the Big Bang theory. Instead they found out that matter that was created behaved like a liquid. One scientist said that it was the perfect liquid because of its viscosity. You know what that means. The early universe was a liquid state just as Genesis says. Now remember that was over 2000 years ago. What I'm trying to say is that if its right about that then what else is it right about. If the order of the universe and its' various laws don't point you at least in the direction that a prescence exists that made it all, then you are blind.

2007-03-11 15:04:52 · answer #3 · answered by dr 7 5 · 0 2

I believe that both a good force (God) and a bad force (Satan) exist. Eveidence being the concepts (age old) or yin and yang, good and evil, right and wrong. If there were no good and bad forces to drive these things, then what would there be? Nothing?
I think that this is one way that God has shown us that he is there to be the light. Also, the Bible, while may be made up of SOME half-crazed prophets, I still believe is extremely influenced by God's will for people to know his word, thus telling people of his existed.
I would also like to suggest at the people in the world who claim Divine Intervention or that they have had an otherwordly experience. Is that not God revealing himself to aid someone else?
While I may be biased because I practice Angel Magick, I still believe that he exists, and that he reveals himself in subtler ways than pasting a notice on your front door. If you were a divine being with almighty power, omnipotence and omnipresence, would you hand out flyers that said "hey- I exist you know?!" ? Maybe that's a rhetorical question, as if the one you asked. In love and light x x

2007-03-11 14:35:11 · answer #4 · answered by missytetra 3 · 0 3

nothing is necessary but what we deem. i rely on no magical stories from the past. i only rely on what my own sense and logic tell me, that GOD does exists in some way. how to define what that is the hard part. that is why you have, what you called, ancient anthology of half-crazed prophets' , it is just a definition already mapped out. that does not make it wrong, that does not make it right. that just means it has happened. if it works for someone who does it harm? ultimately none of us will know who is right, or who is wrong in this life.

2007-03-11 14:25:47 · answer #5 · answered by glass. 5 · 0 1

It would be safe to say that the dawn of time, man did have one God. But as our society can attest, some become complacent, and become disorientated as to what God really is. Some of us have a perception that God is a slave master, who forces us to "Abide" by his rules, or suffer the consequences. But have you really looked at them? They are really not that hard to follow under any standards. And again, our society can attest that most of us do not follow them now. And if God was a slave master, he would have destroyed Adam and Eve, instead of giving them salvation. A way out, when we all know God is very capable of just starting over. (I.E. "The Flood." This incident is also recorded in other religions as well, verifying this(The Flood) did occur over the earth.) And the truth of the matter is the archaeological evidence, including the most glaring one, the middle east is there. And look at the religions who "Know" what their "God(s)" look like? Ain't they ugly? I mean you've ever seen a picture of an Egyptian god? Man, If I died and God looked like that, I'd have second thoughts!(Some were half fish and half man. Or half bull and half man.)

2007-03-11 16:06:52 · answer #6 · answered by Da Mick 5 · 0 1

The Asker might desire to found out that the day does no longer harm at first easy, if the darkness did no longer fill the nighttime. Jesus needless to say says, that's no longer the healthful that desire a doctor, however the unwell. attempt to appreciate what this implies. that's the unfavourable who cry out to God, and not the happy wealthy. Your question on a thank you to realize a sane society, your strikes might desire to be philosophical and should no longer infringe on the liberty of guy. hence you're a minister or any government servant to do your responsibilities, yet you are able to no longer rigidity a guy to settle for any fact or reject any fact.

2016-10-18 03:47:26 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

God exists. His evidence is all around you written in the stars, heard in the songs of the birds that sing outside your window. You can feel His touch in the gentle breeze that cools your face. You see His artistry in every flower and in each unique snowflake. He created the springs and rivers which give you water, and the very soil from whence your fruit and vegetables grow. He made the seeds so they can grow again, even the ones in watermelon which make it a labor of love to eat. Listen for His voice when bees are buzzing. Watch the lightning flash across the Summer sky. Be still and listen to the thunder. Grandma always said the angels were moving furniture and made us all get quiet. I think every human being is born with a God given void which keeps him or her searching until God, Himself, is asked to step into the heart and complete the person. The Bible is God's living Word, not a mere book of stories or poems. It is truly fascinating when you examine it with an open mind. Curious? Just try reading the Book of John in which the true person of Jesus Christ will be revealed to you. Read it slowly, challenging God to reveal Himself, if He is who He says He is, and you will not be disappointed. He holds your very heartbeat and your future in His gentle hands; check Him out.

2007-03-11 14:28:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I've pondered the same question. I guess someone who was religious would argue that the uncertainty of God's existence is a necessary aspect of faith since it requires the believer to exercise their fee will as opposed to acquiescing to a certainty... which would be equivalent to a moral dictatorship rather than a personal spiritual awakening.

2007-03-11 14:29:41 · answer #9 · answered by opifan64 5 · 0 0

Look and comprehend what's around you every day you open those pretty little eyes in your head. Breath that air, you feel God, smell those flowers, you feel God, that tug in your heart when you do something nice, that's God. His presence is underlying in your conscious. You must make the choice to bring him alive in your conscious, soul, and mind. It' a spiritual thing! What peace and understanding it brings when you make the choice to wake up your conscious. God's presence is open to anyone, not just "Bible people". But it's their free will to understand and capture his presence.

2007-03-11 14:22:30 · answer #10 · answered by bestlggs 2 · 1 1

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