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26 answers

That is a better question than you realize.

Allah is singular of Elohim. It represents a singular part of Elohim. Elohim is the Father, Word & Holy Spirit. It is written in 3 John that these three are one (united).

Allah is Father, Allah is the Word & Allah is the Holy Spirit. These three are one. These three are Elohim. Elohim created the heavens & the earth and all things in them.

The Yahweh thy Elohim is One Yahweh.

Jesus in His humanity is also exalted by Allah the Father, with a name above all names; that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and tongue confess, "Jesus Christ is Lord (Yeshua Messiah Yahweh)." to the Glory of Allah (God) the Father.

2007-03-11 12:25:23 · answer #1 · answered by t a m i l 6 · 1 1

Jesus was said to be the Son of God, the God of the Jews! The old testament God which is the God of Abraham(who had two sons to different wives, The Koran follows the one son of his, The Old testament follows the other! Call Him JHVH Jehovah Elosim or Alla or what ever name you like, it's the same person or GOD. Whether you follow the prophet Mohammed or Jesus or neither you are all trying to get to God and your heaven!
The final judgement you all talk about will be interesting! You'll all have to start explaining why you hate each other so much!

2007-03-11 13:10:42 · answer #2 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 0 0

This is a very good question by the way.

Jesus cannot be God as Jesus came to earth and prayed to God, God spoke from heaven 3 times.

In the Lords Prayer - Jesus prayed to God and said Hallowed be thy name. Jesus also said that 'the father is greater than I am' - so they can't be equal or the same person.

Look up the Tetragrammaton on Google and it will point you to wikipedia, check the references as well. This is God's name from the original Hebrew Script the same script that was around when moses was around. Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the son of God but believe that he was a major prophet.

God's name means 'He Causes to Become' - so he causes to become what he wants in order to fulfill his purpose. He told this to Moses at the burning bush.

Many Bible scholars have replaced his name in the Bible with LORD in capital letters thus adding to the confusion as Jesus' disciples called him Lord. In an effort to wipe God's name from the Bible.

2007-03-11 12:47:26 · answer #3 · answered by lil em 2 · 1 0

Jesus is the Son of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity. God the Father, is the Allah known by Moslems. Jesus is not God the Father, hence is not Allah. Moslems don't know God the way Christians do. They have not yet accepted Jesus as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. When they do, that is when Jesus will be also know as Allah.

2007-03-12 20:24:54 · answer #4 · answered by adonisMD 3 · 0 0

First of all, Jesus was not God, Jesus was a prophet.

Secondly, it is crazy to associate the one and only Creator with having a son. You can call the creator God or you can call him Allah (note spelling of Allah). God/Allah also has several other beautiful names. If one thinks carefully about the connotations of Jesus being the son of God, or even God himself, one shudders at the crass stupidity of this claim.

Finally, try your local library if you are truly interested in finding what you believe to be the truth. Read about the major religions of the world - hopefully, you will discover the correct and straight path.


2007-03-11 12:48:13 · answer #5 · answered by dteacher1uk 5 · 0 0

God means Divine Goodness, Truth, Wisdom, and Love in creation, as the source of all Life.

Jesus is the incarnation of God's Divine Justice. In the Old Testament there was "retributive justice" corrupted by antichrist, but in the New Testament Jesus came to bring "restorative justice" as in Justice with Mercy.

Allah is more like the Almighty God, all beneficent and all merciful. However, without faith in Jesus and the Holy Spirit, this authority can be corrupted as the wars and genocides in the Old Testament. I would not practice Islam without also heeding Mohammed's teachings to love and respect ALL people of the Book (including Jews Christians and Muslims alike) and ALL prophets God has sent, in order to include Buddha and Jesus who fulfills both divine and natural laws.

Although these names are different in spirit, they all invoke aspects of the same God. Even Buddha represents perfect Wisdom which is another face of God. If we want to invoke the more merciful side of God, we look to the divine grace and forgiveness of Jesus. If we fail to repent but fill ourselves with pride or anger, likening ourselves to wielding the favor of Allah or wrath of Almighty God, we may reap the same wrath that we wreak on others. This is the spirit of antichrist or retributive justice instead of the restorative justice of Christ.

It is said that Jesus would come to wield a double-edged sword. And thus the sword of Justice has two sides -- we can be merciful and beget mercy, or we can judge and beget judgment. In this sense of Justice, Allah and Jesus are related. If we abuse the name of God to wreak revenge, then we act as Antichrist. And only when we act in the spirit of mercy, charity and benevolence do we truly know God's will.

2007-03-11 12:39:55 · answer #6 · answered by emilynghiem 5 · 1 0

Seeing as the Muslim Faith is about 300 years behind Christianity and Christinity is about 500 years behind Judaism its strange they all have the same God its just interpreted differently The Koran eg is The Old Testament

2007-03-11 13:51:27 · answer #7 · answered by welshy 2 · 0 0

Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God are God according to the bible. However, this doesn't mean that Jesus is the God of some other religion. Although many religions believe in something they call 'god', the gods they believe in are different.

2007-03-11 12:20:36 · answer #8 · answered by horsefreakmillie 2 · 1 1

In English Allah means God and all the god charateristics(Benficint, The Best Judger etc.). Muslims don't believe that Jesus is God so no.

2007-03-11 15:09:40 · answer #9 · answered by maxxie 2 · 1 0

Allah is culturally defined though the hearts and minds of sinners like Abraham, Moses, Prophets and Kings and Mohammed. Their testimonies are not reliable as descriptions of God. Allah is a cultural God
God is eternally defined through Christ who was born without sin and gives us a perfectly reliable testimony about the character, mind, purpose and will of God. Christ was born and rose again outside of culture.
It is the narrative of the Old Testament and of Mohammed that inspires men from all ages to kill Christ, starting with the Pharisee who worshipped the Old Testament - like Jews, Muslims and some Christians do today. The Pharisee is the archetype of a culturally formed belief system whose ideas about God were diametrically opposed to Christ whose death was brought about by their belief in the idea that God instructs the righteous to kill the unrighteous, which is an idea they got from the tesimony of sinners recorded in the Old Testament. So, God's own Son was murdered by people who believed it was God's will they should do it. It's all recorded in the Gospels, as plain as a pikestaff.
Jesus is not the same as the way God is portrayed by sinners in the Old Testament and by association in the Koran.
Jesus portrayed God as God Himself would portray Himself. All the other testimonies that have come to us through culturally defined narratives, whether labelled by scholars as 'canonical' or as 'holy writ', are to be measured by Christ as to which parts accurately portray God and which parts don't.
The idea that mankind has God's authority to carry out a vicarious judgement on His behalf that in effect dispatches people from this Earthly life on account of their sin is wholly demonic.

2007-03-11 12:57:53 · answer #10 · answered by forgetful 2 · 0 0

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