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I keep reading questions on here about police officers being violant racist or what ever else you want to call the police.

They go out everyday and risk there life to try protect people so why do people insist on saying all these things about them.

Yes you do get dodgy coppers same as you get dodgy bankers shop keepers but people seem to think that one dodgy copper makes them all dodgy.

2007-03-11 12:10:27 · 35 answers · asked by ? 5 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

I am not a police man I just have a respect for them doing a job i could never do no matter what i was paid and the police have looked after me in the past and done alot to protect my family when we were getting robbed and had drug dealers trying to come in to our home looking for the previous tennants

2007-03-11 12:21:08 · update #1

can i just add for the benifit of charlie who obviously didn't read the question and now looks a bit silly i am in no way connected to the police force i am not police and nor is anybody in my family

2007-03-11 12:28:10 · update #2

35 answers

I totally agree with you. I was randomly attacked on my way to work last year and my dealings with the police really restored my faith in the police force and what they do.

My Dad tells me of the days when the local Bobby would give you a clip round the ear for kicking up. He says that in those days instead of threatening to sue you'd keep your mouth shut and hope your parents wouldn't find out as they'd probably give you another to match!

The recent case you're referring to is utterly ridiculous. Sometimes the police do have to use force to arrest people. I mean I was thinking what I would do if someone started to scratch and bite me when all I was trying to do was my job - of course your natural instinct is to hit back at them to subdue them and protect yourself.

The silly woman can't even make her mind up as to whether she has epilepsy or was drunk. No doctor has diagnosed her as epileptic despite her going for numerous tests. I may be wrong but no person I know with epilepsy is capable of such deliberate and vicious acts such as biting and grabbing people's private parts whilst having a fit. The woman is just another example of the mongrels that seem to be breeding continuously amongst us.

It's such a shame for the police officer in question. He is obviously a real asset to the force and it's a shame he's had to be taken off front line duty where he can probably make most of the difference.

It's just not fair or realistic these days that we make such high demands on the police to perform near miracles cleaning up the crime that takes place on our streets whilst not using any force....

In my view the answer is simple, if you don't want a thump, don't resist arrest and don't bite the officer who is just doing his job!

2007-03-12 07:52:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You ask a reasonable question and the same idiots you are talking about use it as an excuse to come up with their usual stupid remarks - ie traffic coppers do nothing - in reality they attend all serious accidents often risking life and limb to get there fast and assist the injured and prevent others from being injured.I served in the police for for 30 years and can tell you it is not doing nothing when you scrape the body of a child off the road then go to interview the parents.People go oin about UK police shooting people in 30 years my force shot and killed one person and that was decided to be justified.I read one entry on here last week where someone in answer to police stopping cars with defective lights where a man with his family in the car was grateful as it could have caused an accident involving his family - how refreshing.
Has we said in the police 'The public gets the police force it deserves'
Good to hear some sensible positive replies.

2007-03-12 03:51:32 · answer #2 · answered by frankturk50 6 · 4 1

(UK) - police are recruited from the community. they are also members of the public. because of recruiting processes, a large part of the 'undesirable' element are weeded out. but some will remain..... in a smaller proportion than the rest of the population..... so if theyre corrupt, you're more corrupt. if they're violent fascists,you are worse. They say the public get the police force they deserve - so be nicer long term, and your police force will improve. PS Traffic Police are still Police & attend 'normal' jobs, so are still at risk. News reports using the term 'riot police' or 'anti-terrorist' police give the impression that special bodies of officers exist... but generally its just your normal copper diverted into an annoying job for the day

2007-03-11 12:35:16 · answer #3 · answered by skipper409 2 · 9 0

I have respect for them and think that a lot people expect them to be super heroes. They think the police are the ones that make the laws not the people whose job it is to enforce them.

I have never had a bad experience of policing and think that they are very helpful and do a good job considering the abuse they have to put up with such as drunks abusing them, neds abusing them, people accusing them of being racist etc

A lot of people have gone on about how the police should earn their respect - I think they do by risking their lives making sure that ordinary people are safe in their own homes each day.

Think about the amount of police that have died in the line of duty and then say that they havent earnt our respect

2007-03-12 04:39:11 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry 6 · 4 1

Are you a copper? :) I do agree with you though. I have great sympathy with the police as well as other services like the fire fighters etc who don't get massively well paid but still go out trying to help people and maintain the law. If there was no law we would be under some kind of anarchy and the police are there to stop this. There will always be one bad apple in any barrell, whatever work or community you are in. Just don't tar everyone with the same brush...

2007-03-11 12:16:38 · answer #5 · answered by JENNIFER 3 · 8 2

I know plenty of police officers some honourable men who serve the community well and who people look up to.
Others unfortunately not fit for uniform !
Its a tough job someones got to do it ,and there SHOULD be more respect for the police ,however its a double edged sword respect has to be earned.
Sadly often there isnt any respect and this is a very sad reflection of our times!

2007-03-12 04:32:36 · answer #6 · answered by leopardshaz 5 · 2 1

Individually, my colleagues and myself work to protect people any way we can, by intervening in domestics or by locking up the drunks before they can hurt themselves or someone else, and by doing anything else that helps people to feel safe.
It's the bosses that don't let us do that, they're too concerned with figures and numbers. There's no incentive to proactively patrol anymore, because if we do that, it's at the expense of a mound of ultimately pointless paperwork, which if we don't finish we get chastised for.
Don't criticise the individual officers, we're doing the best we can, persuade the government that the answer lies in a police force that isn't tied to a desk with pointless files.

2007-03-11 14:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by badshotcop 3 · 5 1

mu uncle is a police officer and got beaten up badly once because of this - he is a great bloke and a laugh. officers have always been good to me (i was a bit naughty when i was younger). I have great respect for them and know that if my son ever went missing (god forbid) they would do everything humanly possible to help. Money and time is not on their side in most crimes, this is the government not the police's fault. Blair and his forced mergers do not help them getting on with their jobs. Some are bad and act like the law itself, show me a profession where you don't get this!

2007-03-11 12:30:43 · answer #8 · answered by manc.lass 4 · 7 1

I am a "charli" but not the one you address. I am not a cop and probably spent more years on the wrong side of the law than I have on the good side. I learned a long time ago that I would not have a cops job. Respect!! Hell yes!! There are good one s and bad ones. Ain't that the way of the world. If you ain't gonna give the cops their due respect, the next time you need them just do not call.

2007-03-11 20:08:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

It's nice to see some sense in here for a change!
I personally think we should all learn to respect each other, something that seems to be rare in today's society.
As for traffic cops not risking their lives, 2 such officers were killed in my force a couple of years ago in the line of duty.
Tell their families that they weren't risking their lives.
A Police officers day is always different and you never know who you're going to come across or if you're going to make it home, regardless of what role you're in within the service.
Thanks for the support

2007-03-11 12:30:15 · answer #10 · answered by Ian UK 6 · 6 3

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