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This is a public board, so I'm sure a variety of people will respond. However, I'm interested in hearing from people who have watched the entire video, and taken the time to actually RESEARCH the references provided, and not just assume what was stated is true or false?

There is a brief 10 minute clip on youtube entitled: Jehovah's Witnesses: History of Shame, but the video is much longer.


Hopefully this question will remain, as the Jehovah Witnesses on here usually report any question or answer which does not support their beliefs.

2007-03-11 12:09:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

A few of the above Jehovah Witnesses claim what's stated on the video is not true. That is false! Like most witnesses, they deny anything against their religion, without verifying what they've been told or have read. This is proof these people don't know much about the organization they belong to. All the dates and statements on that youtube video can be verified as correct.

I personally researched this group a few years ago, and found their doctrines not only in conflict with scripture, but they are by far, one of the less credible christian denominations in existence. Mormons are a close second.

This new documentary JW's keep promoting called "knocking", is sure to be biased and will support their errors. More deception. I believe(don't quote me) there is a rebuttal to this video already in the works. When it will be released I'm not sure, but it certainly will be needed.

2007-03-15 09:34:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

I haven't viewed the video, but I will address your accusation. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses who frequents this forum...and I have NEVER reported a question or an answer because it did not support my beliefs. Not only is that a broad, sweeping generalization, but as far as I can tell it is a guess or fabrication, since last time I checked posts are reported anonymously.

2007-03-12 10:13:32 · answer #2 · answered by Badriya 2 · 3 3

There are many false teachings by Jehovah Witnesses. One of their most inaccurate and contradictory beliefs, is that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel.

The Witnesses have absolutely no scriptural reference to support this. They only have misinterpretations of a few scriptures, and a Bible they've published to support their deception and heresy.

I have not seen this entire video, but Praise God for the individuals who created it. I hope others will view the full documentary, or at least the video clip, and learn of the false prophecies and contradictions by Jehovah Witnesses.

Some of the JW teachings are so obviously incorrect, it's hard to believe anyone is misled by them. One would have to be under some type of mental influence to not see the error.

2007-03-15 09:19:06 · answer #3 · answered by StartingOver 2 · 6 5

I am a Jehovahs Witness and to MY shame, I did watch the video. In one word: Propaganda. The creator of this film has taken the sins and shortcomings of a handful of men and tried to discredit the beliefs of 6 million people. To my knowledge the Governing Body has NEVER supported a date for the "end of the world". The selection and belief in such dates was done by INDIVIDUALS, out of their own understanding. In fact, mature responsible Christians refrain from focusing on any particular time or date, as the Bible tells us that the end will "come like a thief in the night", that is, no one knows when.
I didn't notice any references with the video, unless you are refering to the out of print books and publications cited in the clip.
As the previous poster said, posts are reported anonymously. Claiming that Witnesses would have your post removed because we don't agree with your point of view is just mud-slinging.

2007-03-14 07:17:10 · answer #4 · answered by rachely1 3 · 3 6

This is a lost group of souls. Blind leading the blind. We must all pray for Christians who have fallen prey to the teachings of Jehovah Witnesses. It's rare anyone can get through to a JW in one conversation, or a series of conversations.

Their doctrines are deeply ingrained and they've been taught not to listen sincerely to any thoughts contrary to their religion. They are also trained defensively when preaching, though most witnesses don't realize this is what they've been taught.

Arguing or debating with a Jehovah Witness, is what they've been trained to expect. So the moment they approach you, their mindset is already in a defensive stance, and they have memorized responses and rebuttals. Also, the moment they realize you are not in agreement with them, they become less responsive, and rather than listening to you, they are listening for trigger words or terms, and thinking of what to say next based on what they've been taught. It's a no-win battle.

Jehovah Witnesses actually have mock door to door practice sessions, or stage examples acted out in their Kingdom Halls which teach them how to respond defensively. So don't expect to get through to one by reading or showing a video which proves some of their teachings are false, even if they are true. They are not able to hear or listen to you at that point.

This is my advice: just listen to what they have to say, share your testimony and relationship with God, and politely say no thank you, and let it go. One day, when they are ready, they will remember something you've said that might give them the courage and strength to separate from this group. This site below is also helpful.

2007-03-18 07:33:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

I haven't seen the entire video, but the facts stated on the preview video clip you posted are definitely true, and can be proven by reading material from the JW religion itself. False prophecies concerning the end is a red flag, and this religion has had many.

2007-03-12 10:32:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

Looks like the usual anti-witness stuff by people who have trouble obtaining the same level of faith in Christ that JWs do. If you want to watch a video, watch the Independent production video "Knocking" by people without an Ax to grind.

It will be on PBS in May, or at least on the stations that haven't been pressured to not show it.


There has ben some claims that there is a rebutal film in the works to Knocking. I wonder what's taking them so long. Knocking has been available on DVD since last September. I wonder if the rebutal will also be by an independent film crew, or by someonw with an ax the grind?

2007-03-11 12:42:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

I have watched it several times and done research to see what it says. It is true that the JW's are false prophets.

2007-03-18 02:40:28 · answer #8 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 8 4

My family believed in the last false prophecy by this group with all our hearts. I have terrible memories of what we all went through after adjusting our lives as if Christ was about to return and later discovering He did not.

So many witnesses stopped making plans on their jobs, and let their businesses go, thinking Christ was soon to return. It was not only humiliating to be involved in this, and have to deal with the teasing and mocking which followed, but it was emotionally and mentally disturbing to many people I knew in the JW religion. In fact, a lot of people left after the last failed date of christ's return.

On a different note, my mother has been effected the most by this religion. She has had to report a few elders at her kingdom hall, because of how outrageous many had become. Some committing adultery, discussing personal business of others told to them in private by various families, ours was one, and so many other things were taking place at our hall that were not christian.

It became so bad, that someone from the Society had to visit our hall because of my mother's reports, which resulted in three elders being removed, members disfellowshiped, put on reproof, and worse. No one else in the hall had the gutts to report these people, and they gave my mom pure hell during the year it took for her to expose all the hypocricy and sin.

These people lied on my mother to avoid being disfellowshipped and/or exposed, and if it were not for ONE person who felt compassion for my mother who eventually came forth, my mother would have looked like she was inventing all the reports. They took her through HELL!!!!

Sadly, my mother is still a witness because she really believes JW's are the right religion, and says she can't judge the religion because of the people. But it has taken a toll on her mentally, emotionally, and health wise. I've seen my mothers spirit and personality weakened over the last few decades. She is slowly transforming from an outspoken strong woman, to someone who reserved and low key.

Witnesses will literally pass my mother in their cars, as she struggles walking to the hall with a weak body, without picking her up. They have all given excuses why they can't give her a ride. Where is the christian love in that. Many are family members of the elders she had removed, and I believe that is why she is treated this way. Just typing this makes me cry. My mother is learning to ask more questions and I think she is being resented for this. I hope she keeps asking.

Unfortunately, she can't transfer to a different hall, because that is the closest hall to her and she does not drive. I do not live near her, and because of the religion, she has chosen to limit contact with family members who are not JW's. Expectation of the the new system is LITERALLY what keeps my mom holding on. It should not be that way. We all look forward to the new heaven and earth, but we should not be in hell among people in our own religion.

My mom and I stopped talking this last year because of this religion, and she also does not communicate with other family members with the exception of phone calls a few times a year. I was never baptized, but during my younger years before I learned more about this group, I was very active in field service, answered questions at the hall and book study all the time, and was told I was very good at explaining scriptures and giving talks. Many wondered if I was destined to be a future missionary or someone who would go to Bethel.

The more I studied, even by the age of 16 many things taught in this group seemed contradictory. So I knew the moment I was old enough to move out of my parents home, I would also leave the religion, but didn't DARE tell any of the JW's.

After I left it took a few years to clean all the guilt, and false teachings from my mind. I researched this group almost two years extensively after leaving, and was confident I had made the right decision. We were all raised to be very isolated and private. So it took years for me to begin reaching out to others, and in many ways I am still very private. I believe that is because of how we were raised as JW's.

It's so sad to see my mom brain washed by this religion. It took her 35 years to finally see what we've always told her about the elders and others she reported. Things I noticed 15 or 20 years ago. But she felt they could do no wrong.So maybe in another 10 years if she lasts that long, she'll also figure out this group is not from God and our family can reunite. JW's have torn our family apart.

I won't go into much more detail, but I'm no longer a member and leaving was the healthiest and most obedient decision to God I've ever made in my life. My brother and others also left. It just breaks my heart that they've convinved my mother that leaving would mean losing her life. I pray for her everyday, and I worry about future announcements this group will make that others will follow. I hope she is doing well, and maybe she will reply to one of my letters in the future.

2007-03-17 03:09:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

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