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14 answers

With that attitude, you will never enter into life.
Repent, and believe the gospel.

2007-03-11 11:55:19 · answer #1 · answered by wefmeister 7 · 0 1

The question of your salvation and where you will spend eternity is far too serious to be delayed. I have found that those who make a conscious decision to delay giving their lives to Christ almost never get around to doing it. The best time to make a decision to follow Christ is right at this moment. The Bible says, "I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Life is uncertain. How do you know you will even have a chance to commit your life to Christ in the future? Even tomorrow? You're not enlisting in God's "club" when you choose to follow Christ; you are accepting a life preserver He has tossed into your sin-filled, drowning life. This is an eternal life and eternal death matter. It is not to be fooled with. In addition, if you truly understand the Gospel of Christ, then you should know that God is calling you to follow Him now—not later. The more you shut the "ears" of your heart to God's voice, the harder it becomes to hear Him as the years go by. The Bible warns, "A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy" (Proverbs 29:1).

You also have a misunderstanding about the Christian life. You picture it as something dull and joyless, but can there be any greater challenge and privilege in life than following God's path for us? God's way is perfect, and He knows what is best for us. There is no higher calling than being part of God's family (John 1:12).

I challenge you to admit your sinfulness, seek God's forgiveness, and give control of your life to Jesus Christ. Don't be deceived by the promises of pleasure; they will only leave you empty. Let Christ show you the real meaning of life.

2007-03-11 20:21:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As much as you want because heaven is not a place, it is a state of being.
Your soul will continue to reincarnate until you
reach a point of evolved enlightenment in which you
seek not to sin, but to be the most enlightened being you
can be living for the greater good of all that has been created.

2007-03-11 19:03:04 · answer #3 · answered by akuna_kumara 2 · 0 0

Even the littlest sin won't go to heaven. So, only those whose sins are covered in the Blood of the Lamb will go to heaven.

2007-03-12 13:49:56 · answer #4 · answered by t a m i l 6 · 0 0

If Heaven is anything like Eden was written to be, then you will be in a place where you are discouraged from learning or doing anything contrary to the dictator that runs the place. Why anyone would want to go there is just amazing!

2007-03-11 18:56:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

None. You pay the consequence for your sins. One must have a true repented heart for sins committed.

2007-03-11 19:33:37 · answer #6 · answered by angel 7 · 0 0

If you just keep trying to get away with stuff,you are not interested into going to heaven..Your supposed to try not to do bad not try to get away with it..

2007-03-11 19:00:51 · answer #7 · answered by Dixie 6 · 1 0

If you were born again, you would never ask that. Therefore, you are not going. You must be born again....John 3

ANd athough you will sin, you will hate it (Romans) You wont want to sin and "Get away with it"

Obsurd and a mockery....one day you will answer for this.

2007-03-11 18:55:27 · answer #8 · answered by David T 3 · 1 1

Alot, Jesus died for all your sins, but you must have faith in him.
Check the link below if you want to go to heaven.

2007-03-11 18:59:58 · answer #9 · answered by James H 1 · 0 0

Easy none.You would have to repent and mean it.So if u continued to sin that would sorta be like u didnt mean it.

2007-03-11 18:54:58 · answer #10 · answered by Meru 2 · 1 1

OK, Here it goes....

See, it's like this. Sin. It's a funny kind of thing. Not funny like "ha ha " but funny like strange.
See, sin generally lies in the domain of religion and politics. There are many religions across this vast blue ( with some brown sploches ) Globe of ours. And many more political views.
To simplify things we will start with the higher, cleaner more understood area - religion.
Religion is basically a belief system that has something to do with spiritual things and usually a god or gods and your good or bad standing there with. People will join together and agree to experience a common religion together either by duress ( force ), choice or because someone said so.
Sin comes into play when one has an experience that is stated in the sacred writings ( or more often implied, interpereted, or said to be in there somewhere ) as being in dissagreement with the wishes or intentions of the gods or prophets or devine law to such a degree that concequences lie pending.
In other words, someone been bad.
Now how bad can one be seems to be the question at hand and the answere lies solely in the realm of the religion at hand OR in the hands of those who do the implying, interpereting, or saying it's in there somewhere.
With that in mind I will select solely at random several religions ( as the asker has not provided one ) and see if we can save your soul.
Ok, here is the first one I found CAODAISM ( see link below ).
Ok, so I did a brief study of CAODAISM on line and it seems that you have two choices. One continue to sin and be stuck reincarnating forever ( yea, close to hell as I wanna get ) or TWO, purify your self and end the cycle of life and death ! Seems that if you had a beer thats about as much sinning as it takes, though you have a good chance to fix it all. First your gonna have to find one of their centers closest to you or travel to Vietnam because thats where it's from ( hey, I'm not the one askin how to go to heaven without sayin what religious cart to use ). Anyhow, you'll want to get real involved here because it's gonna take some work on your part. There is meditation and introspection involved. But the good news is that they mix christianity together with eastern religions so you have lots of sinning to pick and choose from. Actually they have alot of good stuff in there like confusionism and taoism ( you know, the fortune cookie sayings ) and realy have a path to something tangible. You can even pick a sect, one stresses meditation and the eradication of your lesser self ( the part that wants the beer ), the other if you want to be nice to everyone and have duties and virtues, ( remember , this is all for a path to heaven ). Either way your gonna need to pray at liest once a day, stop fooling around on your spouse ( I meant - don't fool around, realy ) be honest and not " sin by word " ( don't exactly know what they are trying to say there but somewhere between not lying and not becoming a newspaper editor I think would cover it ).
Oh, and the good 'ol "don't kill any living beings " ( I guess that means if it's a dead being go ahead an kill it all you want).
Ok, so there is one choice, and it leaves it up to you how much sinning, it's your way all the way. When you want to stop the endless cycle, just take controll and work your way up and out.
ASATRU ( Original Norse Religion Covering Europe before Christianity Conversion ). Ok, seems that a quick review makes this one an easy task. See, I didn't see anything about sins specifically. Seems that this was the predisessor to many current cultural things. The Christmass currently celabrated ( not the birth of Christ part ), the yule log, evergreen trees, holly, twelve day's of Christmass, is a continuation of the winter solstice festival celibrated typically dec. 21. Seems when converted to Christianity the new Christians of Europe refused to disscontinue the pagan winter solstice celibration so the Church moved Christ's birthday to december 25th. Now I understand why the Jahova's Witnesses don't celibrate Christmass in it's current incarnation ( so if your going thier way, stop the pagan worship and throw out the Christmass tree ). Back to Asatru, lot's of pagan worship and all but as far as heaven and sin seems you got three places to go. One - Valhalla - basically Valhalla is dinner with the god's every day forever, eating the same resurected pig ( gosh, what sin did it commit ? ) but to get there you have to die in battle, so better forget the sins and join the army. Two - Hel - Hel is basically where those of european decendance got hell from, only one problem, it's not the hell you grew up learning about ( thats the third place we will get to ). Nope, Hel is where everyone else ( that doesn't die in battle ) goes, reguardless of but the most hidiouse evil doing... and it's apparently a " place of calmness and peace ", hummm, sounds like something got lost in the transition from paganism to Christianity. Any how, Three - Hifhel - Ok, heres the hell we all know about, it's the place of eternal damnation, a place of tourcher, and it's reserved for only the elite evil, the very bad guys and gals, only the most evil and treacherouse need apply. And that's it ! So Glory of Glories ! Sounds like we got a winner !
Don't worry about all that small mediocre sinning at all, I mean unless your a serial killer or politician all you have to worry about is being stuck in a place of " calmness and peace " with the rest of us !
Doesn't sound too bad, heck , I'd pass up on the dinner with the gods even ( who wants pork every day, especially the same pork every day - no offense Asatru )
And being that the nice cushy pagan Hel is the forrunner of the Modern Christian Hell it seems even if your a Christian all you realy have to worry about is whether to continue worshipping the pagan god Yule during his winter solstice festival ( Christmass ) or toss out the pagan ritual tree and move Christ's birthday back to november or whenever it was when he was born actually.
Ok, so there you have it, and I didn't even have to find a third religion, oh what the heck...
Aleut - the Eskimo Religion - OK, this one is pretty simple, I guess the Eskimo's can only get into so much trouble, with the cold weather and all. Seems when you die you as a soul have a choice of place to live, the Land or the Sea. Haven't found anything about right vs. wrong and the consequenses thereof ( except women can't touch game for some reason )but I wouldn't go an do things to piss anyone off as it's damn cold up there if you're kicked out of the igloo. Also I heard about and then and confirmed thru some research; when you visit your friends up there your expected to sleep with thier wife. It is an insult to do any less. I'm not kidding here. Aparently a tradition born out of the infrequency of visitors and the need to expand the gene pool. Look it up if you don't believe me.
So that's it, oh, and the political sin spin, aw, who cares, they're all goin to Hifhel anyhow.
Say hello to my family in Hel for me, if anyones missin they're eatin reconstituted holy pork with the gods.

2007-03-11 21:56:51 · answer #11 · answered by garfield 2 · 0 0

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