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These Christians go on about God's love and all that crap but forget the scriptures that talk about how jealous he is and how he demands that his servents destory and kill women children and innocent people. They never want to mention that stuff.

Why do they expect us to look at them as if they have brains and listen to them seriously? How could they be so contradictory and not admit to it?

Take this post for example: You don't have to read it:

2007-03-11 11:45:50 · 30 answers · asked by Oshihana 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thanks everyone really good answers here.

2007-03-11 12:00:46 · update #1

30 answers

--HOW INNOCENT DO you think these woman, children were in SODOM & GOMMORAH!

---In this reference Jehovah God dispatches 2 angels to investigate if the "sin is very heavy"--and to help Lot and his family------

(Genesis 18:20-21) “20 Consequently Jehovah said: “The cry of complaint about Sod´om and Go·mor´rah, yes, it is loud, and their sin, yes, it is very heavy. 21 I am quite determined to go down that I may see whether they act altogether according to the outcry over it that has come to me, and, if not, I can get to know it.””

----When the angels visited at Lot and saw the situation was serious, WHAT DO YOU think the men and children went to do?

(Genesis 19:4-5) “4 Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sod´om, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob. 5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: “Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them.””

-----WHAT YOU ARE READING is simply this the old men & boys went to Lot's house to GANG RAPE the two angels!
-----DO YOU think the angels had good reason to blind all of them? And in your superior view---was the sin "VERY HEAVY?

--WHAT ABOUT THE CANANITES that Jehovah annialated --when the Israelited marched to the promised land and how Jehovah himself destroyed Cananite people burning their new born children alive to their disgusting gods

----DO YOU POSSIBLE think that God had the right to stop that DEBAUCHERY?

*** it-1 pp. 402-403 Canaan ***

) During the centuries that followed, the land of Canaan became saturated with detestable practices of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed. The Canaanite religion was extraordinarily base and degraded, their “sacred poles” evidently being phallic symbols, and many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Ex 23:24; 34:12, 13; Nu 33:52; De 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Le 18:2-25) Magic, spellbinding, spiritism, and sacrifice of their children by fire were also among the Canaanites’ detestable practices.—De 18:9-12.----THERE HISTORY IS ON RECORD!---And not just Biblically!

--What do you think of children age 2-6 in our time deliberately murdering their infant relatives--BY DROPPING THEM on their head, bitting them to death because of (jealosy) AND THIS TOOK PLACE in regularity in 1976 in an Ohio city.

---DO YOU THINK Jehovah God will have just reason, to destroy all perverts men, women & young children who engage in these & other practices at his situation at Armaggedon?

--IF YOU DON'T there indeed is something wrong with you!

PS. Is that unfluffy enough?

2007-03-11 11:54:51 · answer #1 · answered by THA 5 · 1 2

Well a true Christian would ignore the Old Testament. Jesus shunned all of that which is why they shouldn’t really care about it. I don’t get why they use the Ten Commandments and go against gay marriage. Because that does come from the bloody horrendous book you are speaking of. The people that impose those beliefs are not true Christians. Christ would accept gay people for who they are and love them equally. The truth is alot of people don’t even read the bible or think of it. I remember when I was younger and went to church my preacher would talk about Abraham and Moses like they were all good guys. When I finally read the bible I was disgusted by it I still haven’t finished it. I get physically sick when reading it and usually can’t continue. It’s amazing that god murdering every living creature on earth and one family surviving is a children’s story. And it’s amazing that story is still token literally when we know it was an altered version of a Sumerian tale where only a village flooded. And Noah who was the kind of the village jumped on his boat that he already had with his family.

2007-03-11 19:02:25 · answer #2 · answered by Beaverscanttalk 4 · 0 0

Well #1, we do talk about most everything in the Bible including the dark stuff. Doesnt your church?

#2 the people that God commanded be destroyed were anything BUT innocent. They were part of an evil nation that God punished.

What things do you find contradictory in what believers say? I find that we have a very good message in the Gospel that many people respond to and get saved by. Trust me honey, on judgment day, nothing else is going to matter!

2007-03-11 19:04:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God does love us and yes he is a jealous god and does not want us to put any other god before him. In the old testament there was a lot of blood shed, there was a lot of war, But I'm not the one to judge God. At the churches I have been to we did talk about that. Many of these battles were to one get ride of those that worshipped other gods and did destestable things in his sight. It was not like, okay everybody get up, get your weapons together and lets go kick some butt. It was a different time then, people had turned their backs toward god, they worshipped other gods and idols. Not only that, God many times let his own people be bashed and raided and killed because they turned away from him and his commandments, he let others come in, take their land, put them into slavery. God does not play. Sometimes God has to put us down to make us come back up. The bible is full of war, lust, blood, I'm not deny it, it is all there. But when the new testament comes and it's all about Jesus, it talks of love, forgiveness, doing what is right. But Jesus was no punk either. I think it all depends on what church you go to. Many churches don't talk about the devil or hell. What is that all about?
I don't think you are playing nice by calling people stupid, and dumb and not having brains. Some folks get very scared when they read the bible. Some people like to sugar coat stuff. But in every relegion there has always been some type of destruction good or bad. Can't bash everybody.

2007-03-11 18:58:37 · answer #4 · answered by crash 4 · 0 0

It's easier to talk about what God has done for us and in us. I have studied the Bible and He isn't demanding his servants destroy and kill women, children and innocent people today....We aren't ignoring it....we don't like mentioning it but it's not the reason you think. It's because it was the time for that and now is not that time. If the Jewish nation had wiped out the Foreigners in the promised land like they were told to, the nation of Israel would be whole today and I don't think there would have been the fighting over it like there is now. Those things are listed in the Bible to show us results of disobedience and not following what the Lord said.

2007-03-11 18:59:50 · answer #5 · answered by Jan P 6 · 0 0

We talk about God's love because that's what a people committing suicide on a planetary level need to hear: You are not alone! You do not need to be afraid! God loves you and so do we! There is a better way! Let me tell you what God has shared with us!

But, you want to here the rest of it...OK. God has never demanded the destruction of innocent women and children! Name one innocenent woman you know! Just ONE! or an innocent man! There are none! Not you, not me, not any of us. All of us have committed wrong and deserve to be punished. Thank you God for chosing to forgive our wrongs instead of giving us what we deserve. Thank you for your...love.

You are right when you say the Bible is full of cruel stuff. It often talks about how men are cruel to their fellow men and gives practical advice as to how we should not be cruel...how we should seek a better life. I do. Do you? Look at the hate in your question. The Bible says a man speaks out of the overflow of his heart. Does your question show the peace (or lack of it) in your heart? I think it does.

God permits us to experience good and evil (hate and love) so we can choose which we want. I choose to live a life of love. Will you join me? Or are you more comfortable in your hate...of Christians...of God...of anyone who disagree with you? You don't have to be. Read the Bible yourself and you'll see God's better way. Don't listen to anyone else! Ask God yourself.

Peace, to you, my friend.

2007-03-11 19:02:56 · answer #6 · answered by "Ski" 5 · 0 0

Because they can. It isn't always about the love and "crap" but people do tend to get offended when you start telling them about how God destroyed the evil and wicked people in the past and how he will do it again. When you make a arrogant comment as you have above why would anyone want to think you have a brain? Why would they listen to you seriously? You assume that the people that were killed were innocent but I would tell you that they were not innocent, God destroys the evil and the wicked whether anyone else likes it or not. I do not have a bad God, My God is Holy and Just and know this My God is dangerous. That is not a threat to you or anyone else it is a fact. Whether you believe or not is of no consequence to me only to yourself. You obviously disbelieve which is your own prerogative but why do you attack believers? Why do you come to religion and spirituality if you have no religion or spirituality. Your actions contradict your words.

2007-03-11 19:00:04 · answer #7 · answered by Angelz 5 · 0 1

You dont want fluffy well ull get reality: The reason God got someone to kill those people was b/c time after time they sinned against God he gave them chance after chance and what did they do? Rebel against God so look here Mam To tell u the truth theres nothin fluffy about that!! So heres the deal You got two choices 1: God or 2: Satan (God of this World)!! There's no in between So look wen u want to try to even Begin to Question What God Does Or his Reasons For Doing IT Gather All the facts not just the ones that back up your IGNORANT Thoughts Ok and im going to Forgive u for that stupid ignorant comment b/c thats the kind of Fluffy stuff us Christians Do so God will Forgive Us!! Okay

~Na thats what u call going Christian Mode (aka Cappin on somebody)~

2007-03-11 19:06:59 · answer #8 · answered by Princess P 1 · 0 1

Your right there is a lot of extremely vile and profane subject matter in the bible. For instance the story of Lot. When the angels are there to tell Lot to leave, Lot gives up his servant (slave) to the insane mob of the city. They murder her by brutally raping her all night while Lot hears her screams and she dies that next morning just inches away on the other side of a door. Yet the bible says that Lot is considered to be a righteous man by god. To paraphrase Penn Juliet "Don't go looking to the bible for some sort of moral code". It condones murder stoning prejudice cruelty sexual inequality hatred and injustice.

2007-03-12 00:26:49 · answer #9 · answered by zeroartmac 7 · 0 0

I am not sure who you talk to and who you hang with, but if you happened to be in my circle of life you would hear about the destruction and the cleansing of the world. My Christian friends and I do talk about the things that have happened to people and the things that are going to happen to people.
Imagine being bit by a locust that will cause you so much agony you will want to die. Unfortunately you will not be able to die.
The illness you see in this world is not God's will. It is how the Devil gets people to curse God. When you trun away from God and refuse to be part of the solution you suffer. It is God's desire that no one goes to Hell. Each person that does go to Hell has puts themself there. Plagues caused upon Egypt were brought upon the people because their Phaero was hard hearted. Sodom and Gomorrah were real dens of iniquity.
The 911 attack came because we have told God to stay away from us. The same for each of the killings in all those Schools, We told God stay out of our schools. Satan, still wants more souls with him in Hell (the lake of fire). The more people he can get to curse God and claim Christianity is a false thing, the more people who will go to Hell.
I'll not talk fluffy for you, Imagine it being so dark that you will think you are blind, or having boils that itch so bad the more you scratch the worse it gets. Imagine an earthquake that will flatten all of the mountains. Imagine seeing the sun quit shining and the moon turn blood red. Even more, horsemen riding to kill you and you can not even see them, Hows that for fluff. While all of this is happening, the tribulation saints will go untouched. Tribulations saints are those that missed the rapture and accepted Christ as their savior after the rapture.
I can talk about more fluff if you would like. But then you would not like to hear the finality of the great tribulation.

2007-03-11 19:07:01 · answer #10 · answered by CheryllDianne 3 · 0 1

Honey Child, you gotta take the bad with the good.

Now, a lot of church folks don't go to church all that much, because all they want to hear is the good stuff. When the Preacher starts preaching Hell and Dam Nation, They go to scrumming around and say "I don't like that preacher man"

2007-03-11 19:57:36 · answer #11 · answered by Auburn 5 · 0 0

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