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As time goes by scientists are finding evidence as to our origins and creation. But at the same time religious groups are slamming them because they believe God is the creator of everything. So if these findings are true, then is Christianity trying preserve itself at the expense of humans bettering themselves?

2007-03-11 10:24:33 · 21 answers · asked by shazamshawn 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

It has nothing to do with christianity, and everything to do with fear. The fundies are scared that their world will come crashing down if science is allowed to continue, so want us all to go back to the dark ages.

Atheism. You know it makes sense.

2007-03-11 10:30:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Sorry - you are wrong about the Christian Religion helping science - The church actually killed people that thought the Sun was the center of our solar system. Science is a methodology. A way of trying to disprove a hypothesis. When that happens we create a new hypothesis - (A proposed statement of truth about how something works)
The Christian Religion is different form Christians – the Christian Religion contains bureaucracies and absolutes that needs to be protected from competing realities – like a house of cards. Proving a founding idea is wrong the house falls down. Christians are human and develop in different ways then a static organization.
There is nothing in science that is static. It is a changing and moving collection of knowledge. Prove something wrong and we grow. We search for answers constantly. Whereas Religion purports to have all the answers to every question - a tension has to exist between the two.

Intelligent Design has been killed - it is religion not science - ask Delaware.
This is a tired old argument. Scientist have not abandoned Evolution. By saying something is true because someone on the radio says it, does not make it true.

2007-03-11 10:54:45 · answer #2 · answered by King W 1 · 1 1

All major 'organised' religions are against progress. They are steeped in tradition and ceremony.
I once read a great quote on the creation of the Universe:
"Q: Where does a 500pound Gorilla sit? A: Anywhere he wants to."
"Q: How does an omnipotent 'God' create the uinverse? A: Anyway it wants to!"
The problem is people don't think the geological process allows for the divine to have a hand it things. I say RUBBISH! It's the very proof of that divine that all that occurs does so.

2007-03-11 10:36:07 · answer #3 · answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5 · 0 0

No. But it is against unthinking progress, progress at the expense of ethics, progress without concern for the less fortunate, progress without concern for the human person. So, really, Christianity isn't against progress because any "progress" that doesn't take into account the truth of the human person as a creature made in the image and likeness of God and possessing intrinsic dignity isn't real progress.

That evolution happened doesn't mean there isn't a God.

2007-03-11 10:41:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think Christians believe that man was already created perfect at the beginning of creation along with everything he needed and then it all went to crap from there...

Having said that God also gave man free will so why did he do that if we're supposed to just stick with what we've got and not try to progress....?

2007-03-11 10:32:03 · answer #5 · answered by chimerauk 3 · 0 0

No, they are not. It was Christianity that started science. All of science proceeds from one idea: that God created the universe according to a set of laws and we can learn those laws. Your question proceeds from several errors. The Christians ARE representing the scientific view against the dishonest religious view of the evolutionists. Just a few examples:

When Kepler was working on his laws of planetary motion, several uniformitanists laughed at him for wasting his time because the universe (they believed) was random! He responded "I know there is such a law because God is a god of order!". He went on to discover the laws of planetary motion while others saw no reason to look. This pattern is repeated over and over again. Something more recent:

Biochemists have proven out of the approximately 4,000 mutations which have been taxinomied in an attempt to build a genetic (as opposed to chemical) based medicine, NONE increase biological complexity. Over 3,400 documented mutations reduce biological complexity. This is the basis of why evolution is no longer a scientific idea. It continues only as a religious idea by those who "believe" in it. Geneticists and biochemists are abandoning evolution in droves. Christians are aware of this and support the latest conclusions of science. Evolutionsts will not allow this information to be heard by the general public because they know what science actually has found in the last 25 years. For more information, refer to the first three reports of the Human Genome Mapping Project.

Also, geologists and physicists have demonstrated the world is only 6,000 years old. For the latest information on how, refer to the RATE II study - it can be purchased on line. In it you will learn of the lies evolutionists have been perputrating for decades. Again, Christians are aware of this data, while evolutionists push their religion of evolution under the guise of science - which it is not.

Science is not defined by what people "believe". It is defined by what can pass the test of the scientific method. A scientific idea must be observable, theorizable, testable, and repeatable; the 6,000 years of the world, the global flood, and the number of generations of man pass the test of the scientific method - the increasing complexity of life through "evolution" and mythical "billions" of years of the world are have both been tested and failed.

For an easier question, ask your "scientist" friends these questions: Why is all of the soil of the Eath arranged in strata - what is the scientific principle that defines how this came to be? and What is the hydraulic sorting principle? These two questions should be enough to set any honest person on the path to scientific discovery (and away from the false religion known as "evolution").

Remember...believe nothing, test everything.

2007-03-11 10:59:19 · answer #6 · answered by "Ski" 5 · 0 1

Christianity is not against progress itself. However, they have no problem holding back progress if they feel it runs against their religious beliefs.

To be completely fair, there are aspects of science and technology that Christianity has helped advance. They did contribute a lot towards music theory, for instance. (Also, a lot of our early knowledge of astronomy was driven by the belief that one had to understand the heavens in order to understand signs/omens from their deity.)

2007-03-11 10:32:12 · answer #7 · answered by Lunarsight 5 · 1 0

Many christians have made amazing contributions to science, literature, mathematics, and others. I believe that many are against progress that suggests that god doesn't exist, or more evidence that evolution occured. But progress in general, no.

2007-03-11 11:08:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not true. I am a christian and I am all for "bettering" myself. The fact is, though, many scientific theories and such actually support the bible, not disprove it. for example, the big bang theory, that is actually a scientific description of creation. there are many others but i'm a little preoccupied right now, and i'm also very tired, but if you look in the right places, you will find that much of science proves the bible, such as fish skeletons on mountains ( the global flood)

God bless!

2007-03-11 10:31:24 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

the way I see it, in Leviticus 19:26-27 it says to no longer consume meat that has no longer been drained of its blood(26) and don't truly shave your face(27) yet maximum folk of Christians do the two a type of issues. Does that propose they are going to hell? i could say no. you ought to use the old testomony to decide others yet with the intention to ought to you be sure by ability of what it says interior the old testomony your self. What i'm attempting to assert is that i don't have self belief that this is a sin to have sexual kinfolk with the comparable intercourse as i've got no longer are available in the process all of us who follows each little thing that it says interior the old testomony and that i've got no longer study everywhere the place Jesus says that this is a sin. i think of that folk merely choose for to nit %. what factors of the bible they choose for to have self belief and that they take infrequently any logical account to it and subsequently you have prejudice people.

2016-12-14 16:37:28 · answer #10 · answered by picart 4 · 0 0

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