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Since you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, why do a lot of you vehemently put down other religions such as Paganism claiming it is the work of satan?

I would think anyone being able to be resurrected from the dead would have some kind magickal properties, and even then, why would it be difficult for them to even think for a second that Jesus "resurrection" was by the help fo god and not satan?

I'd like to see a few of you try and answer without saying "It's written in the bible and the bible is the work of God!" or anything similar. Please try and use your imaginations for once?

2007-03-11 09:38:56 · 11 answers · asked by Lief Tanner 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Oh Quas. I am so sorry, so many of the answers above are not what you are looking for.

The miracles that Jesus did = magick. If I were to say a few words over a bottle of water and have it turn to wine, they would call me a witch.

It was and still is a political agenda that Christians' belief in miracles has nothing to do with ancient practices of magic. And that they're beliefs in saints is in no way related to ancient minor dieties.

You are right it is a lack of imagination that leads Christians to believe that "God" is one singular entity and that "Satan" is one singular entity.

"God" is everywhere. "Satan" is everywhere. They are the names Christians give to the light and dark energies that balance the world. With out evil there cannot be good.

I am glad that so many feel "the love of Jesus." It creates a euphoria. It is their persecution of those who believe differently that balances them out. They are good because they believe in the word of Jesus. They are evil because they don't truly follow it.

They feel that because you question, you hate. They don't realize they in turn hate because they are questioned.

It is politics that spread Christianity through the world, mostly by means of violence. And that violence goes against everything that Jesus stands for to them. Its similar to Germany not teaching WWII in their public schools. "We made a mistake, but we're not willing to admit it."

It is true that early Christians were persecuted and burned at the stake and stoned to death. However their Jesus said to turn the other cheek. And instead they took an eye for an eye and began persecuting pagans, burning "witches" at the stake and stoning them.

They truly are no better than anyone else. But magic is still alive, today and every day. As long as there are people like us who believe.

2007-03-11 11:09:12 · answer #1 · answered by Kate 2 · 1 0

Every valid religion needs a foundation and for the Christian it is the Bible. We could use our imaginations, but fortunately our belief system is based on a much more secure base than our own fickle imaginations. We do not imagine what we believe. We believe it because the Bible confirms it. The Bible teaches us that paganism comes from the evil forces at work in the world, and that refers to Satan and his demons. The power of the resurrection is truly a great thing for Christians. God is the origin of life and so He is the One who is in control of Life. Satan on the other hand comes to 'kill, steal and destroy' Jesus came so than mankind could have life and have it more abundantly.

2007-03-11 09:47:23 · answer #2 · answered by rejoiceinthelord 5 · 0 0

,God is a jealous god, there is only one god, not to believe in god goes against everything Jesus preaches, to believe in anything else is not to believe in the one thing that gives Christians hope, and and peace, that when we die we will be in heaven, Jesus is the door, the only door, the path is narrow, but it leads to something far greater than any earthly possession.
by the way Kate at the bottom there, is wrong Satan is not on the same level with god at all, that's why he was kicked out of heaven, in the first place, for his pride, in thinking he was, or even worse, better than god. I pray you listen to those who actually know the word of god not those who just want to put it down, with their misinformation

2007-03-11 10:00:06 · answer #3 · answered by holdontowhatyouhave 3 · 0 0

That's why we have the uncompromised word of God
(written by men, inspired by God) so we don't use our imaginations. They can be used for better things, like how to love someone creatively. Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit is about a personal relationship. It's not about you arguing with a whole sect or religion. Get alone with the Book of Acts and the Book of Romans, pray and ask the Lord show you revelation, to show you himself, then read, explore, get filled up, THAT's the supernatural that your looking for, your angst and anger is not with me or any other Christian, it's your lack of relationship with Christ. Leave man out of it and seek Him on your own. I guarantee you'll find Him. Be Blessed Future Brother in Christ

2007-03-11 09:52:53 · answer #4 · answered by Truest South 1 · 0 0

all i can say to you is that Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead and it was the work of God, not of satan. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in heaven, his bones are not in a box. This is in the bible and it is the work of God and i'm not afraid to say it, because i am standing on the word of God because it is his word and i strongly believe in it. I am professing my faith in Jesus Christ to you and if you don't like it strike me with your magical powers! You will burn in hell if you don't believe that Jesus died for your sins and was resuurected from the cross by his father in heaven(God). I know that is blunt but Jesus did die for you and was raised by God, he is crying over you right now he is begging you to come to him, so go take off to him and run into his arms they're wide open! God Bless

2007-03-11 09:56:49 · answer #5 · answered by ca 2 · 1 0

Why do you put down Christianity? Do u believe in evolution? Sorry wrong words: Accept evolution?

So rather than God, you believe oh sorry accept that we came from a highly complicated soup of amino acids in an atmosphere that may or may not have been even inhabitable?

Sorry but I'll stick with God on this one. Something about being related to a monkey doesn't settle very well with me? Go figure!

2007-03-11 09:52:47 · answer #6 · answered by Creationist 2 · 0 2

Because paganism is another work of Satan. Satan doesn't want anyone to come to know Christ and experience the wonderful life He gives to His disciples.
If there is only one way to abundant life and heaven and all other roads lead to hell, don't ya think people who've experienced Christ's love and truth want others to experience it too? Don't ya think, it's loving and right to warn people of the truth? Plus, we really don't want anyone to go to hell. It's because we care about people that we warn them about the reality of hell and the lies of all of the other religions. This is so much BIGGER than "my religion's better than yours!!" type of attitude!
Satan wanted Christ dead. Why would he help raise Him up again? But satan doesn't have that much power.

2007-03-11 09:53:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Christians work magic every day in keeping with the will of God. Paganism works magic counter to the will of God.

2007-03-11 09:47:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Because they are false and lead people to the Lake of Fire to be tormented forever and ever.

2007-03-11 09:53:31 · answer #9 · answered by Apostle Jeff 6 · 0 0

Anything that is not of God is of Satan...

2007-03-11 10:58:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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