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You could share anything that you want to share. Tell me something about yourself as much as you want to share. What made you become a Christian? Were you born into a Christian household? Or did you become one later in your life? I wan to know about things like that and if you feel like sharing some personal things about yourself as well such as your hobbies . Likes? Dislikes? Interests? Nothing sexual so don't worry that's not where I'm going with it lol. Thanks.

2007-03-11 09:37:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

My name is Ally, I am a believer in Jesus Christ and i am also a recovering Drug addict!
My struggle with Drug addiction started when i was 12 years old.
I got clean when i was 18 but refused to believe in a higher power much less Jesus as my savior. I lasted 5years with out doing drugs but something was missing, i still felt empty inside, isolated and scared i made some really poor decisions and ended up relapsing... only this time i found crack, it became my best friend, my only friend.
I was not raised in a religious house hold, nor did my parents ever speak to me of God, but even during my lowest of low moments i was searching.. for something.. i read everything i could on different religions.. I tried reading the bible but i couldn't understand it...so i gave up.
I met my husband(again) 6years ago( actually we grew up together but had not seen each other for years).
And he started taking me to church.. at first i couldn't stand being there, i got anxious and worried, i couldn't understand what the priest was saying and how it related to my life.
My husband would try to share the word with me but i would get angry with him.. so he "gave up" or so i thought, little did i know he NEVER stopped praying for me.
So we were living in San Diego Ca, and i had stopped using crack, but i was still abusing Alcohol and was making regular trips to Mexico to buy prescription drugs...
I put myself into detox and they told me i had only about another month to live if i were to keep using.
This scared me.. but not enough to stop!
My husband was offered a job in a small Town in the south, and even though he loved his job in San Diego he felt that the only way to get me off everything was to start new and take me a way from Mexico.. and "city" life.
Little did we know that this move would save my life.. and i mean really SAVE my life!
My husband had already planted the seed, but i was just not comfortable with the catholic church.
We moved about 1 mile from this really BIG baptist church, i Had never seen anything like it, i thought it was a college!
One morning i was bored, (now i know it was God) so i walked into the church right before service just to see what "the deal" was.
I didn't want to stay for the service but as i was leaving a women handed me a pamphlet about one of their ministries called" Celebrate Recovery" A Christ based 12 step program..
i thought "What?? how did she know? Do i look like a drug addict?
Anyways.. to make a very LONG story short, i started attending this program and it is through his grace alone that I am sober 2 years, i have never felt such love in my life as i do now. I thank God everyday for this wonderful life i have been given, for his forgiveness and for second chances!!!
I Have lived a life most would be ashamed of, but it is through our weakness that's Gods power is shown!
Today I know with out a doubt in my heart that everything I went through was needed so i can help other addicts and show them that God never gives up on ANYONE!
Wow... I guess i needed to get that out! Thanks for listening!

2007-03-11 10:07:16 · answer #1 · answered by allyn h 4 · 4 0

Sure, I'll share....I was about to enter high school. I was raised in a Christian home and had accepted the Lord before but it usually only lasted a couple weeks.....I had moved around alot (no my dad wasn't in the military) and had never gone to the same school for more than 3 years. It was hard to even think of going to yet another new school. I remember sitting out on the sidewalk and calling out to Jesus and telling Him I didn't want to be alone anymore. He met me right there. A few weeks later when I started school I met a girl going around saying, I'm a born-again christian. I told her I was too and that first year we helped eachother in our walk with the Lord.

2007-03-11 09:46:36 · answer #2 · answered by Jan P 6 · 2 0

I praise God that I became saved in 1985 and I have learned and grown so much in my walk with the Lord. God has delivered me from so much I am grateful I truly am.
My testimony is that I once was lost and now I am found He made the crooked places straight the rough places smooth and He turned the Darkness into light. I love the Lord and my husband and I want to serve God all the days of our lives.

2007-03-11 09:55:27 · answer #3 · answered by encourager4God 5 · 1 0

I am a Catholic/Christian, born a Catholic, happily married for nine years to a policeman, have 5 children, identical 7 yo twin boys, identical 4 yo twin girls and a 2 yo boy, I recently broke my leg chasing the kids, playing,

I love sewing,craft and playing with the children, We go to Church on Sunday and then go for a picnic after Mass.

I live life to the fullest and love being around people and my family especially


2007-03-11 09:47:09 · answer #4 · answered by biddy 1 · 1 0

Well to start off, I was raised in the Catholic church. I didn't have any bad experiences with the church as far as I was concerned but I had a lot of unanswered questions. As I grew older, about 14, I became aware of what the church did to my mother and and I started to look into their doctrine and none of it fit so I left the church. I didn't believe in their confession booths, I didn't believe in praying to statues and I sure as hell didn't believe any priest could counsel anyone since they were never allowed to be married.

I became homeless by the time I was 15. Lived in 17 places in one year. My father left and mother went mentally off the edge(I believe the Catholice church) had a lot to do with it.

While on the street one night, I ran into a guy by the name of John. He was the worse druggie I knew. He asked me if I ever read scripture and I said no because the Catholics believed that was the priest's job and we weren't supposed to go there. He invited me to his home that night. That was when I was first exposed to the bible. That night after I left, I went back to the empty house where my family once was, and I read the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in one night. The man Jesus mentioned in these books became more important to me than the one that was mentioned in the church. I have to say I felt as though the words I read were like he was speaking directly to me. Keep in mind, I was a street person and other than the words I read, I didn't have anyone to speak to me or listen to.

That was the beginning of my search. Since then, I had joined and left many churches of many denominations. The people in the churches were the biggest reasons why I had left and moved on to more searches for the truth. The truth meaning what God Himself was trying to point out to me. Jesus, I believe, was the first to reach me with his voice. I was trying to be Christ like, trying to live the lessons I was shown. I've learned that going to people in churches to get advice is probably the wrong place to go when I know that God is everywhere, like in the woods where I had to live at times.

I believe in a universal church. No building, just people that are searching and hoping there is a reason for all of this crazy stuff that happens to each and everyone of us.

The concept of Jesus being God, the son of God and spirit all at the same time is no different than me being the daughter to Arlene, the mother to Joey, April and Sean...but I am still in the flesh so when I die, maybe I would have gained the third part of the Holy trinity. Who knows, maybe I'll find out someday. Maybe I won't. My youngest brother asked me if I believed there was a God and an afterlife when he was 15 and I told him that I hoped there was but I didn't have proof. Three days after he turned 16, he commited suicide. that was 25 years ago. I don't like being asked questions like that anymore. Leslie is dead now and he was so much like myself. This life I have lived had been a painful experience and I believe the Catholic church messed up millions of lives. I don't believe true Christians are the same as true Catholics. I have been on both sides and there is a big difference. Reading about it and living it are very different.

2007-03-11 10:32:06 · answer #5 · answered by meganzopf 3 · 1 0

A testimonial is a statement to support a truth or a faith. It is not only about the story of how I came to know Christ. Like many, I was born into a Christian family and was raised in the faith. I accepted Christ at a very young age, and I never turned back. The way I came to Christ is rather boring, but the things that have happened on the way that testify to the power of God in my life are not boring at all. Let me share with you one of those times.

The day that Katrina hit Mississippi. I was sitting in my 3 story apartment building preparing for one very bad night and very little sleep. I sat with my boyfriend at the time and my roommate. I took my little battery operated radio and set it down amongst the flashlights and candles that gave us some idea of which end was up. It was so dark. The wind was holwing and I knew I was in for a rough night. We were sitting in the living room as I decided to push scan on the digital tuner on the radio to see what radio stations, if any, were coming in clearly enough so that we could get weather updates. The only station that came up was just one station from about 15 miles away. Not only did it come up, but it came in clearer than it normally did--coming in on more frequencies than usual. It wasn't just that it was any station--it was the only Christian radio station in the area. That was the only station we were able to pick up. We all sat staring at one another in disbelief. Again, I scanned to double check. Sure enough, the only station in the midst of the Hurricane was the Christian station.

We snuggled down for the night worshipping God and praising Him while the wind was blowing in a fierce way outside. We prayed for family and friends and for one another. We sat dumbfounded at the song that played while we were sitting listening to the station. Just knowing the song is not enough, you must listen to the lyrics.

Casting Crowns
"I will Praise you in this storm"

I was sure by now, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes unto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth

We settled down for the night and slept in peace resting our souls, our weary bodies, and our minds. Never in my life did I feel the peace I did the night one of the worst Hurricanes in history hit my state.

2007-03-11 10:53:19 · answer #6 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 3 0

I have victory over struggles in life if I trust & obey God. Submit to God & Gods Word, resist Satan and satan flees.

So, submitting to God, praying/ singing with my mouth His Word brings the saving victory in my life.

2007-03-11 09:43:52 · answer #7 · answered by t a m i l 6 · 0 0

When I was sixteen I realized the Bible god does not exist, and likely the other gods don't either. This is my tesitmony.

Don't be looking for a god to reward you for stuff you should do anyway, or a god to punish those who disagree with you.

2007-03-11 09:50:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

When I was 11 I realized Christianity was nonsense.

2007-03-11 09:55:06 · answer #9 · answered by Beavis Christ AM 6 · 0 3

they're making extra profits on testimonials.very smart business.

2016-01-25 07:26:14 · answer #10 · answered by Allen 1 · 0 0

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