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I'm ugly...but I'm smart,neat,studying dentistry(I have everything I want except for the looks).I really hate it when stupid people think that they are better than me because of my looks...anyways today in college while I was walking I saw three girls in front of me...they were looking at me and laughing(I thought that they were laughing at something else),I passed next to them then one of them said "hi ugly"(she was looking at me)...I pretended like I didn't hear her and walked away but now I feel depressed and angry.....I just want to beat the hell out of her

2007-03-11 09:14:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

19 answers

don't be sad...there are lots of other things that are more important than looks ,SERIOUSLY!!! would YOU rather have a conversation with some hot ditz about shopping and her boobs? or an intelligent conversation with an average looking girl about things that you have in common?? see? looks suck! :) oh ,BTW, you shouldn't have beaten her up...that'd been bad...BUT, if i was there, i would've beaten her up for you :)

ps, don't be sad, okay?? :)

2007-03-11 09:19:51 · answer #1 · answered by ...XXxxXX... 2 · 1 0

I sympathize with you and while beating the hell out of her is what she deserved and would have been oh so gratifying, it also would've brought you down to her level...which is pretty low. You did the right thing. While this sort of thing will make you feel bad, try to keep in mind that this girl is extremely immature, rude and insensitive. Imagine what the future holds for such a person. One day she'll open her mouth, say something stupid (well, that's almost a given) to the wrong person and get a knife in her belly.

You, on the other hand, will be a successful dentist, loved by all and happy with your life. Ta-ta-a-a-a! You're beautiful the way you are. And there's always cosmetic surgery if you so choose but there's no surgery for an a**hole like this girl.

2007-03-11 16:24:57 · answer #2 · answered by TweetyBird 7 · 0 0

Hitting somone never solves anything. You did the right thing, but living with doing the right thing is sometimes hard to do. One day you will realize it's made you a much better and stronger person. Something for you to think about, what have you ever said or done to hurt someone that you regret today? Life is full of regrets, but you have one less right now due to your lack of actions. As hard as it was for you not to say, or do something, you'll never have the regret that you did do more.

Find some comfort in knowing that one day when she's grown up, she'll probably look back and think of what she said to you (and others) someone she didn't know, and didn't think or care about what pain it may have caused you. But you should know that she will remember her own actions and words, and be filled with shame and regret, for what she said that knowingly hurt you. She probably does regret it already but can't take it back for fear of loosing those so called friends that were with her. Another comforting thought, usually people like her will be insulted badly by someone they admire, and she will feel the same pain that you're feeling. Only yours is unnecessary right now.

Good luck with your dental career, study hard and don't let people like her bother you. Maybe she'll be a patient of yours one day!

2007-03-11 16:55:04 · answer #3 · answered by HeatherS 6 · 0 0

That's one of the rudest things I've ever heard. For starters, no, you shouldn't have hit the girl. Violence solves nothing; you only stand to get in trouble. As for looks, they're over-rated. Real, adult people do not discriminate against nor pre-judge people based on their looks. Appearance, such as neatness and hygeine, are important in the real world, but sheer "attractiveness" is a dime a dozen. It's funny to realize that no matter how pretty a woman is now, someday she'll look like your Aunt Gertrude. Learn to be comfortable with yourself. I know this is easier said than done, but people would much rather have a friend who's intelligent, honest and trustworthy than some bimbo who can't even think of something interesting to say. But you do have to be careful about jumping to conclusions: some very attractive people are also very smart, interesting and sincere.

2007-03-11 16:24:05 · answer #4 · answered by josh m 4 · 0 0

Youv just said it yourself, But, im smart, neat studying dentistry & i have everything i want except looks! For some people all they have about them are looks, no depth, no interesting personality nothing.. So whats the fun in that? These silly girls obviously need to grow up & get a life , you shouldn't have slapped her You should have just looked back at her smuggly and said well you are no oil paiting sweetie have a look in the mirror... Believe me even if she were, it would have made her think. Don't take other peoples comments personaly the only people you should care about are the ones that matter to you

2007-03-11 16:21:44 · answer #5 · answered by kitkatkel24 2 · 0 1

Her rudeness is immature and unacceptable...but she is not worth getting tossed out of college over. If she (or anyone) says that to you again...look directly into their eyes and say "Hi uglier than me". Anyone who is so cruel does not really deserve your attention, but it may make you feel better. Keep in mind a quote from Judge Judy..."Beauty fades...dumb is forever". This girl and people like her will never succeed in life because of the ugliness within them. Hold your head high and Godspeed with your studies and career ahead. In 10 years...return for the class reunion...that is when you will get your "revenge" without even saying a word. Focus on what's important in life...rude people are not worth your time or effort

2007-03-11 16:25:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People only behave like that when they are in groups. It's a wolf-pack mentality.
Anyways, that's somewhat besides the point. The best revenge is for you to succeed in your studies, and live well for yourself. Those girls will probably be flunking out of school soon and be spending the next 70 years of their life wondering why their lives are so miserable and unrewarding.
Meanwhile, you will be making tons of money, and will be able to retire young and have no stress.

2007-03-11 16:25:35 · answer #7 · answered by PH 5 · 0 0

No don't slap her don't worry something will happen to her someday soon because of her bad "energy" what a witch.

Well if there is anyone you know who would help you "look" better (hair, make up) clothes maybe you'd feel better about yourself. Lets face it not to many people have it all. If they do I bet they would tell you they feel fat or ugly and may not have the career you will.
People are mean - ignore them. Ask for help - where it would make you feel best (better)!

2007-03-11 16:18:36 · answer #8 · answered by kelly e 7 · 0 0

When people talk about others, it is making them feel better about themselves. They are troubled and very insecure.
You know what? The next time she says hi ugly, turn around and say, "I really like you and I hope you can find peace within yourself"... I guarantee it will stop.
It is sad to see these kind of people around us when they are jealous and miserable... Their parents didnt' do their part in raising kids like this..
I am sure you are NOT ugly, keep your self esteem up. God made you beautiful and dont let anyone tell you otherwise... Blessings to you~

2007-03-11 16:24:41 · answer #9 · answered by karen_03625 5 · 0 0

i know how you feel, while no ones ever said it to my face, ive heard them talking about me. It`s very easy to get angry and upset, and i know this sounds typical but you shouldnt care what ANYONE thinks how you look, people are harsh and ignorant, rude, annoying and the list goes on and on...anyway my point is if the person isnt a jerk then they`d get to know you before they judge you, so im my opinion anyone who judges you on your looks and calls you ugly, its them who are ugly, not you. im having a hard time putting this in words so im sorry if it dosent make sense. and as for beating her up, i think you should keep your cool, then maybe she`ll realize what a jerk she was for makein fun of a guy she dosent even know.

2007-03-11 16:23:54 · answer #10 · answered by tinkerbellgrl114 2 · 0 0

Well, that wouldn't have solved a thing. Then she'd have pressed charges and you'd have a record, and maybe more problems to deal with.

You handled it right.

Take some comfort in knowing that she's going to have continuing problems with an attitude like that. Never will be a popular girl if she acts like that. Not worth you botherng with.

2007-03-11 16:19:47 · answer #11 · answered by kiwi 7 · 0 0

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