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Or would that still not be enough? Would you still argue with people about which type of Christian that they should be? Would it make you feel as if you accomplished something? Would it make it meaningful to you even if a person does so half hearted and not fully into it? Or do you figure it's cool I'll just pray for the person and they'll rejoice? If you say no you wouldn't be happy then why continue to proseltyze? I ask this question to gain insight as I feel absolutely baffled and mind boggled by some of you. So please don't take offense to the question. Just answer it and help me figure it out. Thanks. I know there are probably gonna be some who hate me for this questrion or maybe even be disgusted with me already.

2007-03-11 08:22:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

The people that are unhappy now will be unhappy then. If that's what makes them happy then they are looking for it in the wrong place or perhaps they are focusing on the wrong aspect of Christianity. If it takes all your time and effort to worry about everyone else where does that leave time for God.
Besides it is not in our power (Christian) to try to make others Christians. God has that power and now might not be the time when he thinks someone is ready to submit to him. Its a pretty hard thing to "let go and let God". You can't force people into that.
God is responsible for calling a person to him.
Christians should not be arguing with you, perhaps they are or not. I don't know the context. If they are that doesn't give you much desire to become one does it? I think a Christian is supposed to be more like Christ and meet a person where they are at. Be a genuine friend to all not an antagonist. The only way to be a good Christian is by example.
Anyway- I hope no-one is mad at you - it is a good and valid question that we need to be asked.
How else will we know how we are perceived? Perhaps this is what it takes for them to change their approach.
Good luck to you.

2007-03-11 08:35:34 · answer #1 · answered by momof2 5 · 2 0

Whew, lot's of questions.

I think that life is about relationships, so would I "leave people alone", no. I think, generally speaking of course, that people enjoy being with other people over being "left alone".

Would it be enough if all were christian. Enough what? To leave them alone. Again, most don't want to be left alone.

I, and other christians I know, do not argue about what type of christian they should be. I'm sorry you have had run in's with people who aren't spiritually developed to know that peace, not arguing, is what God wants.

Would it personally make me feel like I accomplished something. Sure. If I single handedly made people want to model the great life I'm living. Of course it would make me feel like I accomplished something. Most people feel good when they've done something good. However, we can't lose sight that it would really just be God working through me to reach them.

A half-hearted christian isn't a christian. So no, that would not make me happy.

I do pray for others. I never thought of it as "cool", but that's an interesting concept. I pray because I know God cares.

I didn't say no, so I'll skip this question.

Hope that helps. I consider myself a Christian. I don't think I am one of the people you are refering to, but I do enjoy telling people about my church and my beliefs because they make me happy, my life is certainly more fulfilled since I've found God, and my goals and aspirations are totally different. I only wish I had discovered this sooner. I feel bad that you have had bad experiences with christians. Unfortunatly, just like in any "group" of people or following of people, there are some weirdo's.

2007-03-11 08:41:34 · answer #2 · answered by Wendy B 5 · 1 0

If everybody bowed their knee to Christ here on earth, then we would simply pastor everyone which is to take care of each other and encourage each other like what goes on in the church.

But witnessing to the lost as well as fighting false doctrines from within are a never-ending battle.

God accomplishes everything, we just help out and do our fair share.

If a person is doing it half-hearted, then that relationship with God is probably not going to succeed. People are responsible for their own faiths and seeing they get to Heaven. We do what we can but at the end of the day it is their responsibility, not ours.

2007-03-11 08:39:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a Christian, and I do not take offense to your question. As followers of Christ, we have been told by Christ (in the Bible) that we are to love God above all, and our neighbor as ourself. We are also told (in the Bible) that the only way to heaven is through Christ. So, wanting to love our neighbors as we are told to do, we naturally want our neighbors to experience heaven, and as a result we naturally "proseltyze". It isn't because we want to bug you, it is because we care for you.

Would we still argue with people about which type of Christian that they should be? In a perfect world I guess not, but in the real world I'm afraid it will always be, because we genuinely understand what is said in the Bible differently and because some of us intentionally interpret the Bible to advance our own designs.

I personally believe that when a person accepts Christ as their savior, 'heaven' begins. I say that because there is such a change in that person's life. The new found joy radiates from their eyes, and there is a sense of freedom not experienced before. A sense of freedom from guilt, but also a new confidence in living knowing that "all things work together for good to those who know and love God."

Perhaps I make no sense to you and I apologize for that, but this is my attempt to explain where Christians are coming from when they encourage you to accept Christ.

I think you would agree it is better this way than with other religions who will kill you if you don't agree with them.

2007-03-11 08:57:56 · answer #4 · answered by saddlesore 3 · 0 0

If all became atheists would you be happy and leave everybody alone or would you argue over what scientist was right this year? Would you feel you accomplished something if you managed to destroy the faith of millions of Christians? No one is forcing you into Christianity, you live in a free country. How about over in the Middle East if you are not Muslim you are taxed, that is force. You feel bad when you listen to Christians because the Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sin.

2007-03-11 08:34:41 · answer #5 · answered by angel 7 · 0 1

There's already fighting among the various sects of Christianity as it stands now.!!! Europe has has been involved in a global war historically between Catholics and Protestants and it's only recently that things have simmered down. Ireland being one of the final fronts. The sad part it was spread among societies that weren't even natively Christian.

2007-03-11 08:26:27 · answer #6 · answered by Kai Dao 3 · 0 0

I grew up in church. That's why I'm no longer a Christian. And when you become a Christian, it gets worse. Just an example, my sophomore year in High School, my mom came into my room and sat down to have a serious talk with me. Here's what she said, "Erika called... she said she heard you talking with some of your friends and you had said a cuss word." I laughed inside. Erika was a year youngetr than I was and went to my church. She had felt so bad about my language that she felt it was her Christian duty to tell someone about it so that I could be talked to, and feel convicted for my actions. Once you become a Christian, they continue to badger you about this, and that, and none of them can agree on the finer points of their own religion. It's sad.
It's sad for me, more than you know. My dad is a pastor, and at times, when he talks about religion, I just feel bad for him. For something to so completely rule your life to the point that logic no longer seems to matter... and for a person as intelligent as my dad.... it breaks my heart.

2007-03-11 08:30:05 · answer #7 · answered by Godfather76 2 · 0 0

The problem is that being a christian doesn't mean being a good person. Ive seen many selfish, jealous, mean, and unhappy Christians. I wouldn't blame Christianity. If you run into someone and they scream in your face you are a bad person and going to hell..it is just someone using god to put you down.

2007-03-11 08:49:13 · answer #8 · answered by malekeac 2 · 0 0

I'm a "love & let live" Christian. I feel no need to judge other religions, as long as they are peaceful. I only take exception to extremist groups that warp the actual intent of a religion to use as they see fit.

I'm pretty sure that WHATEVER name one's God goes under, he/she/it is a proponent of harmony among humankind, and must certainly resent wars and atrocities carried out in their name!!

2007-03-11 08:28:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

given the friction between many so-called christians that would not be enough...

however if you asking the ppl who follow the "teachings of christ" then they would accept everyone...unfortunately it seems few ppl calling themselves christian even know anything about this guy...

2007-03-11 08:28:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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