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I have to find out about meditation for homework tell me what it is about.

2007-03-11 08:06:58 · 9 answers · asked by lil missy 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

We have a psychological power, an ability, known as Attention. We say that we "pay" attention. This attention is our conscious awareness. It consists of our five external senses, plus our internal bodily senses like pain, hunger, body positon awareness, weight, balance, and several others.

Normally our attention is random, and it is drawn to things without control. In meditation one tries to control the awareness. Many start with the eyes, visual awareness.

So one can stare at a candle, trying to keep one's mind only on the candle, for say, 10 minutes. Or some people use a statue, or crucifix, or some geometric symbol called a Mandella.

Or one can focus on a sound, which is called a mantra. You pronounce, aloud or to yourself, some syllable like Om, or Siam, or "Nine", or "One", while exhaling the breath. Over and over, keeping your attention only on the sound.

Or one can focus on the breathing, or one's heartbeat, or the buttocks one is sitting on, etc.

All of the above are exercises in FOCUSING attention, which is also called Concentration. Another way is to deliberately spread the attention around to EVERYTHING in your environment, not letting your eyes or ears be grabbed by any one particular thing.

The essence of any meditation is to discipline your own mind, not letting yourself daydream, or free-associate, or talk to yourself. If you happen to be washing dishes, you can meditate by keeping your attention exclusively on your hands, the feel of the water, and like that. In other words, you can either set aside a "quiet time" for meditation, or you can do it while engaging in daily activities like walking, wherein you keep your mind on the feel of your legs and arms moving, and nothing else.

A variation of meditation is to keep your mind on your concept of God. This is often called "Contemplation".

A useful and easy reference book is Herbert Benson's "The Relaxation Response." This teaches easy meditation, without taking lessons from some Transcendental Meditator or "Guru". A very advanced sourcebook is Osho's "Book of Secrets".

2007-03-11 08:24:30 · answer #1 · answered by DinDjinn 7 · 0 1

Western mediation is not about emptying the mind, but more of clearing it off and devoting to a single thing, to increase your true understand, More recently, Eastern meditation has been mixed into Western culture though, so the bit above is ot common.

Eastern meditation is about calming the mind [First by breath, as it has a correlation with the mind] and by repetition. After calming, the next step is to remove all thoughts and feelings to connect with nothingness, and increasing awareness.

Meditation also slows the decay of various brain cells. It has also been known to help with auto hypnosis, and suggestion. An interesting effect is that those who meditate often need less sleep.

Meditation takes some concentration, and I've note some people with ADD have trouble doing it.

2007-03-11 15:12:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Meditation is complete focus. Some focus on their religion, some for peace of mind, some to be more focused.
When I meditate I try to slow the mind down or even no thinking at all. It is very relaxing. Playing soothing music along with it is nice too. There is nothing evil about it. It is healthy for you to do. Your reflexes improve so does your cognition.

2007-03-11 15:17:47 · answer #3 · answered by garden witch 2 · 0 1

ok you should really do it yourself its your homework But I will be glad to help! Meditation is used to relieve stress and anxitey you should sit in a dark room and close your eyes and get comfortable think about breathing in and out in with possitive energy and out with negative try not the let your mind wander try to keep your mind it is used in many religions and especially buddisum its said that buta sat undera tree for years and meditated and thought about food that is how he got so fat he was skinny before he sat under the tree and he just visualized food hope I helped GOOD LUCK

2007-03-11 15:12:58 · answer #4 · answered by Springsteen 5 · 0 1

i think each person should find his own way of meditation, and relaxation. such as a walk on the beach, or waking up and jogging in the morning, or maybe even a afternoon nap. its something that would help you center yourself, and think more clearly.

2007-03-11 15:13:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wow, Jak was the only one who provided you with a descent answer, before mine. Not many who have a clear understanding of meditation is. One does not blank out there mind, during meditation, allowing demons to take over. Many people really do not comprehend what meditation really is.

*Please Patiently read this.

Insight or Mindfulness meditation has its origins in Buddhism. Transcendental Meditation is practiced in Hinduism.

I am a student of Buddhism, so I'll share with you from a Buddhist perspective.

Buddhism is not something one chooses to learn about on a whim, but for a Buddhist, or a student of Buddhism, such as myself,
it is something that can only really be understood fully, through applying it, as you learn. In Buddhism, one learns, and at the same time practices The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path. Most people have only a fair understanding of Buddhism,
as being a philosophy of life {not really a religion - for their is no creator god) that practices No Harm toward others, and a philosophy which practices meditation
a lot. While this is true, there is so much more to Buddhism. Reading about Siddhartha Gautama's {The first Buddha) life is where most people start, and that is good. I personally started by learning about meditation, in order to practice it daily in life.
So I'll briefly share from this perspective.
In Mindfulness (Insight/Vipassana) Meditation we learn to attentively listen to our own Thoughts, non-judgmentally, without being caught up in them.
*The object of Vipassana practice is to learn to see the Truths of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and the selflessness of
*The Pali term for Insight Meditation is Vipassana Bhavana. Bhavana comes from the root bhu, meaning to grow or to become
Bhavana means to cultivate the mind;
mental cultivation.
*Vipassana is derived from two roots being
Passana meaning seeing or perceiving, and
Vi, which is a prefix with a complex set of connotations that can be roughly translated as "in a special way" and also into and through "a special way."
*The whole meaning of the word Vipassana
is looking into something with clarity and
precision, seeing each component as distinct, and piercing all the way through to
perceive the most fundamental reality of that
**This process leads to insight into the basic reality of whatever is being examined.
Put these words together and Vipassana
Bhavana means the cultivation of the mind toward the aim of seeing in a special way that leads to insight and Full understanding.
As a Buddhist, or a student of Buddhism practices Vipassana Bhavana he or she clearly sees things, people, situations as they really are - in order to love all people unconditionally in life. It enables us to see into the true nature of things, without [what I call, as an R.N.] mental, emotional or spiritual cataracts. Vipassana Bhavana is the Buddhist means of erradicating all mental, emotional, and spiritual unwholesome, unproductive faculties. Then replacing them with wholesome, productive faculties, which we learn to cultivate on a daily basis.
Loving-kindness Meditation helps us to cultivate wholesome factors, but the benefits of Loving-kindness meditations are not permanent. The benefits of Insight (Vispassana Bhavana) meditation are permanent. Both forms of Meditation:
Vispassana Bhavana, and Samatha {loving-kindness) Meditation must be practiced daily. The more time a person can put into this practice, the more effective it is/the more benefits will be acquired.
Practicing the entire Eightfold Path daily is necessary in a Buddhists daily life.
There is so much to explain, but time does not permit me to share any longer.

Thank You for giving me the opportunity to provide an answer to your question. Hope this has helped a little.

Two excellent books to start out for one interested in studying AND "practicing" Buddhism are (1) Mindfulness in Plain English - which is an Excellent How To book on Mindfulness Meditation. (2) Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness.
Both book by: Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

And, along with Jak's site, below is another most helpful site:


Hope this helps you.

With Metta {loving-kindness and friendliness

2007-03-14 20:33:10 · answer #6 · answered by Thomas 6 · 0 0

I WUD LOOK IT UP like for reserch or ask some one who had done it but for me I had once it helps to releive tension I wished I could do it more then one time it really help you be positive

2007-03-11 15:12:34 · answer #7 · answered by edward_church2000 2 · 0 1

check this


hope it helps

2007-03-12 07:59:42 · answer #8 · answered by Jak 3 · 1 0

it dosent work its FAKE! unless ur praying to God by meditating!!!

2007-03-11 15:10:01 · answer #9 · answered by britthdamoney 1 · 0 4

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