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well see i hear voices, i cut, sometimes i feel like there are 2 sides to me, i feel like my head is splitting in 2, i have an incredibly hard time concentrating, i sometimes feel like i cant move like asif somethings holding me down, i have thoughts of s.uicide and hurting others i love, sometimes i feel like im under a spell, i get these horrid like attack almost because i will just cry and cry and feel actually phisical pain, i mean sometimes i will do things that i disagree with but yet im doing them , i have a horrible concept of time and feel like its just passing me by, sometimes i will experience emotions for no reason like nothing happened to provoke them, sometimes i feel like im in the backseat of my own life. I have major trust issues and feel like im under constant surveilance. So i gotta know what does this sound like? am i crazy or is this some long drawn out phase that will go away on its own? honest opinions please please refrain from telling me to go talk to someone.

2007-03-11 07:37:02 · 18 answers · asked by the name is irrelevant 1 in Health Mental Health

i am seeing someone
i just well lie to them because i have a fear that if i tell the truth that they'll put me in an institution, or so many meds that it will not be me living my life
i'm 16

2007-03-11 07:50:04 · update #1

ok someone wanted to know if i experienced anything that could be considered traumatic in my past
so i dunno if this consistitues
but my dad did beat me some
and he forced me to drink
and uhhmmm
told me im ugly but i mean thats true so ya

2007-03-11 07:55:47 · update #2

18 answers

i know you dont want to see someone but you really do need help.the first thing is you realise its not right what is going on print off your question show it to your doctor who will get you the right help.stop cutting please it wont help and you could either get bad infection or kill your self.you are worth more than that.love your self and others will love you too.i am sure your friends and family wont want to know you are suffering alone...ask for their help.

2007-03-11 07:43:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

snuggles, I have a friend that had the same kinds of problems you are experiencing right now. She came from a very abusive home, her Father physically abused her until she was 12-years old, and her mother of course knew but never said a word-then she got into a marrige that was abusive and then she went right into hard drugs-from all this she had alot of the very same problems that you have told us about. She has been in counseling for years-has gotten a good doctor to help her-get her on the right medications so that she won't hurt her self or anyone else. Circumstances of life can really result in horrid details for one that is suffering all these things, but don't lose hope there is help put there- Call a trusted Physician and go for help ASAP- Dont' loose hope and don't feel crazy. I've got a feeling you have suffered some hard things in your past that you failed toshare. Good Luck and God Bless there is great Help Out there for lots of people with the same problems!Snuggles I read where you said your Father made you drink- and told you , that you were ugly-That is so horrible that someone considered a Father who shouldn't even bear that name would do such a thing and then tell you that you are ugly- Darlin-Please- you turned around and agreed with this despictable human-Don't say that about yourself first-MY God- You are an important creation or you would not be here right now-There is aPurpose for your LIfe- Please Get help and Dont' Let a Life go Wasted- You are letting youself get in deeper and deeper everyday you wait- Get up and GEt help and Love yourself-That's the start of getting that help- LOve yourself enough to go seek help- PLease I beg you, it will be worth it- The girl I told you about is living the best life you could imagine-And Please don't look at youself as ugly-That hateful Demon of a man should have never ever been around you or anyone for that matter. God Bless and Good Luck Darlin--

2007-03-11 07:51:00 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

sounds like you may have schizophrenia, go see your local Dr and he/she will refer you to a psychologist/ psychiatrist.
I find that counselors can be beneficial . Don't panic about it, but make sure you get some help before you hurt yourself or someone else o.k. There are pills you can get prescribed called anti-psychotics one is Seroquel (quetiapine) it is basically a tranquillizer and will shut down all those scattered thoughts and it has a nice calming effect too. I've used these recreationally before and they're good. Please seek some help your not crazy you just have a chemical in-balance, you may need to take a pill when you sense that you're not feeling quite right. And hopefully you'll be back to a normal life.I have had some friends with these kind of problems and i think you 'll be alright as long as you don't leave it too long. hope all goes well.

2007-03-11 08:04:54 · answer #3 · answered by nightdreamer 3 · 0 0

Snuggles I am sorry to say dear that you tie our hands when you request that we refrain from telling you to go talk to someone. You're experiencing what I have seen in practice, patience who are exhibiting schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. You are not crazy. You may have a mental illness that is treatable. It takes time and trial and error to get the correct combination of medications, but you can be helped. However, it does mean actually talking, honestly to another mental health professional. I would encourage you to do it soon before you hurt yourself or someone else. Good luck and we are here if you need us! Nana

2007-03-11 07:50:32 · answer #4 · answered by nanawnuts 5 · 1 0

You could be suffering from depression. When I was 16 I was admitted to the mental hospital 2 times. I had a nervous breakdown and nothing was going to stop me from killing myself. I used to cut all the time, but only deep enough to see some blood. I used to feel like I was under a spell. Sometimes I felt like I was in a dream state and nothing was real. You're not technically crazy. You could just be under alot of stress or on the verge of a mental breakdown like me. I used to hear voices too, but that was because of the chemical imbalance in my head. With good meds those voices will go away. They are asking you if you've experienced any traumatic past events (like parents abusing you) because that's what usually leads to cutting. These attacks you are experiencing could possibly be anxiety attacks. I used to get them alot. I know you don't want to hear it but seriously consider talking to someone you really trust. You're not alone and I'm sure those who love you will be there. You just gotta speak up or it will never go away. If I hadn't of spoke up I'd be dead today. When you're a teenager life is tough. I'm only 19 but i've experienced alot in my teens. I went in and out of counseling and suicide rehab. I kept relapsing and going back to cutting, but I stood my ground and was as strong as I could be. You should be strong too because no matter how miserable life may seem it'll all be worth it because you will end up being as strong as you've ever been. I would suggest talking to your school guidance counselor, principal or a teacher you really trust. Don't hold back anything because they won't be able to help you if you hold it back. Trust me, it really does feel better to get that weight off your shoulders. Besides, the mental hospital isn't that bad. The food sucks and it's really cold in the winter, but there are alot of teenagers like you who understand. You'll probably be in there for a week or so, and it'll make you feel miserable for a little while but if you really don't want to kill yourself you should let any action be taken to save your life including this. You know you really don't want to die. You're just awfully miserable and confused. You also feel helpless and hopeless. My words to you are to have hope. When you discover that strength inside of you it'll make you feel good, real good. If you have myspace, just message me at www.myspace.com/maheuphoria

2007-03-11 08:21:28 · answer #5 · answered by mommybear 4 · 0 0

I am going to be very honest with you. Hearing voices is a very serious symptom of mental illness. It could be schizophrenia. If you are a minor you need to talk to the school nurse and your parents neeed to get you to a Dr. Why don't you want anyone to tell you to talk to someone? You cannot ignore your problem and you cannot get better by yourself. There are meds that can help you, but the problem will get worse unless you get treatment.

2007-03-11 07:47:35 · answer #6 · answered by notyou311 7 · 1 0

Yes, it does sound like there is something going on. You didn't mention how old you are, but things like this are more common among teens, especially the cutting. (My therapist told me that most teens would actually be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.)
Honestly, the best advice I can give is that advice you don't want to hear...go talk to someone. It is best to see professional help, because professionals are the best ones to help you deal with this situation. If you don't have health insurance, try contacting your local community mental health office or Catholic Human Services, they should be able to refer you somewhere.

2007-03-11 07:44:52 · answer #7 · answered by amylynn25 3 · 1 0

you say you dont want to talk to someone but you are hear on Y Answer telling people your problems and asking for advise yer i read wot you said carefully and i do think you have serious issues but that doesnt mean you need to take pills and get locked up i think you just need someone to talk to properly do u thing anyone hear can begin to understand whats wrong with u they read your problems and asses you just like i did but do you think they have a clue i have known people with serious issues people that have had terrible things happen to them you cant always take a pill an make everything OK u cant sit and talk with a councilor for 20mins and leave with a big smile on your face it will take time im sorry i just told you exactly what you didnt want to hear but remember there are people that want to help YOU and they have a lot of experience .

2007-03-11 08:51:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know you don't want to talk to anyone, but you have to for your own sake. You can be put on medication and get some relief. Don't be embarrassed to talk to a doctor about these problems you're having. They are there to help you and they have seen and heard it all so nothing surprises them. Mental illness is no different than treating any other illness. You just see a doctor that specializes in mental illness. Please get some help, you won't regret it.

2007-03-11 07:49:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your symptoms seem suggestive of schizophrenia. I know this sounds scarey but this disorder is probably a lot more common than you think (1 in 100). I think you should go & talk to your doctor as there is a lot of help for this mental illness & medication, councelling & psychotherapy have proved affective in treatment. If you have recently suffered from a lot of stress, this could be the trigger of what is only a temporary pschotic disorder. Email me if need to talk

2007-03-11 07:44:31 · answer #10 · answered by kitkatkel24 2 · 0 1

My friend, this is NOT going to go away, nor is this a phase. You mention several things here that are earmarks of having some mental health issues, that require professional help. Cutting yourself, frequent referrals to suicide, hearing voices, feeling like you are not participating in your life..."sitting in the back seat" I believe you said. Please seek out your doctor for a referral to a mental health clinic, a psychiatrist or someone who can help you. You will be Ok, but not without some professional intervention.

2007-03-11 07:43:56 · answer #11 · answered by bflogal77 4 · 5 0

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