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Savior? LOL, all he did was: got himself killed by the Roman Army. Any schmuck could have done that! For our sins! Plee-SUH!!!

If Jesus wanted to impress people, why didn't he nuke Rome? Huh? Savior? I am NOT impressed!

2007-03-11 00:05:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I have to tell you they consider him the savior because they are told to and taught to its part of the mind controll they are under. We know Jesus didnt save anubody just told them he would and when the Romans caught him and decided to crucify him told everyone he was going to die for their sins. And the christians of today still believe in this 2000 year old fable, but they dont believe in magik or merlin.

2007-03-11 00:11:23 · answer #1 · answered by clever investor 3 · 0 5

Fortunately, nobody really cares if you are impressed or not. History is history.

Jesus is called the Saviour of humanity, because He provided a sacrifice that allows redemption (buying something back) from destruction.

Suppose you have a sports car. Let's make it a Ferrarri; you choose the color, ok? It was a gift to you from your rich Grandfather, whom you loved, now deceased.

Anyway, you reeeeeally love this car, right? One day it gets stolen, despite the care you give it and all your security measures, and is used in the commission of a felony murder. The person driving your car is caught and faces justice. The murder car is ordered destroyed (because it was the murder weapon), unless you can pay a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge redemption fee.

Which you can't afford.

Knowing of your emotional attachment to this car, your best friend goes off and sells his property, liquidates all his assetts, and uses that money to redeem your car from the scrap heap. He then uses any leftover cash to repair the damage done to the vehicle in the commission of the crime.

And gives your Ferrarri back to you.

I think he would be your hero.

Jesus is like that for us, only MUCH bigger.

2007-03-11 08:26:29 · answer #2 · answered by MamaBear 6 · 0 0

Chill out dude, neutralize the hatred for a sec.

You question the status of "savior" that Christians give to Jesus. It is good to question it. God saves, and ONLY God saves. Since Jesus was and is not and never will be God, then Jesus is not a savior, but God ALWAYS is.

Now as for being insulting toward Jesus (pbuh), chill dude, chill. Jesus came to call people back to God, which he did. His influence lives even today, 2007 years later. it was man who decided to slay him, and slay they did. And he is influential to this day, so chill out.

2007-03-11 09:00:39 · answer #3 · answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6 · 0 0

Shalom... Yeshua was not killed by the Roman army, obviously you have had ignorant teaching... If you have no identity with God then the things of His Spirit are foolishness to you... but you are impressed... you still think about Him, you still call His Name, ponder His accomplishments and try to criticize Him...when all He brought you was Gods love.........
You think of Him so much that I'll bet you use His Name in vain several times a day... your calender still to this day is measured by His life.... and His Words still confuse you in your spiritual ignorance... Learn about Him... find out who He is... read the Book of John or rent the video.... great reading and great watching... it won't hurt you... nothing He did will hurt you... but not knowing Him, Oh My... that could be fatal... (that's why He is The Savior).....

2007-03-11 08:19:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You will be when you are suffering forever in hell for you sins against God and his Laws. Jesus was God in human flesh and his Great love for us is never ending ,he suffered , shed his blood , and died on the cross as payment for the belivers many sins ,and rose three days later for our justification.You still have a choice to choose him while you still have a breath of life in you.

2007-03-11 08:15:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are an angry man, Joe. Just because you have no faith or respect doesn't mean we should all be that way. You and everyone else are free agents. What you choose to believe is your personal decision and no one else's, but why would you try to tear down another person's faith? What is there to gain?
I hope you find your peace somewhere.

2007-03-11 08:48:32 · answer #6 · answered by starrynight1 7 · 0 0

I consider Him my Savior, friend and redeemer. He sees beyond the 'present' into forever.... he rose from the dead... and thru the sacrifice on the cross, our sins are forgiven.

I don't think he did anything 'to impress' anyone.... His motives were pure and selfless

2007-03-11 08:32:47 · answer #7 · answered by livinintheword † 6 · 1 0

God pretty much did nuke Sodom. Have you read the description of its destruction? But Jesus came here to save, not to nuke, which is a miracle of another kind.

2007-03-11 08:11:06 · answer #8 · answered by cmw 6 · 2 0

It doesn't matter if you are not impressed. Jesus still delivers people from the bondage of sin; that's what "Savior" means.

2007-03-11 08:12:21 · answer #9 · answered by supertop 7 · 3 0

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (Cor. 1:18)

Obviously you don't have a clue. Not yet....

2007-03-11 08:16:51 · answer #10 · answered by Amelie 6 · 2 0

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