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25 answers

Nothing at present.... There is a very true saying that "countries which trade together don't fight each other - it's bad for business".

Right now China and the USA are strong trading partners.

2007-03-11 00:03:47 · answer #1 · answered by cavinue 3 · 1 0

money is power basically and china in 15 years financialy will become the richest nation on earth making them the next super power .
as we see america and its controllers , the the people that have control of almost every "civilised" country on the planet cant let that happen and wont as the pnac document shows .

but world war is what these sick freaks want to gain more wealth reduce population and push forward big brother and a police state . when iran is attacked by israel or america under the fake war on terror or the other way round there is another false flag operation like 9/11 as a pretext to attack ,there will be world war 3 because china and russia have big investment in iran , also china owns around 80% of the US's debt .

we are heading for dark days in years not decades but what people have to understand and research is that we are living in a big game of divide and conquer in which the people running the game see the population of the world as cattle and want a reduction of around 80% and they are three quarters of the way there.

2007-03-11 08:31:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

China has already bean having serious discussions with Russia and India and they are close to finding a mutually acceptable compromise where they can form an alliance They are All worried about the US agenda and don't trust their motives America has already annoyed Russia and is now telling China that they have no right to blow up their own satellites Apparently the US is now implying they're the only nation who can dictate what is or is not allowed to go on up there but i think with China it will be to do with oil prices and i think America would be the aggressor and bite of more than they can chew

2007-03-11 11:14:21 · answer #3 · answered by keny 6 · 0 1

I believe three scenarios are likely for this to happen:

1. North Korea - despite their inconsistent behavior, they are a communist regime and China would likely support them in a conflict.

2. Energy. Now that China is gobbling up as much oil and coal as they can, any threat to those supplies might entice them to take action (can you say US in the middle east?)

3. Taiwan. I know this hasn't been much of an issue lately, but I still believe China wants this province to join fully with the mainland. The US has already hinted they would support the taiwanese in any action against them.

2007-03-11 08:25:19 · answer #4 · answered by rogueryche 3 · 0 0

Nothing. There are too many commercial American stakes in China now and China is turning away from Communism and becoming a Democraty (admittadly they have still some way to go).

China is not considered a threat but an opportunity.

2007-03-14 13:06:19 · answer #5 · answered by Eugene 4 · 0 0

The Bush family dynasty is linked to Chinese world dominance. The United States of America is now China's largest debtor, and once China "cuts up our maxxed out credit cards", the U.S.A. will become a second-rate 'super power'.
Once we're so deeply in debt to China that we can't get out, China will simply march its half-billion soldiers over here and take what it wants: our natural resources; our real estate; our banks; our currency; our government; our land; even our women if there's a strong demand for western flesh in the worldwide sex-slave trade.
And because our corrupt politicians have slept through it all, there won't be anything we can do to stop it. Our military will be in the same kind of tattered disarray as the Russian military. There will be no money for defense, no money for protecting our own shores.
China's growing population now buys more new cars per capita than the U.S. population. That means they will have more of a demand for OIL. They will take the U.S. supply. As China emerges into the world's superpower over the next twenty years, the U.S. will continue to decline and deteriorate into a third-world country where there is a handful of the very, very wealthy and (the rest of us) hundreds of millions of the very, very poor. -RKO-

2007-03-11 09:12:54 · answer #6 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 1

If China threatened the USA, but the US might think twice about war with China.

2007-03-11 08:24:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


The US is bound by treaty and law to Taiwan's defense. Should the Chinese invade...and I strongly believe they will in about 10 - 15 years, the US should join the fight.

China hasn't gone after Taiwan sooner because of one thing...they cannot control the island before US forces arrive (plainly put...they'll lose) China has no amphibious capability of which to speak. And they know it. They also have no air mobile forces of note. This too they know. Their Air Force is woeful. Yes, they know this as well. Lastly, they have no blue water Navy. And they know this as well.

Perhaps you have heard of recent grumblings from Washington on their military buildup and modernization. China says it is solely to update their military (which they desperately need). However the US believes it is also for expansion of force capacity...ie the ability to project at least regional power (more to the point...to counter US fleets).

For China to take Taiwan they must do so within one week. If ground wars are still underway on the island, they will have lost. They expect an immediate USAF response. This they can counter with AAA (they are modernizing) and proximity to theater (we have to fly longer which means less time over the island to fight - the Chines AF will go after our tankers). They have publicly stated they can handle 2, maybe 3 Carrier Battle Groups (So Clinton sailed 7 through the straits!). They seek to handle 5, possibly 6. Look for SSM, ASM and sub assets (they are building all 3). Of course, the USAF and USN can't do it alone (pipe dream for both)...you need ground troops. Which means we need clear skies or seas to get them there. If we get them there, they lose. They can't get enough numbers on the island to beat our superior ground forces - and getting our ground forces there implies we have control of the skies or seas and they can't supply or reinforce in that situation (they lose).

No nukes. They wont trade Hong Kong/Shanghai for LA.

My bet is they go around 2020.

2007-03-11 10:44:09 · answer #8 · answered by jw 4 · 1 0

move some oil rigs into the south china sea between Malaysia and Siam....get on their oil patch and youd have a war in 12 hrs...also give Taiwan some really good missles..about 10 Patroit batteries would do nicely

2007-03-11 08:05:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The USA getting fed up with the cheap plastic crap China exports.

2007-03-11 18:22:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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