It is only a sin if you marry for money and still end up broke.
2007-03-10 22:28:25
answer #1
answered by U-98 6
2016-12-23 02:35:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's not a sin per se -- but it would also be, in the eyes of my religion, an invalid marriage. My religion is Roman Catholicism.
In Roman Catholicism, a bride and groom make several promises to each other when they get married -- and one of those promises is that they will love and honor each other.
If such a promise isn't made truthfully, then the marriage is not really valid in the first place. It lacks the sacramental qualities that would make it a valid marriage.
If it is God's plan for you that you get married at all, then no doubt His plan is for you to marry a man with whom you can form a truly Godly marriage.
This wouldn't be possible if you were only doing it for money -- it would be YOUR plan that's being implemented, not God's.
2007-03-10 22:23:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think that God would plan for anybody to marry for money. God has nothing to do with it. To marry someone you don't love just because he has money is wrong on many levels, but most of all it is not in your best interest. Just having money cannot make for a happy marriage, while the lack of it is not that good either. But, if I had to choose between love or money, I would choose love every time.
2007-03-10 22:32:18
answer #4
answered by Mr. Blue 2
If I am reading the additional details you added correctly, it is not about God's plans for you, it's about your parents plans for you, and for them to pretty much sell you off to someone you describe as abusive sounds pretty sinful to me. (on thier part, I mean..) And if this is what they want for you, it is you that will be devastated in the end. If this is what the situation really is, it sounds abusive all the way around, and maybe you should consider calling a women's shelter, and getting out of there.
(I am a little shocked to hear of such a thing in this day and age...)
2007-03-11 00:33:56
answer #5
answered by beatlefan 7
Yes, I say so. Using people is a sin. Vowing to love someone when you are after their money is a sin. Marriage should be about love, not dependence. Also, I don’t believe God wants you to be with an abusive man, or a man you don’t love.
Scripture says a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. You need a man you can love, respect, and care for, and who does the same for you.
You need to look out for yourself, because your family seems to be more worried about convention and saving face than your happiness. I know my mother and father couldn’t bear to see their child with a man who made her sad.
I married a very poor man because he is good. I’m glad I did. In fact, I’m lucky and very blessed to have him. I’d brave all sorts of hardship to have him at my side, because he is a good, and constant and faithful spouse to me who holds my hand in all things.
2007-03-10 22:37:40
answer #6
answered by Ms. C. 1
I don't believe it's a sin if both partners know going in that money is the foundation for the marriage. Problems only crop up when one or the other doesn't know that he or she is being taken advantage of. By the way. I don't condone it and would never do it myself. If I can't find someone to love and someone to love me back, then I guess that marriage is out of the question.
2007-03-10 23:49:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I know 2 people that married for quick money. They each made a few thousand, & one is still married while in a seperate relationship. The other is going crazy trying to get out of his marriage. Basically, they both regret it.
Whether it's Gods plan for you--you need to really sit & meditate on that one.
2007-03-10 22:22:39
answer #8
answered by Toni 5
No, Sin is a delusion brought about by a religions belief. God has no plans because it doesn't exist. Here is a contradiction. God has a plan for everyone. God is perfect. Therefore any plan made by god will go perfectly. God also said you have free will. How can you have free will if gods plan for you is 100% perfect?
2007-03-10 22:22:37
answer #9
answered by Magus 4
My husband had money but I married for love not money and we have been married for nine years and 2 sets of twins and one child
2007-03-10 22:22:36
answer #10
answered by biddy 1