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could someone please translate this song by him from finnish into english?

Taksin katolla vilkkuu
Yön ainoa valopilkku
Tuota topattu moottorivene odottaa
Minä menen

Esiin tunkevat aatokset sameet
Valhetta vatovovat karkeat sanat
Paksu lompakko
Helppoa on lempeä pyytää
Alla silmien hymmerrys hyytää

Valoviikatteet taloja niittää
Käsi hamuaa lautturin viittaa
En osaa elämää syyttäen kiittää
Se jääköön
En piittaa

Kohdusta hautaan
Ui uuttera lautta
Tuhannen kapakan kautta

2007-03-10 18:02:25 · 2 answers · asked by blackluckof13 1 in Society & Culture Languages

2 answers

Loosely, it's:

On top of the taxi flashes the only light of the night
The crammed rowing seat of the mother ship waits
I go
Gloomy thought breaking through
Rude words stammering lies
Thick wallet
It's easy to ask for love
The beggar
Before the very eyes
Appearances grow numb
The light of the scythe cutting houses
A hand searching for the driver's coat
I do not know how to condemn, nor thank life
May it remain, I do not care
From the womb to the grave
The raft travels steady
Thousands from pub to pub

2007-03-10 20:13:43 · answer #1 · answered by JJ 7 · 0 0

specific element! right here is going: there's a girl who's specific all that glitters is gold and he or she's paying for a stairway to devil while she gets there she knows if the celebrities are all closed With a word she would be able to get what she got here for My candy devil there's a tree by making use of a brook and a songbird who sings and the celebrities are all leaving for devil OOO it makes me ask your self Does each individual keep in mind laughter?

2016-10-18 02:19:43 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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