Are there seriously people who force malls to take down their Christmas trees? If there are then I am sure they are not atheist, but most likely muslim. And if they are atheist, then what a bunch of a s s holes. That is a horrible thing to do. Christmas trees, Christmas lights, and Christmas time are some of the best and most beautiful things. I am atheist, yet I love Christmas, not because of Christ, but because of the spirit it floats around. If atheists do that, then they are just being arrogant and try to act like they're really important, when in reality, they don't really care. They just want to make a fit. That is stupid. I like atheists like me better.
2007-03-10 16:55:29
answer #1
answered by Dido 4
I think that if you really looked into the facts you would find that removal of Christmas trees was not "forced" onto shopping malls by anyone. It is likely a "commercial decision" made on the basis of some shaky evidence and some negative comment or threatened law suits from who knows where.
You can't call my colleague S C an atheist but she's far from being a Christian. Toward the end of every year she starts getting ready for Diwali. That's right, she's got lots of "Gods" but the main one is Brahma. Christmas means nothing to her but she respects it, just as Christians should respect Ramadam and Diwali. Respect does not mean "observe".
There are dozens of religions practiced in the USA and other western countries these days and it's about time more people woke up to it.
In any case, Christmas trees are not a Christian symbol. They are an old German New Year custom that got transferred to Christmas hundreds of years ago and is related to the "Yule Log" which is/was definitely not Christian. The custom was introduced to England by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria and spread to the USA from England and Germany in the 19th century.
As for Islam, it recognises Jesus as a major prophet who preceded Mohamed, just as, they might say, Moses preceded Jesus and Abraham preceded Moses.
2007-03-10 17:23:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't force anything . the religious fascist hell fire bible thumpers do foist their their beliefs repleat with condemnation. I only make a compelling case for what I call good sound reason logic and judgement . If this makes someone feel uneasy because deep inside they feel they should rethink their reality then i've done them a favor but I don't need there sanity nor conversion. And I will also confess that when a person is happy in a fools paradise it is hard for me to be responsible and maintain my integrity by espousing what I believe but this is not a religion ;only a spiritual integrity.
god offends many as does reality sometimes as do pediphile priests and other sordid
false truth mongers that insult the intelligensia but I remain as tolerant as possible without becoming morally retarded.
An example of this logic is the prisoner who thinks he was right and is offended when they claim he committed a crime should we set him free because we feel it necessary to abide by a higher standard which is offensive to him.
The bottom line either i'm right or you are right but we have freedom of speech and although our opinions differ we still have the right to them without prejudice.
2007-03-10 17:00:33
answer #3
answered by dogpatch USA 7
First of all the United States was founded as a secular nation by men who happened to be beleivers for the most part,but not entirely and of varying belief levels so to speak,and who didn't believe in the beliefs of one being forced on the society, so please feel free to get your facts straight. Might do you some good to read some of the writings of the actual founders to see how this compromise came about. far as people forcing private companies to take out references to God that decision is up to them,but taking it out of public life at least in the situations where it's forced upon people by government decree is totally appropriate. That might be part of the reason that the pledge was not originally written with the words" Under God" in it,that was added later by people to separate us from the "godless communists". Might also explain why the words "In God We Trust" were not added to our money until over a century after our founding,some say as a compromise to placate some who were gaining some power and were trying to force us closer to being a theocratic nation. If Atheists and others go too far sometimes then I suppose it's mostly as a backlash against those who would use our"Christian Heritage" as a tool to push us closer to being a theocracy.Such as forcing prayer in schools,which still happens in some parts of this country as I can attest to as one who was severely ostracized in a public school because I didn't take part in the morning prayer our principal had every morning,but when your outnumbered you usually lose the fight so I just kept my head down and was nearly forced to educate myself thanks to the good Christians around me.
2007-03-10 16:59:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have said again and again and again, I don't want to force anyone into any belief or lack thereof!! I would, however, like to clear up a few misconceptions that seem to be clouding your view...
Atheism isn't a religion. It's a lack of belief. That's it. That's all. It's simply "without belief in the existence of a god or gods". That's the literal definition. Anything beyond that is entirely up to the individuals. There are no cohesive lessons, teachings, holy days, sacred lands, etc etc.
Now.... the United States was NOT founded on the Christian religion. Please refer to the Treaty of Tripoli for further proof. And even if it was, that doesn't justify infusing all facets of life with Christianity. You want religious freedom, but only if that includes YOUR religion front and center. How is that fair? How is that free?
Wanting to keep the government NEUTRAL on matters of religion isn't pushing any "athiest agenda"... it's upholding the first amendment to the United States Constitution. Every American should support a separation of church and state if they support what the country was REALLY founded on - religious liberty.
2007-03-10 16:45:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First of all i dont think America was founded on the belief in God, it was founded to be an independant nation.
Also athiests dont have a religion to force on you, thats a contradiction of terms my friend.
Mostly athiest would be fine for people to beilieve in their gods and magical creatures, as long as their illogical beliefs didnt influence the way they acted in the real world. What i mean when i say this is that its fine for people to believe in God and what the Bible says, but when their beliefs start to hinder scieftiffic and medical research, thats not a good thing.
Religion is a dangerous thing because people live their lives by a set of moral codes and beliefs that are not in the best interests of humanity.
You are free to believe in god, just asyoung children are free to believe in santa, but we dont let people influence laws and stop research into life saving studies because santa would disprove of it.
2007-03-10 16:53:24
answer #6
answered by A Drunken Man 2
As a fellow religious person, I'd appreciate you not insisting on the Christmas Trees, Creches and Religious sayings in Government funded places..... not because I don't respect them, but I just as soon not have the government giving equal time to all the lunatic religions out there. How would you feel if next to the Christmas Tree in Town Hall the Court decided to force us to put a Statue of Budda?, or a Picture of the Devil?, or god forbid, one of Hillary?
So put the tree in your front lawn or living room or church, and let's not start debating which religion is going to be the 'official' one. You might not like the outcome.
2007-03-10 16:53:01
answer #7
answered by squeezie_1999 7
Okay, I will just come out with it. We go against your belief in God because you try to force the belief in god into every portion of every person's life. From teaching creationism to having prayer in school, every little respect to god is a false belief being forced upon people. There is not one physical proof of god, and all arguments for god are easily dismissed on the lack of logical and rational proof. You sit there crying that atheist force their opinions. Who was responsible for the crusades, for the many wars based on religious beliefs, the anti black movement in the U.S. in the past, the anti gay movement of today, the downcutting of america by muslim radicals, the fact that if an atheist or homosexual tries to join the boyscouts he can be banned because of the religious right. Who are you to clame prejudice with irrational beliefs and doctrines of preaching love and practicing hate? I am sorry if I fail to teach my children that an act of masturbation will make them spend their eternal afterlife suffering in the burning flames of hell. This is complete bull****. SO Stop your complaining and get off your high horse and realize that us atheists do not appretiate having god stuck in our faces at every oppurtunity. Good Day...I said Good Day!
2007-03-10 17:04:19
answer #8
answered by tsavo 2
Have you noticed that the answers you have received so far from atheists are quiet mean spirited? You might as well addressed the question to Lucifer. They take the truth and twist it to fit what they want it to be, but what they think is still a lie and always will be. Just pray for them deary. You can't reason with foolishness. This is what Jesus meant by not casting your pearls before swine. Matthew 7:6 Do not give dogs what is sacred, do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. God Bless you and keep you!
2007-03-10 17:32:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Are you deluded? We don't force our "beliefs" on anyone. Just because we disagree with you doesn't mean we dispise you people. Geez. Anyways, most of us respond to questions when people call us out, like you are doing right now. And if you think atheism is a religion go look up the definition. The key word is faith. You might also want to look up the definition on that also.
2007-03-10 16:48:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous