Why would he be?
Chalemagne also usurped the Roman throne, divided the Church over a legal Ecumenical Synod, set in motion the eventual overthrow of the Roman papacy, and re-wrote the entire history of the Roman Empire in an attempt to prove that the Romans were actually Franks. The Franks have a very distinct history within Christianity. This is the equivalent of asking, "Were atheists pleased when Stalin murdered 20 million Christians over a ten year period?" Communism is a special subject within the history of atheism, and the two should not be equated.
2007-03-10 16:38:26
answer #1
answered by NONAME 7
Well crowe dude----
That's the deal with HAVING a God------YOU don't do the judging of HIM -----HE does the judging of YOU
Being the Creator ---He pretty much does as He sees fit
and whether He's pleased or not over anything is as about as definable as the temperature up the butt of a weavel on Mars !!! YOU'LL never understand or figure it out nor will any ONE else !! And, this incident with the "cheiftans" is a grain of sand on a remote tropical beach comparitive to the kill off coming one day, dude !! This world WILL be judged and found wanting big time--- then, this little French "picnic" you're talking about here will not even show up on the radar in comparison !!!!!
And, what is this thing of judging GOD for the acts of Someone---- is it the thing that this was done "in God's name" ?? And, what of the acts of the Godless ?? Who is to blame for the millions and millions of people slaughtered in the guise of godlessness --- is that too to be laid at the feet of God ??
2007-03-10 16:52:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He wasn't the first nor the last leader to kill people for failure to convert to some religion. The Crusaders did it throughout the Sinai Peninsula during all the crusades. Then, Saladin, did the same thing as he conquered the crusader held territories. Convert or die.
I don't care what the religious zealots or the non-believers may say, God/Allah/Jehovah, (whatever name you use) doesn't condone murder for any reason.
Murder does not make a person a better man in the eyes of God.
2007-03-10 16:42:41
answer #3
answered by Cotton 3
Are you really concerned with what is pleasing to God?
Do you think God is pleased that you would try to use this as an example to try and get people to doubt His existence?
God didn't kill the Saxons. If Charlemagne did have them killed, and did so only because they would not convert, then he did so outside of God's will and God will hold him accountable to be sure.
2007-03-10 16:45:02
answer #4
answered by MythBuster 2
Of course He wasn't pleased.What a silly argument.Murdering someone because of their religion is wrong.It's forbidden.
Besides,I could pull up quite a few anecdotes of Christians being killed,in huge numbers (Sudan,for example).But I don't ask Muslims if Allah is pleased with what they did.There are slo many other examples.The Middle East.North Korea.The Soviet Union.Burma.
But at least I have the common sense not to make an argument against Islam or atheism from it.
2007-03-10 16:36:53
answer #5
answered by Serena 5
His service was sought by Pope Hadrian II in an urgent appeal for aid against the Lombard Desiderius who were invading the Papal states. He besieged and took Pavia , and accepted the role of protector of The Church .. He defeated the Avars who were raiding Christian villages . He shielded Italy from the raiding Saracens , strengthened the the defenses of Francia against the expanding raids of the Moors of Spain . Basically he was the only person that Christians could turn to for protection from raiding and invading pagan invaders...
2007-03-10 17:01:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, as i believe in the Lord Jesus. Before you label something as Christian then i would urge you to compare it with the original source of that term, and the kind of faith that was original called Christian. "And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26).
The kind of people which that term denoted were those who found life in the Lord Jesus, wh died for them and rose again, to whom they turned form sin and recieve and follow Him. There lives were radically changed, and were baptized. "And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." They also "had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart (Acts 2:42, 45, 46).
Later they were scattered about due to persecution, and shared their faith, but never once did they use the sword of men, or coerce people etc.(or plead for money), but "speaking the truth in love" ministering to others they shared the faith. The writing of the New Testament was completed by approx. 90, by which you can see that no Christan can kill others in seeking to defend or expand the faith.
They were often persecuted, as in the Roman empire worship was only allowed if you agreed to worship the emperor as well, which true Christians would not, yet they grew. But as every genuine has counterfeits, imitations also grew, and after the emperor Constantine was "converted," and the est. church received State favor, then it slowly became like the State, and became a vast autocratic organization, which would end up using the sword of men to win it's battles. I would be hunted down in places like Spain if i did what i am doing here (but atheistic communism has done far worse.)
But the Lord Jesus Christ does not change, and it is He who still transforms hearts and lived today, to as many as receive Him. May you be one of them, i pray.
2007-03-10 17:05:11
answer #7
answered by www.peacebyjesus 5
Please don't blame the Boss just because his workers get it way wrong sometimes. He would not be happy with this outcome. God's way is to reconcile us by means of peace and love. The scriptures tell us often enough to love one another, to bear with one another. But nobody is beyond God's forgiveness and grace. If the sinner is truly sorry and confesses his sin to God and asks for forgiveness, God will put the sin away from him as far as the east is from the west... This is forgiveness that has been gained for us through the Lord Jesus Christ. His sacrifice is all the sacrifice that is acceptable in God's sight. If you remember the story of Jesus when he was being crucified, one felon being crucified with him was jeering at him, the other, asked Jesus to remember him when he comes to His kingdom. He was sorry and deeply and truly so. He was told by Jesus, Today you will be with me in paradise. This shows because he was truly sorry, he was forgiven. Hope this clears it up for you. Many wrong actions have been done in the history of this world in God's name. But I sure feel if they really checked what God's will was for them, he would have found a better way. The way of love and peace through the Lord Jesus Christ.
2007-03-10 16:40:39
answer #8
answered by Lisa 6
No, He was not. A lot of bad things happen in the name of God. Even today. We all fall short from the glory of God, even when we do not accept God as our Lord.
2007-03-10 18:32:45
answer #9
answered by SeeTheLight 7
If you go by The Bible then yes he was,the non beleivers fate is his own fault,as in "thou shall have no Gods before me" Of course one would hope that any God who actually existed wouldn't be such a petty,spiteful,hatefilled being. If he is he deserves not our praise and worship,but instead deserves nothing from us.
2007-03-10 16:36:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous