Noah's Ark like the Bible is one big misinterpreted lie. The Bible is written in Aremic. Ancient Aremic did not even use our current day vowels. Not only that, the original Aremic versions were translated into Latin, so how accurate do you really think the Bible is? With this in mind, how in the heck are you even supposed to logically interpret the Bible?
2007-03-10 16:22:37
answer #1
answered by schneid123 3
When God created this whole universe, He can take care of this Noah's Ark thing also.
The modern concept of "species" is not the same as a "kind" in the Bible. There are probably only several hundred different "kinds" of land animals that would have to be taken into the ark. The sea animals stayed in the sea, and many species could have survived in egg form.
The ark was not small; it was a huge structure - the size of the modern ocean liner. Furthermore, it had three stores ( Gen 6:6)which tripled its space to total of over 1.5 million cubic feet.
Noah could have taken younger or smaller varieties f some larger animals. Given these factors, there was plenty of room for all the animals, flood for the trip, and the eight humans aboard.
Water came from the flood waters, then all the springs of the great deep burst forth ( volcanic activity maybe ), then the floodgates of heavens were opened, rain...Nothing is impossible for God.
2007-03-10 16:19:17
answer #2
answered by SeeTheLight 7
To follow up utuk
-and great explination there utuk, although I don't know the translation of 'earth' as 'region' is really accurate-
Another hypothesis currently is that Noah was from the area that is now part of the Black Sea. The hypthesis states that at one time, the Black Sea was much, much smaller than it currently is. The seperation between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara are seperated by a fairly high mountain region that damed water from the mediteranean from reaching the Black Sea.
At some point in history (and they have found villages underneath the black sea to cooberate this) that area gave away under the pressure, and flooded the region. The water level rose so quickly that it would have been like a tidal wave rushing over the land that never washed back out. It just leveled the land ... everything.
To the people in that area, it would have been as if the entire world was wiped out. Then oral tradition would have taken the story until Moses or whoever wrote it down in Genesis.
2007-03-10 16:39:18
answer #3
answered by Angry Moogle 2
Au contraire my friend. There is plenty of water. Think about conditions that could precipitate all the water vapor in the atmosphere and melt all the polar ice caps (we're talking about the ones on continental shelves as well, not just ice bergs).
The 400,000 species you mention...not sure where you got that number but check Wikipedia under species. Most of the ones that would have been big enough to see would have done just fine underwater (mollusks, crustaceans, fish, many reptiles). Many would have done fine on water (water fowl). Bacteria would be just fine, and many plants would be fine (not the plants themselves but their seeds). Mosquitoes do fine in water. Don't know about ticks or fleas but I'm sure the camels had a few.
The ark was pretty big (450 feet by 75 feet by 45 feet--three stories, each story was as big as 20 basketball courts). You could easily fit all the animals from several zoos into a vessel that size and have plenty of room left over.
2007-03-10 16:32:01
answer #4
answered by Ivan 3
Here's your explanation:
The Hebrew and Greek versions of the Old Testament do not talk about a global flood. The word translated "earth" is more appropriately translated as "region," just as the word "mountain" is more appropriately translated as "hill." The Bible describes a man named Noah, a Sumerian about 50 years old with a wife and three sons. He lived in a arid part of southern Mesopotamia. He was warned by God that a flood was coming, so he built a raft and took his livestock on board - two of each domestic animal, and seven of each domestic animal that was fit for sacrifice. The flood hit around 3000 BC according to the Bible. The flood stretched from the Tigris to the Euphrates. Sumerian civilization was set back by several centuries, but there were many survivors besides Noah and his family. The "Ark" drifted north until it ran aground. The waters completely receded after one year, and the Sumerians (including Noah) set to work rebuilding their former glory in central Mesopotamia. Unfortunately, Semitic migrations upset the effort, and the former Sumerian "empire" broke up into the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, etc. The language of Sumer disappeared, but cuneiform writing and the Sumerian religion persisted under the paleo-Babylonian empire.
That's your Flood and your Tower of Babel. The Biblical account was composed during the Babylonian captivity, some 2500 years after the events in question, and was based on Jewish genealogical records and Babylonian historical annals.
2007-03-10 16:27:21
answer #5
answered by NONAME 7
In the days of Noah, there may have been enough water in the POPULATED REGIONS of the earth to drown everyone who was not on that ark. Some animals have become extinct since Noah's ark and some new ones have been created by God. The world is constantly changing.
2007-03-10 16:28:57
answer #6
answered by Jess4rsake 7
Who says there were 400K plus. Someone earlier posted this same question but stated there were 1.5M species. You guys need to get together to get your facts straight. Monkey, dog, cat - you only need one pair. You don't need every little off-shoot of the species. How much space does two gnats or fleas take up assuming they were part of the Arks contents? This is not hard for even a second grader to figure out. You people think too much about this stuff in today's terms. They weren't in our environment.
2007-03-10 16:25:36
answer #7
answered by JohnFromNC 7
Noah, built an ark.
he only needed two of each kind of animal, not two of each variation of the same family.
Also, before the flood, it is quite possible that the land mass was much flatter than it is now. Do you suppose all that water may have pushed up the mountains? And pushed down the seafloor?
Also, in genesis, it suggests that the earh at that time was cloaked by a layer of clouds that covered the earth, is that still true?
2007-03-10 16:17:37
answer #8
answered by Tim 47 7
Again your comparing with the environment of our century. That's your first mistake. Now, broaden your mind, and think of the Ancient world (IT wasn't that big.) And the ark wasn't a ship. It was a box. There was no sail, no steering column. Only a window. And it did not sail. It floated until the wind pushed it later. (Do this; make a small cardboard box, and tape it all around. Now put it in your tub and fill it with water. Now blow on the box while it floats. This is the same effect as the Ark.)
2007-03-10 16:38:11
answer #9
answered by Da Mick 5
Hi, someone just asked an almost identical question, which i responded to here:
To which i would add that no only was there sufficient water, and not only did Noah have almost 100 years to gather animals, and that their average size needed to be no more than a rabbit, but Noah's Ark was not some tug boat, but is estimated to be at least approx. "450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high if the 18 inch cubit was used. If a larger cubit was used it would have been proportionately longer. The displacement tonnage of the ark, which is the weight of water it would displace at a draught of 15 cubits, would be more than 22,000 tons." That link will also provide more info on other aspects.
See also
(that one asks questions like yours).
And there is also abundant empirical proof for the Lord Jesus, as anyone who truly repented from sin and received Him to save them knows. May you know also i pray.
2007-03-10 16:31:57
answer #10
answered by www.peacebyjesus 5
The concept of the world was very different than the one we know today. The event was a local one between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the area of the modern Iraq. Maybe they float in boat with families and some domestic animals for a few days. The rest of the history is an exaggeration.
2007-03-10 16:26:59
answer #11
answered by Lost. at. Sea. 7