I use a potato masher. In the past to make really creamy guacamole I've used a potato ricer!
2007-03-10 14:40:33
answer #1
answered by Jimi Z 3
Guacamole Masher
2016-12-15 20:59:36
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Avocado Masher
2016-10-07 02:08:51
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Personally, I use a sharp knife and...
When I cut the avocado in half (and remove the pit), I then make thin slices in a cube-like pattern and 1 sideways slice the depth of the pit hole in order to shorten the cubes. You can then easily scoop it out with a spoon. I just do a quick stir / smash when I add the other ingredients.
Works well for me and no extra cleanup as you will use a knife a spoon (or fork) anyway.
2007-03-10 10:55:09
answer #4
answered by Breezy 2
I was in a small restaurant in Puerto Vallerta, Mexico that hand-made guacamole at each table when you were seated and they just used a regular spoon. The scopped all of the fruit right out from the inside, then mashed it all together with the flat part of the spoon.
2007-03-10 10:06:02
answer #5
answered by OhKatie! 6
this is going to sound weird, and i do not know why this works, i'm no engineer. but i have made (aswell as my mother and her mother...we're mexicans) gaucamole with forks. however last summer i went to ft. worth to visit my brother and his family and they took me to this restraunt where their specialty was making gaucamole dip right at your table. they used TWO LARGE SPOONS! and it was awesome. the mashed the gaucamole together with the spoons in each hand until it was the perfect consistency. the spoons are the type we would use as serving spoons at the dinner table. since then i make my gaucamole like that. also make sure your avacados are ripe. soft to the touch is perfect. good luck!
2007-03-10 10:05:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have an immersion blender and use it for *everything*, including avocados, it's a great investment (usually about $20)
2007-03-10 10:37:42
answer #7
answered by mina_lumina 4
Try a Food Processor.
2007-03-10 10:19:35
answer #8
answered by Kimberly C 2
I usually go with a fork, but it depends on the ripeness of your avacado. If you want it more like a creamy dip, go with a hand-held blender.
2007-03-10 10:06:05
answer #9
answered by Jess 1
Pastry cutter or potato masher.
If you want to use a food processor, pulse only a few times or you will end up w/ puree.
2007-03-10 10:56:54
answer #10
answered by Treadstone 7