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I searching my brain for the name of a particular bar in Puerto Rico in Gran Canaria.

Its in the main commercial (or shopping/bar/restraunt) centre and is on the outside right as you are looking up the valley.

Its a bit of a spit and sawdust place but it is heaving at night because the beer is less than a euro a pint and the other drinks are the cheapest in Puerto Rico too.

Its by some steps and a ramp at the top end of the centre overlooking the road. I think it is on the lowest level and adjacent steps lead up to a piano bar, (I think), and another place where there is a drag act in the evenings, (if you're into that sort of thing!).

I think the bar's name begins with a letter 'M' and is British owned and run.

Does anyone know its name?

2007-03-09 21:04:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Spain Islas Canarias

3 answers

I think it is either Maxies or Maxines. Not a lot of help but your right,it is a fab cheap bar.

2007-03-09 21:56:09 · answer #1 · answered by tonyevans50 2 · 1 0

I went some years in the past and had a brilliant time. beware for the solar nevertheless, because of the fact the extremely violet is a lot extra effective then different holiday deatinations and additionally you will burn with out even noticing it. Have a examine by using a number of those comments besides, as you will p.c.. up lots of alternative peoples concepts on the region.

2016-10-01 21:16:41 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

the garage, upstairs in the shopping centre the place is bouncing till 6 am the dj s r good and the staff r well up 4 a laugh

2007-03-09 22:31:25 · answer #3 · answered by ANGELA B 1 · 0 1

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