I really needed to go somewhere and so i begged a friend of the family to lend their car to me. She gave in. (i dont have a license and im 15 years old) SO the friend of the family told me to take my niece with mE. my niece was in her car seat in the back seat...I was driving well, trying to go to my destination, but i had forgotten where i wanted to go in the first place, so i decided to go to my sisters house...but the street didnt look very correct to me, i was in the lane to keep straight, but it was going into the "ghetto" so i decided to turn. I was going to put my arm out and ask the person in the turning lane if it was okay to turn in front of him while i was still in the lane to keep straight, but instead i felt awkward and just turned without any signal. All of a sudden a police car came behind me with a siren.I was sooo scared,i didnt know whether to run or to keep driving(and act like i didnt see them)i was under age! so i just decided to keep driving, then i woke up!SCARRY
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