You gotta test drive it before you buy. Would if you don't like it after u get married. That would be jacked. Gotta test the waters first
2007-03-09 15:34:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
pre marital is a bit of an interesting description... I'm 37 yet, every time I have sex, is it still counted as pre-marital ? I guess it should be ad I am not and have never been married.
I think premarital sex is only an issue for those in societies where marriage is the expected norm... but as society changes, premarital sex becomes less and less of an issue.
There's no harm in it that I can see, and if you wait untill after youre married to discover you are utterly uncompatible with your partner, you either put up with a low quality sex life... or divorce.
I suggest premaital sex is good, and should be encouraged... But make it SAFE sex ! . . . . No accidental Kid's No unwanted health issues.
2007-03-10 14:24:17
answer #2
answered by 2
Sounds like an interesting debate.
If people aren't comfortable with premarital sex, e.g. for religious reasons, fair enough, it's up to them.
I personally am pro-premarital sex. Not least because all my university friends and I are not likely to marry until we are in our thirties!
In Scotland, until the last century I think a couple who wanted to be together spent a period of time sleeping in the same bed and persumably having sex too, to see if they were compatible.
So, it's not necessary. But it is beneficial.
Why is it beneficial?
- some people really are sexually incompatible (whether it be size, timing or regularity), it's best to find out if this is really a show stopper before you get married.
- you might find you're not sexually attracted to your partner, again best to find this out sooner rather than later.
- people have long relationships before getting married these days. Sex releases chemicals that help the couple bond.
- sex is one of the ways you get really emotionally close to your partner, it would be a shame to bond in other ways and to miss out this important part.
- although both of you being virgins when you marry doesn't mean you can't have a good sex life, it's got to be a lot more difficult if neither of you has a clue! (Especially if ruling out sex means ruling out all forms of physical intimacy.)
- you will learn from other people and you will learn more quickly what you like. When you sleep with someone who has slept with someone else you share your knowledge and that goes on to be used with someone else to make them feel good.
- as long as you don't have unprotected sex with tons of people there's no reason why you should end up with loads of STDs! You just have to be careful.
2007-03-10 06:23:56
answer #3
answered by KateScot 3
I think it would be crazy not to have premarital sex because if you are not compatible together then you could end up being trapped in a miserable marriage. Sex is a natural part of being human & to deny this is to deny an important part of life. As long as you are old enough, are in a loving relationship & you practice safe sex what is the problem? It is worse to end up unhappy & perhaps have kids who would also have to go through the emotional turmoil of a divorce.
2007-03-10 06:09:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Premarital has always been natural. Just not so blatant as it is today, compared to years past.
A person shouldnt feel compelled at all to wait to have sex. This is not the same as saying have sex with everyone. But the notion of marrying someone without having sex with them first is somewhat like marrying a stranger.
To have NO knowledge whatsoever of how a person reacts in a intimate manner before you marry them is like buying a car sight unseen. I dont think most people would do that.
2007-03-09 23:35:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First of all the institution of marriage as a legally dictated permission to have sex is all wrong. Do cats. dog, or any other animals have to get married to have sex? Our difference is that we have free will. Other humans have dictated and influenced our decisions on what is right and wrong. Sex is a good and natural thing. I wouldn't get married so I could feel OK about having sex. I was brought up in an ultraconservative family where even thoughts of sex were taboo. It makes me wonder how I was born. I believe that just having sex for the purpose of self-gratification is not what I want. To me sex is a blending of desire and emotional involvement. It is the culmination of caring in its finest form. Marriage is not the predominate factor in a love relationship and neither is sex. The blending of minds, heart, body, and soul in a relationship is the substance of a lasting relationship. Sex is a part of that and marriage cannot bring that to fruition.
2007-03-10 10:16:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My feeling is that sex within a loving and mutually rewarding relationship is enriching and beneficial. Pre marital sex therefore can be a good force. However....if sleeping around as in numerous different partners.......this I feel is a symptom of something else......the psychological needs are manyfold and this behaviour can be damaging. I know there will be those who scoff......but casual encounters with absolutely no emotional content other than satisfaction of an instant need can leave a bad taste......literally and metaphorically. Not a road I personally would wish to travel.
2007-03-10 04:59:50
answer #7
answered by eagledreams 6
actually, there is a couple in my church who were married at 25, never had a sexual encounter before marriage wiv anyone - what a waste!the strange thing is, many males have had a number of partners before marriage but like to think their soon to be wife is a me it doesnt really matter. id prefer someone with a bit of experience than someone totally innocent.
life is about experimenting,doing different things,meeting different people.its sooo old fashioned to keep ure virginity for the right one, who knows the right one may never pitch up nd afterwards u wish u had tried it on with him or her. human nature.if i had my time over again.. i would have had it all, lived fast and died young.
2007-03-11 18:00:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What if I never get married? That's looking more and more likely every day (not just because I might be gay, but becuase in today's society, marriage does not look very appealing, to say the least). Then I'd never have sex. That ain't right. if sex was just meant to be for procreation, God wouldn't have made it feel so good.
2007-03-09 23:55:30
answer #9
answered by Syck 5
Look at it this way... You wouldn't buy a car without test driving it right? Why wouldn't you try out a partner before commiting? It's very important to be compatable in all areas before you get married. Sex happens to be one of those areas.
2007-03-10 00:28:40
answer #10
answered by just jenn 3
At one point in history, it was required that the woman prove she could produce children. The relationship was called "Betrothed", after a child was born, the marriage was finalized. No kids.... no marriage. There is historical precedence for pre-marital relations in order to find out something about your chosen spouse.
2007-03-10 00:00:50
answer #11
answered by tmarschall 3