I was planning on getting a 30 inch light fixture by All Glass Aquarium Company here http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200085794129&rd=1&rd=1 on ebay. There are two 20 watt light bulbs, but the seller told me that the UL tag says 30" Fluorescuent Twin Tube Aquarium Refletor 60-watt 60HZ. I had gone on the All Glass Aquarium website, but there wasn't anything on wattage of the fixture there, only everything else about it. The seller said that he asked some people if it was the reflector that gave it more power. One person said yes, the other said no. The seller seems to know what he's talking about, figuring that he sells a whole bunch of fish supplies on the ebay, and he has 100% positive feedback. How many watts is this really? It would help if someone had this fixture, although the chances of that are highly unlikely. This auction ends really soon so I could really use some help. Thanks.
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➔ Fish