Everyone who answered "get plastic plants" need to learn to read the question.
As far as having tetras, good beginners plants are Anacharis, Java Moss, Java Ferns, Dwarf Hair grass, Banana Plants, Hornwort, Valisneria, and Amazon swords. Most of which can be found at the local store.
Mollies are herbivorous, so they may pick at some plants. If they are well fed, they may leave them alone.
2007-03-11 09:34:12
answer #1
answered by T5Chris 2
The only plants they'll have an affinity for are the thin leafed ones. They'll probably eat anacharis & frill.
Since you're just starting out, try and stay with low light plants or plants that don't die easy. My favorite plant for a livebearer tank is Water wisteria (hydrophila deformis) and compacta (hydrophila compacta). Both are widely available even at the chain stores. They grow well under moderate lighting conditions and they'll regrow anything the fish would eat. NB: those plants are toxic to humans.
Also, Java Fern, clumps of Java Moss, banana plants, (maybe) Crystalwort, frogbit, 4 leaf clover, dwarf sagataria. Note: ferns don't go in the gravel, they get attached to stuff with string... Most apontogen plants do very well with a beginer setup. Even the cheapo plant yourself bulbs that they sell at walmart.
Without a fancy setup, i'd start with a few apontogens and a water wisteria.
2007-03-09 12:21:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Mollies and tetras are ominvourus, this means that they may nip at plants and that they also eat meats as well, basically they have diets like people.
You can pretty much get any plants you want. I have found that my fish (barbs and bala sharks, which are supposed to tear up plants) are not insanely interested in my plants. If you are going to have plants, you are going to want to have a full spectrum light. They are normally about $9-10 i think. This way the plants get the full light spectrum like they would the sun. this also helps to make your fish look brighter. Investing in substrate for the plants also help to aid their growth as well as a good fertlizer/feed. I use leaf zone. This is a fertlizer/food for the plants, and helps to promote growth and healthy plants, so that way you didn't jsut waste your money.
The substrate allows the roots of plants to be able to grab on a little better then the larger gravel (i dont know if you have sand, or what size gravel you harve) You can easily find both these products at Petsmart.
As long as you feed your fish reguarly, they shoud't tear up the plants, however it is good for them to have a balanced diet, so if they nip at the plants it is not hthe worst thing. Aslo depending on the amount of fish you have, they shouldn't copletely kill the plant just by taking a little nip every once i awhile.
2007-03-09 11:58:49
answer #3
answered by tigerlilly2255 4
Java Fern and Java Moss are good plants for live bearer tanks. They are easy to grow and too tough for the fish to eat. Neither plant will do well rooted in the gravel. They should be attached gently to drift wood or rocks and just left alone. They don't grow very rapidly and the tank temperature should be below 80 degrees F. They will do OK with normal florescent lighting, how ever they will grow faster in brighter light. ---------PeeTee
2007-03-09 12:52:10
answer #4
answered by PeeTee 7
The real question you have to ask is what kind of lighting do you have--that's going to determine what kind of plants you can keep. If the lighting is too low, many light-loving plants are just going to die in your tank. If the light is too high for low-lighting plant, again, you're going to have dead plants. Also, what kind of gardening routines are you doing or willing to do--some plants need a lot of trimming, fertlizing, CO2 to stay in shape, others don't need much.
2007-03-09 15:07:23
answer #5
answered by Inundated in SF 7
simple answer to your ? buy plastic plants and some glow in the dark plants they hate and wont eat the real ones. also never have real plants unless you have a salt water tank
2007-03-09 11:59:58
answer #6
answered by chris h 1
Save yourself a lot of work and buy the artificial plants.They look great and when its time to clean the tank all 'ya gotta do is rinse 'em under cold runnin' water.
2007-03-09 11:58:06
answer #7
answered by AZRAEL 5
umm... plastic
2007-03-09 11:58:10
answer #8
answered by delight10163 1