I got one from Walmart (maybe called Bebe Sounds or something similar) and it was a piece of crap. The only thing I ever heard was when the baby would kick the microphone, and I could hear my stomach growling. The money would have been better spent in the college account.
2007-03-09 10:48:41
answer #1
answered by Heather Y 7
I know many people who've used it and it can be reassuring to hear your baby's heartbeat. It can be heard as early as 10 weeks with a high-quality rented one, a little later with store bought ones.
But a Doppler does use ultrasound waves, and there are no studies showing that repeated or daily use of ultrasound is completely safe for your unborn child. Ultrasound waves do heat up tissue, so it's possible they have an effect that we don't yet know about. If this sounds unlikely, keep in mind that for over 50 years, X-rays were a routine part of pregnancy care, and they have now been found to be unsafe.
Ultrasound should be reserved for diagnostic purposes. There are many other ways to bond with your baby and know s/he is okay.
2007-03-09 18:48:05
answer #2
answered by sparklish 3
My mate got me a proper medical doppler from the hospital and it works like a charm. Usually the heartbeat can be picked up anytime from 6-8 weeks after conception :)
2007-03-09 18:47:04
answer #3
answered by KK21 1
Yes, I had one. It was VERY VERY hard to use. The farther along you are the better success you'll have. Also, it'll be easier for you to find it at home after you've seen the doctor do it a few times. It was so hard to find the heartbeat with it that I gave up after a couple uses. I did have one success, but it was never repeated.
2007-03-09 18:47:01
answer #4
answered by toomanycommercials 5
Are you talking about the Baby heart Monitor? Or a Doppler?
The Doppler can be use at any time as it uses a different technology to listen to your baby's hear beat.
I'm using the Summer Fetal Heart rate monitor (see link below) I had it since 17 weeks. We started hearing the baby's kicks and movement but we only started to hear the heart at around 28 weeks.
2007-03-09 18:51:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I agree with Heather and all the others ..got one too and cant hear anything but my stomach growl and maybe a kick from baby in the mic...money wasted only doctors heartbeat detector works
2007-03-09 19:14:39
answer #6
answered by arrington7530 3
Ultrasouns should be used by professionals and only whn the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Dopplars use a more powerful and constant ultrasound waves, as compared to a standard ultrasound.
I would never concent to having a doctor use one, why would I buy one for home.
Get a fetascope, cheaper, works just as well and is completely safe because it is a passive listening system.
2007-03-09 18:52:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I got the cheap 20 dollar one and it sucks, lol. My husband and I just don't know what sound to look for since its completely different form the one at the doctors. I'm 20 weeks now and have no clue if it works or not. I read all the instructions too, lol.
2007-03-09 18:49:14
answer #8
answered by CeeCee19 4
I can't remember how far along I was but it was hard, I could never tell if it was my heartbeat or the babies.
2007-03-09 18:49:42
answer #9
answered by Katie Girl 6
I had one from the time I was 4 months. It was so hard to use and actually hear what you want to hear. I dont really recommend it.
2007-03-09 18:48:07
answer #10
answered by LRCMT 2