it is the same test, though i highly doubt with your tubes being tied, that you are pregnant. technology has become so advanced now that "tying tubes" is really snipping, burning and clamping the ends.
i would take a normal test, contact your OB... then a laywer if you are.
2007-03-09 10:34:55
answer #1
answered by Kynnie 6
Your tubes being tied will have nothing to do with the results of the test. The test picks up hormones that your body produces if you are pregnant, I use the Wal-Mart brand and they work great. Take it first thing in the morning, as the morning urine has a more concentrated ammount of the hormones. As far as the brilliant people who were rude to you and said you can't be pregnant, my ex-boyfriends mother got pregnant 10 years after having her tubes tied, and my sister got pregnant 2 years after having hers done.
Good luck
2007-03-09 18:37:05
answer #2
answered by Barbara C 6
Well your tubes being tied won't have any bearing on the test results other than a negative. If you have a CVS pharmacy near you, I heartily recommend their store brand. It's cheaper than the other tests by comparison and has a sensative HGC hormone detector.
Oh and for all the people being hard on her...I'll have you know, About one out of 400 women will get pregnant during the first ten years after their tubes are tied.
2007-03-09 18:28:10
answer #3
answered by Hermit Crab 3
You can get pregnant if your tubes are tied, depending on how the procedure was done. Any pregnancy test will do because they look for a hormone that your body produces while you are in a state of pregnancy. Your best bet, however, would be to get to the doctor's office for a pregnancy test because if you are in fact pregnant, you could be at risk. Women who become pregnant after have their tubes tied are at a greater risk for a tubal pregnancy. You are unable to carry a tubal pregnancy to term and it is quite dangerous to the mother.
Go see your doctor right away.
2007-03-09 18:36:27
answer #4
answered by a-mac 5
Same test as ever. It's detecting a hormone you produce when pregnant, there shouldn't be a difference.
Although there is a higher chance of getting a false negative, especially if it turns out to be an ectopic pregnancy, which is far more likely after the procedure you've had. So, if you take the test and it says no but you still think you are pregnant, 0of course you should see your doctor right away, for multiple reasons.
2007-03-09 18:32:40
answer #5
answered by mina_lumina 4
Yes you can be preg. I have a friend you got her tubes tied a year ago and found out last week she is indeed preg. She just took a reg. preg text from the store. It turned out postive so she went to the dr. The dr. agreed to do the birth for free because he had tied her tubes. Good Luck whatever happens
2007-03-09 18:53:06
answer #6
answered by LRCMT 2
My mothers tubes were tied and then came baby 5 so I wouldn't say that its impossible. Get a blood test done at the doctors, its more efficient. Good luck.
2007-03-09 18:29:01
answer #7
answered by CeeCee19 4
It is possible to get pregnant with your tubes tied. Your best bet is to get to your doctor right away if you suspect pregnancy since with a tubal ligation you may end up with a tubal pregnancy. The chances go up alot with the ligation and if you do have a tubal pregnancy you need to have it taken care of right away since it poses a risk to your life. Good luck
2007-03-09 18:29:13
answer #8
answered by MOMMY585 5
Not sure there is a test. If your tubes are tied then you shouldn't be pregnant.
2007-03-09 18:27:22
answer #9
answered by Kally 1
If you're tubes are tied your not pregnant
2007-03-09 18:27:11
answer #10
answered by troble # one? 7