Yes - on a few occasions.
Woke up without any idea how I got home, or where my left shoe was....
2007-03-09 10:21:35
answer #1
answered by mark 7
YES; and coincidentially I am watching a show called "Intervention" as I write this. These people don't know how lucky they are....surrounded by at least four to ten ppl who love and care for them and will take care of everything for them (i.e. kids, bills) while they are at some kind of Dr. Phil country club treatment center in Hawaii for as long as it takes. I will apologize in advance for boring anyone who are simply looking for a yes or no answer along with a smart mouth remark. And that's what you would normally get from me. However - long story short - I couldn't pinpoint when, but it became a waste of my time to have one or two drinks, like a margarita or two with nachos at happy hour. I drink to get a damn good buzz, so I can let go and feel free enough to "be who I really am".....but every damn time I step over the point of buzz to drunk - which obviously I don't know what point that is anymore - I become an emotional wreck & a monster; let alone what I'm told is that I get extremely pissed off, aggressive, a sexual tease that will take out every bit of anger I have against men who have hurt me in the past -unless my defenses are down and I get what I want the way I want it, blah blah blah - basically I become an out of control humiliating piece of ****.
So, yeah. I've gotten myself into big trouble in every way possible and only know about it from bruises, a phone call the next day that helps me recollect a few bits and pieces, missing pieces of clothing, you get the idea.
I know this a long answer, well, maybe more of a novelette than an answer, but when I came across this question, I felt a bit of responsibility to respond with a glimpse of my experience so that if you have blacked out even just once due to drinking, it is a neon warning sign that has been attached to your forehead in the ugliest color you can think of flashing constantly. It means that you need to take a good hard look at your drinking patterns. As I have been. Much luck to you, feel free to contact me if I hit a nerve or whatever - and no, I have not completely stopped drinking - I'm not trying to preach anything or be hypocrytical - we're all in this "happily ever after" life together.
2007-03-09 23:29:57
answer #2
answered by JosieJo 3
Yeah tequila's good for that so is JD's (Jack Daniels - not my name by the way lol)
The next I struggle to figure out all the bits and pieces, like how the hell did I get home? Or who on earth is this body in my bed (not that that's ever happened to me but I know people who have had it happen - it's kinda funny)? Or, why am I sleeping in the tub? Hahahaha! Thinking back it makes me laugh! Don't do it much anymore though cuz I like to remember that I've had a good time and someone hasn't robbed me of my money!
2007-03-09 10:23:39
answer #3
answered by JD 6
Yes, once during spring break in Rosarito Mexico. I woke up with my socks inside out and could not remember the night before. Must of been a hell of a night, I just wish I could remember it.
2007-03-09 10:22:59
answer #4
answered by Arturo C 2
2007-03-09 10:21:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I went out for a quiet night once and ended up losing 3days. apparently we all had an amazing time and friends still talk about things that happened now.
I hope one day it'll all come back, although when/if it does i'll probably wish it didn't.
2007-03-09 10:27:05
answer #6
answered by Blue 3
hmm.. I drank so much that I threw up, but pass out? no, I dont think so.. had a nice sleep afterwards though..
2007-03-09 10:26:16
answer #7
answered by ash 3
2007-03-09 11:48:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2007-03-09 10:24:06
answer #9
answered by ≤Daлiel≥ 6
Yes, years ago. I remembered real quick when I had to clean up the puke the next day.
2007-03-09 10:22:00
answer #10
answered by Veruca Salt 6