The best means of controlling creeping Charlie is with a postemergence broadleaf herbicide. As with any pesticide, always read and follow label directions. The best choice for homeowners is a weed killer containing salt of dicamba (3, 6-dichloro-o-anisic acid). This active ingredient is often found in combination products, such as Trimec or Three Way Lawn Weed Killer, so check the ingredient list on the label to see if it contains dicamba. The other chemicals in these combinations are generally 2,4-D (2, 4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and mecoprop or MCPP (2-(2-methly-4-chlorophenoxy) propionic acid). Products containing triclopyr or 2,4-DP may also provide decent control. These products are good for applications on lawns, but can't be used in vegetable or flower gardens as many broadleaf plants are very susceptible to these herbicides and even minimal amounts of the herbicide will cause severe injury. In those areas it's best to hand pull or hoe the invaders. If there's more creeping Charlie than grass in your lawn, it may be easier to start over by killing all the vegetation and reseeding the lawn.
2007-03-09 11:15:31
answer #1
answered by paul R 3
it is regrettably untrue. each and every so often, women folk tend to enhance greater hair as they age. Tweezing is a surprising technique. The hair won't improve back interior an identical spot, offered to procure the basis too. yet, it is going to maximum in all probability improve in someplace interior sight. non everlasting answer. Shaving is purely going to final a pair days such as you legs. extremely non everlasting. Waxing is a large technique. Drugstores sell the eyebrow waxing kits with prewaxed strips and eyebrow guides so which you do not take off too plenty. Very lengthy-lasting. Nail is plenty like waxing. The chemical compounds dissolve the hair on the basis and inhibits regrowth for weeks. yet, some those with comfortable pores and skin are allergic to the chemical compounds and could reason painful breakouts. purchase Nail for the Face and Biniki section at a drugstore. Use an extremely small quantity in an not honestly seen section. yet not your direct bikini section. An damaging reaction could desire to be very painful in this section. attempt the better thigh or underside of the neck.
2016-10-17 23:52:19
answer #2
answered by console 4
Put it in a flower pot, that should kill it. Just a little humor.
2007-03-09 10:06:45
answer #3
answered by ? 7